The GIP Digital Watch Observatory features more than thousand resources related to over 50 digital policy and Internet governance issues. Resources include: convention and laws; policy instruments; books and publications; academic papers; conference proceedings; studies and reports; articles, editorials, and interviews; multimedia; toolkits, useful links, and other resources. You can also explore instruments through a dedicated interactive map.
National Cybersecurity Strategy of the Republic of Rwanda 2024-2029
Strategies and Action Plans
The National Cybersecurity Strategy of the Republic of Rwanda 2024-2029 is a comprehensive plan developed to enhance Rwanda’s cybersecurity posture in response to the growing digitalization of the country. The Government of Rwanda (GoR) has heavily invested in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as a cornerstone for national economic growth. Recognising the increasing sophistication and (See more)
National Regulations
This text of EU AI Act is taken from the Official Journal of the EU with the main purpose to provide expert analysis and teaching guide for the Act. Text of the EU AI Act REGULATION (EU) 2024/1689 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 13 June 2024 laying down harmonised rules on artificial (See more)
UN convention against cybercrime
Conventions and Treaties
Draft UN convention against cybercrime was adopted on 7 August by Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes of the UN General Assembly | A/AC/291/L.15 | Official version of the text of the convention is available here. The Convention was negotiated by (See more)
Mind the AI Divide: Shaping a Global Perspective on the Future of Work
Policy Reports
Foreword The uneven adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a critical issue that goes beyond economic growth. It impacts global equity, fairness and the social contract that is at the heart of social justice. Disparities in access to robust infrastructure, advanced technology, quality education and training are deepening existing inequalities. As the global economy increasingly (See more)
[DRAFT] Elements for the Open-Ended Action-Oriented Permanent Mechanism on ICT Security in the context of international security
Policy Reports
1 This paper sets out elements for the establishment at the United Nations of an open-ended, action-oriented permanent mechanism on ICT security in the context of international security following the conclusion of the work of the Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of ICTs 2021-2025 (OEWG). The permanent mechanism will be (See more)
(AU) Continental Artificial Intelligence Strategy
Strategies and Action Plans
This text is sourced from the official African Union website and is intended to serve as a foundation for expert analysis and as a teaching resource. EXPLORE Strategy via AI assistant Harnessing AI for Africa’s Development and Prosperity Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more than a technological leap; it’s a transformative force reshaping our world. With (See more)
OEWG 2021-2025 third annual progress report (APR)
Resolutions and Declarations
Eighth substantive session, New York8-12 July 2024 Draft Annual Progress Report A. Overview 1. The sixth, seventh and eighth formal sessions as well as the dedicated intersessional meetings of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on the security of and in the use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) 2021-2025 took place in a geopolitical environment (See more)
Global Digital Compact | Rev.3
1. Digital technologies are dramatically transforming our world. They offer immense potential benefits for the wellbeing and advancement of people, societies, and for our planet. They hold out the promise of accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 2. We can only achieve this through strengthened international cooperation that closes all digital divides between (See more)
The United Nations Global Principles for Information Integrity
The information ecosystem in the digital era Technological advances have in a few short decades revolutionized communications, connecting individuals and communities on a previously unthinkable scale and presenting unparalleled opportunities for the diffusion of knowledge, cultural enrichment and sustainable development. They have in many ways raised ambitions for the integrity of the information ecosystem—where freedom (See more)
UNGA Resolution on enhancing international cooperation on AI | ‘China’ AI Resolution
Resolutions and Declarations
The General Assembly,Reaffirming international law, in particular the Charter of the United Nations, and recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Reaffirming also its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the (See more)
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