Iraq lifted Telegram App ban after company addresses data leak concerns

Iraq’s telecoms ministry ended its ban on the Telegram messaging app this Sunday, implemented earlier in the week, due to concerns about security and the leakage of sensitive information from government entities and citizens. In Iraq, Telegram is not just a means of communication but also a platform for news dissemination and content sharing.

Certain channels on the app have contained substantial personal data, including names, addresses, and familial connections of Iraqi residents. The ministry’s decision to lift the ban stemmed from the company that owns Telegram complying with security authorities’ demands to reveal the sources responsible for the data leaks. The company has also expressed willingness to cooperate with relevant authorities.

Telegram’s press team noted in response to a Reuters inquiry that sharing private data without consent goes against their terms of service, and moderators consistently remove such content. The team confirmed the removal of channels with personal data but emphasized that Telegram had not been asked for private user data and had not shared any. In the previous week, the ministry stated that Telegram’s company hadn’t responded to their request to shut down platforms leaking official government and personal citizen data.

Why does it matter?

The decision to lift the ban on the Telegram app underscores the challenges governments face in balancing national security and upholding citizens’ rights to use digital communication tools. Nevertheless, it’s important to highlight that Iraq’s Ministry of Communications (MoC) indicated the app’s compliance with security authorities’ demands, whereas Telegram emphasized that they hadn’t received any requests for private user data and had not shared any such information. The sharing of information like this would be unprecedented, considering that in similar requests from countries like Russia and Brazil, Telegram has consistently refused to provide any data that could identify users.

Ofcom report highlights challenges in understanding video-sharing platform rules

The media regulator Ofcom has found that many users of video-sharing platforms like OnlyFans, Twitch, and Snapchat struggle to comprehend the complex and lengthy terms and conditions of these platforms. Ofcom examined six platforms and discovered that advanced reading skills were necessary to understand the rules, making them unsuitable for children.

Jessica Zucker, Ofcom’s online safety policy director, emphasized that unambiguous rules are essential for protecting users, especially children, from harm. OnlyFans had the longest terms, taking over an hour for adult users to read, followed by Twitch, Snapchat, TikTok, Brand New Tube, and BitChute. Ofcom assessed the terms as difficult to read, except for TikTok’s, which were more accessible but still challenging for young users.

Some platforms use “clickwrap” agreements, making agreeing easier without reading the terms. Users also lack understanding about prohibited content and potential consequences for rule violations. Moderators’ training and resources varied, impacting their ability to enforce terms effectively. Platforms like Snapchat acknowledged the need for clearer guidelines and committed to improvements based on Ofcom’s findings.

Why does it matter?

While these platforms have become integral to modern communication and entertainment, the complexity and length of their rules are creating significant barriers for users to understand their rights and responsibilities. Moreover, using methods like “clickwrap” raises crucial questions regarding users’ informed consent and subsequent accountability. As for enforcing these rules, inconsistent training and resources for moderators can lead to uneven enforcement, potentially allowing harmful or prohibited content to go unchecked. Twitter’s last year’s decision to scale down its team of contract-based content monitors has garnered criticism from various organizations, further igniting discussions on the platform’s content governance practices and the essential role moderators have in enforcing them.

Georgia considers law requiring parental consent for children’s social media accounts

The state of Georgia lawmakers, including Lt. Gov. Burt Jones and Sen. Jason Anavitarte, are considering a law that would make it necessary for children to have explicit consent from their parents before creating social media accounts. This proposal, planned for 2024, could also apply to other online services.

Anavitarte emphasized the importance of empowering parents who might not know how to manage content access for their children. This initiative takes inspiration from Louisiana’s recently passed law, which mandates age verification and parental consent for minors joining social media platforms. Similar laws have been enacted in Arkansas, Texas, and Utah.

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has expressed concerns about social media safety for young individuals. Meta Platforms, owner of Facebook and Instagram, has been contacted regarding these plans. This move comes in response to the popularity of social media among teenagers, with the Pew Research Center reporting up to 95% of teens aged 13 to 17 use such platforms. Anavitarte also aims to strengthen Georgia’s cyberbullying law.

Why does it matter?

With the surge in underage social media use and potential associated risks, such legislative efforts seem well-intentioned in safeguarding minors from online threats, including cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and privacy breaches. However, advocates for free speech caution that these actions might result in websites restricting access to information and creating obstacles for adults’ access. Additionally, the introduced laws might prompt online platforms to implement government identification for age verification purposes, which is already happening on some pornography sites, raising concerns about privacy and potential data breaches.

UK regulator investigates Snapchat’s handling of underage users

The UK’s data regulator is collecting information about Snapchat’s efforts to remove underage users from its platform. This comes after a report revealed that Snap Inc., the company behind Snapchat, had only removed a few underage users in the UK while having thousands of such users, according to estimates.

UK law requires parental consent for processing data of children under 13. Snapchat generally requires users to be 13 or older but has not disclosed its measures to address this issue. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has received complaints and is assessing whether Snap breached rules. Snap could be fined up to 4% of its annual global turnover if found in breach.

Similar pressure has been on other social media platforms like TikTok, which was fined for mishandling children’s data. Snapchat blocks users under 13 from signing up their age, but other platforms take more proactive steps to prevent underage access.

Why does it matter?

As social media platforms increasingly become spaces for cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and other risks that could have lasting psychological and emotional effects on young individuals, governments are contemplating measures to protect these individuals. Recently, these platforms have encountered hurdles as they navigate a complex landscape of US state laws. The laws demand age verification from users and seek enhanced parental control over children’s accounts. The focus is on both ensuring user safety and ensuring that social media companies uphold responsible practices, particularly regarding children’s welfare.

Tech groups rally behind TikTok in lawsuit against Montana state ban

Two prominent technology advocacy groups, NetChoice and Chamber of Progress, have thrown their support behind TikTok’s legal battle to thwart the enforcement of a forthcoming ban on the popular short video-sharing app in Montana.

The groups jointly filed a court document asserting that Montana’s ban on TikTok contradicts the fundamental principles of the internet and could lead to a fragmented online experience. TikTok, owned by China’s ByteDance, has been locked in a legal dispute since May, claiming that the state’s ban infringes upon the First Amendment rights of the company and its users.

The tech groups contended that the ban, if implemented, could lead to a fragmented internet where access to information is restricted based on local political preferences, diminishing the overall value of the internet for humanity. A court hearing on TikTok’s request for a preliminary injunction is scheduled for October 12th.

Why does it matter?

Former President Donald Trump attempted to block new downloads of TikTok in 2020. Still, his efforts were thwarted by a series of court decisions, not without prompting a cascade of global considerations. Concerns include data privacy and content censorship, particularly regarding potential Chinese access to user data.  Austria recently joined the UK and the EU states in prohibiting TikTok on government devices, reflecting this global trend. Tech groups argue that these decisions could have potential consequences for allowing states to ban specific online platforms, leading to a fragmented internet experience and curtailing users’ access to global networks.

UK government new rules to protect children online

The UK government is introducing new rules to combat illegal advertisements, influencer scams, and protect children online. These rules will require social media platforms, websites, and advertising display networks to take stronger measures against age-restricted adverts targeting children for products like alcohol or gambling. The aim is to address fraudulent celebrity endorsements, pop-up malware, and promotions for prohibited products such as weapons and drugs.

Currently, there is a self-regulatory system for online advertising overseen by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), but it lacks the power to address illegal harms as effectively as harmful advertising by legitimate businesses. The government plans to introduce statutory regulation to tackle illegal paid-for online adverts and enhance child protection. This new regulation will extend responsibilities to major players across the online advertising supply chain, including ad tech intermediary services and promotional posts by social media influencers.

The government will launch a consultation on the specifics of potential legislation, including the preferred choice for a regulator to oversee the new rules. The task force will gather evidence on illegal advertising and collaborate with industry initiatives to protect children and address harmful practices. The proposed regulations aim to strike a balance between internet safety and supporting innovation in online advertising while ensuring transparency, consumer trust, and industry growth.

Former Kenyan TikTok content moderator threatens lawsuit over mental health

A former TikTok content moderator in Kenya, James Oyange Odhiambo, has alleged that he developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to his work and was unfairly dismissed for advocating for better working conditions.

The law firm representing Odhiambo has sent a letter to TikTok’s parent company ByteDance and the outsourcing company Majorel threatening a lawsuit if their demands are not met within two weeks. The letter alleges that content moderators were, at times, required to watch between 250 and 350 disturbing and violent videos per hour without adequate mental health support. A TikTok spokesperson declined to comment on the accusations made in the letter. ByteDance did not respond to Time’s request for comment.

This case follows similar legal trouble faced by big tech companies over content moderation in Kenya, including a ruling that Facebook’s parent company Meta could be held liable for law violations.

TikTok asks US judge to block Montana state ban on app

TikTok, owned by China’s ByteDance, has filed a lawsuit against the Montana state ban and is seeking a preliminary injunction to block its enforcement that should come into effect on 1 January. Montana passed a law imposing fines of $10,000 for each violation by TikTok. The law does not impose penalties on individual TikTok users.

TikTok filed suit in May and is now asking the US District Judge to issue a preliminary injunction to block the first-of-its-kind US state ban on several grounds, claiming that it infringes on the First Amendment rights of both TikTok and its users. Additionally, the platforms claim that the ban is preempted by federal law and violates the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution.

The company estimates that around 380,000 people in Montana use TikTok out of 150 million users nationwide. The platform also insists that it does not share any data with the Chinese government and warns that the ban would have significant and irreversible effects on its business and brand. Montana, on the other hand, is considering expanding the ban.

Finnish newspaper hides news about Ukraine for Russians in an online game

A Finish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat found a way to bypass Russian censorship about the war in Ukraine by using a secret room in an online multiplayer game Counter-Strike. The game is played by many online, and Russian players make up a tenth of the players.

The newspaper created a custom-built map de_vonya in a secret room underneath a map that players can stumble upon. Only ‘killed’ players can wander around the map and open the door to the secret room, where the map shows facts, figures, and photographs of the situation in Ukraine. If a player is still active or ‘alive’ in the game, the door to the secret room remains closed.

The newspaper said that to shed light on press freedom, they have created a custom map of a Slavic city called Voyna, meaning war in Russian. The information provided in the secret room is in Russian and is reported by the newspaper’s war correspondents in Ukraine. The map has been one of the most visited in the game during May.

China’s internet censor closed over 4,000 websites and removed 55 apps

Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the Chinese internet watchdog, has shut down 4,200 sites and removed 55 apps from app stores. In a press statement, it also summoned more than 2,200 websites to rectify their content.

Since 2016, China has been running an annual campaign to ‘clean up’ the Chinese cyberspace. Reasons for banning or shutdowns vary from promoting unauthorised politically related content and news services to spreading ‘harmful information’ such as superstitions, gambling, prostitution, pornography, and illegal lending. China has tightened its control of the internet also in an attempt to limit Western influence. To date, major platforms such as, Baidu, Sina Weibo, Douyu, and Douban have been fined for failing to supervise information posted by users.

The Cyberspace Administration also seeks on-site inspections through provincial and prefecture-level enforcement teams.