Thematic Deep-Dive: Global digital commons

Guiding questions:

  1. Which challenges in the domain of digital transformation can be addressed by strengthening “global digital commons”? What could a “global digital commons” approach entail – in terms of possible principles, values, and ideas? How should these principles influence the creation of “global digital commons” and their governance?
  2. Digital public goods (DPGs) and digital public infrastructures are increasingly part of countries’ digital transformations, including by promoting digital inclusion, as well as supporting other sectors such as health, environment, and education. What are the main challenges with regards to digital public infrastructure? How can the GDC contribute to the safety and inclusivity of digital public infrastructure and mitigate potential harm? How can the GDC contribute to strengthening the global DPG ecosystem and increase local adoption of DPGs?

Thematic Deep-Dive: Accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Guiding questions:

  1. Given existing experience, especially from the Global South, where and how is digital technology helping to deliver on the SDGs (eg health, water, jobs environment)? How can experiences be shared effectively? Are there any principles and approaches that could be generalized?
  2. How can Member States, the private sector, civil society, the technical community, and individuals work together to design and apply digital technologies for the purpose of accelerating process on the SDGs? What role could capacity-development of public officials and other development stakeholders play in this regard?
  3. Which future challenges, for example with regards to environmental sustainability, could digital technologies create or help solve in relations to the SDG? What measures could support stakeholders in tackling these issues?

Thematic Deep-Dive: Digital trust and security

Guiding questions:

  1. Digital spaces and online platforms can be exploited by actors for financial,
    criminal, social, political, or malicious goals – to spread falsehood, violent and
    extreme content, perpetrate scams and other crimes, and manipulate online
    behaviors. Which collaborative measures undertaken by Governments, the
    private sector and civil society have proved effective in tackling such misuse
    so far? How can global digital cooperation strengthen their implementation?
  1. Different jurisdictions apply different norms to online behaviors. Different
    online platforms apply different policies to similar online behaviors. How can
    Member States, the private sector and relevant stakeholders engage to define
    common frameworks to address the challenges to online safety?
  2. Regarding mis/disinformation and online harm, what policies, frameworks
    and measures can be adopted by governments and companies to protect the
    integrity of public information and preserve civic spaces for public debate?
  3. What digital cooperation measures, for example trust labels, audits, and
    certification schemes, can stakeholders consider promoting trust and safety for
    consumer products and services, including AI models? How can we enhance
    digital literacy skills and training so that people are empowered to protect

Thematic Deep-Dive: Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies

Guiding questions:

  1. How can we move from principles to practical measures that will help guide
    and lead the application of AI technologies in different contexts, and how can
    these be aligned?
  2. How can regulators and innovators work together to promote the development
    and rollout of new emerging technologies while protecting human and
    planetary safety, human agency, and fundamental rights?
  3. What measures can be taken to ensure that AI and other emerging
    technologies promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?

Thematic Deep-Dive: Human rights online

Guiding questions:

  1. Digital technologies can greatly contribute to the protection of human rights. However, digital surveillance, censorship, algorithmic bias, online harassment, and other forms of abuse can suppress or violate human rights. How can women and girls, children, and persons in vulnerable situations such as persons with disabilities or persons belonging to linguistic minorities be supported in exercising their human rights online?
  2. What are the gaps in terms of existing mechanisms for protection and promotion of human rights in the digital domain? How can accountability of digital platforms – public and private – be strengthened?
  3. How can international organizations, Member States and other stakeholders work together to ensure human rights offline are protected online?

Thematic Deep-Dive: Data protection

Guiding questions:

  1. Art. 17 ICCPR recognizes the individual right to privacy. How can governments, data protection authorities’ private companies, the scientific community and civil society work together to ensure personal data is processed, stored, secured and protected against misuse?
  2. What principles would support quality and interoperable data so that governments, international organizations, the private sector, civil society and individuals can contribute to and benefit from digital trade and economy and leave no one behind?
  3. Data is a key enabler of innovation and research. How can stakeholders leverage tools such as (pseudo)anonymization,1 encryption, portability, etc. to drive innovation and interoperability while protecting personal data?

Thematic Deep-Dive: Internet governance

Guiding questions:

  • Over the last twenty years the share of world’s population connected to the internet has more than quadrupled. New internet-based tools – from the smartphone to social media – have emerged and we are moving into an Internet of Things. How can we continue to ensure the unfragmented safe, global, secure, and inclusive internet?
  • The 2005 Tunis Agenda endorsed a multi-stakeholder approach to the governance of the internet. How have we succeeded in realizing vision? How do the roles and functions of various multi-stakeholder forums such as ICANN, IETF and the IGF come together to support internet governance? And how can they be strengthened?
  • How can governments, technical standard bodies, civil society, industry and all stakeholders work together for an open, indivisible, free, interoperable, global, secure, inclusive Internet?