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The digital economy in the Philippines is set for significant growth, powered by rapid advancements in digital infrastructure. By 2030, the digital economy is expected to reach between $80 billion and $150 billion in gross merchandise value, with the internet economy alone projected to grow 30% annually, reaching $28 billion by 2025. In 2023, the digital economy contributed 8.4% to the country’s GDP, reflecting a 7.7% growth from the previous year. This transformation is driven by the nation’s digital infrastructure, which could, by some estimates, unlock up to $101.3 billion in economic value by 2030. The data centre market is also expanding, forecasted to grow from $488.50 million in 2023 to $669.70 million by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of 6.51%. Government initiatives and strong private sector involvement, with investments from companies like ST Telemedia Global Data Centres Philippines, are crucial to this growth

Internet governance

The Philippines has been actively pursuing a comprehensive agenda for internet governance and digital transformation. This effort is aimed at bolstering economic growth, improving government services, and enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. The country’s approach involves various stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector companies, and civil society organizations, working together to achieve these goals.

Policy Framework and Regulatory Environment

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) is the primary government agency responsible for overseeing the Philippines’ ICT policies and regulations. The regulatory landscape is shaped by several key pieces of legislation and policy initiatives. The Data Privacy Act of 2012 ensures the protection of personal data by mandating secure handling and processing practices for organizations. The National Privacy Commission (NPC) oversees the implementation of the Data Privacy Act, ensuring the protection of personal data across the country. The NPC conducts audits, enforces compliance, and educates both the public and organizations about data privacy best practices. The commission’s efforts are aimed at fostering a culture of data protection and ensuring that personal information is handled responsibly and securely.

Finally, the Free Public Internet Access Act aims to provide free internet access in public places, fostering greater digital inclusion across the nation.

Collaboration and Debate

The Philippines adopts a collaborative approach to internet governance, involving various stakeholders from different sectors. The government, through agencies like the DICT, leads the formulation and implementation of policies. The private sector, including telecommunications companies and tech firms, plays a crucial role in developing digital infrastructure and providing services. Civil society organizations and advocacy groups contribute to policy discussions, promote digital rights, and raise awareness about important issues. International organizations, such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), offer guidance and support, ensuring that local policies align with global standards. The Philippine Internet Governance Forum (PHIGF) serves as a vital platform for dialogue and cooperation among these diverse stakeholders.

The Philippines actively engages in international cooperation to advance its digital transformation agenda. Partnerships with organizations like the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and ASEAN member states help in sharing best practices, securing funding, and implementing joint projects.

Digital strategies

The Philippines has adopted a range of digital strategies aimed at fostering economic growth, improving government services, and enhancing the overall quality of life for its citizens. These strategies are designed to address various aspects of the digital ecosystem, from infrastructure development and digital inclusion to cybersecurity and innovation.

Philippine Digital Transformation Strategy 2022

The Philippine Digital Transformation Strategy 2022 is a comprehensive plan designed to accelerate the country’s shift towards a digitally empowered society.

The vision of the Philippine Digital Transformation Strategy 2022 is to create a digitally empowered and inclusive nation where technology enables innovation, drives economic growth, and enhances the delivery of public services. The key objectives include:

  1. Digital Infrastructure Development: Ensuring that robust and reliable digital infrastructure is available nationwide, with a particular focus on underserved and rural areas.
  2. E-Government Services: Enhancing government efficiency and transparency by digitizing public services and promoting interoperability among government agencies.
  3. Digital Literacy and Skills: Building a digitally literate and skilled workforce capable of thriving in a digital economy.
  4. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: Strengthening cybersecurity measures and ensuring the protection of personal data.
  5. Digital Economy Growth: Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship to foster the growth of the digital economy.

National Broadband Plan (NBP)

The National Broadband Plan (NBP) aims to provide high-speed internet access to all Filipinos, particularly those in underserved and rural areas. The NBP focuses on the following key areas:

  1. Infrastructure Development: The NBP includes projects like the Luzon Bypass Infrastructure, which aims to enhance the country’s internet backbone. This project involves the construction of a 250-kilometer submarine cable system, which will significantly increase the country’s internet capacity and reduce connectivity costs.
  2. Public-Private Partnerships: The plan encourages collaboration between the government and private sector to expand broadband infrastructure. This includes initiatives to co-invest in network expansion and to leverage existing infrastructure for greater efficiency.
  3. Last Mile Connectivity: Special emphasis is placed on reaching remote and underserved areas through last-mile connectivity solutions. This includes the deployment of wireless technologies and satellite internet to ensure no region is left behind.

E-Government Master Plan (eGMP)

The E-Government Master Plan (eGMP) aims to digitize government processes and promote interoperability among government agencies. The key components of this plan include:

  1. National Government Portal: The www.gov.ph portal serves as a one-stop shop for government services. It provides a centralized platform where citizens can access information, submit applications, and interact with various government agencies online.
  2. Digitization of Services: The plan involves the digitization of numerous government services, including business registrations, tax filings, and public records management. This reduces the need for physical paperwork and streamlines service delivery.
  3. Interoperability Framework: The eGMP promotes the development of an interoperability framework to ensure that different government systems can communicate and share data seamlessly. This enhances efficiency and reduces redundancies in government operations.

Digital Start-Up Development Program

To foster innovation and entrepreneurship, the Digital Start-Up Development Program supports the creation and growth of tech startups in the Philippines. Key initiatives under this program include:

  1. Funding and Grants: The government provides funding and grants to startups through various programs and competitions. This financial support helps startups to scale their operations and bring innovative products to market.
  2. Incubation and Acceleration: The program includes incubation and acceleration services, offering startups access to mentorship, business development resources, and networking opportunities. These services are designed to help startups navigate the challenges of early-stage development and growth.
  3. Innovation Hubs: Establishment of innovation hubs and co-working spaces where startups can collaborate, access shared resources, and engage with potential investors and partners.

e-Commerce Roadmap 2022

The e-Commerce Roadmap 2022 outlines strategies to boost the e-commerce sector in the Philippines, making it a competitive player in the global digital economy. The roadmap focuses on:

  1. Regulatory Framework: Simplifying and harmonizing regulations to facilitate e-commerce operations. This includes streamlining business registration processes, improving tax policies, and ensuring consumer protection.
  2. Logistics and Payment Systems: Enhancing logistics infrastructure and payment systems to support efficient e-commerce transactions. Efforts include improving delivery networks, expanding cashless payment options, and integrating digital payment solutions.
  3. Digital Skills Development: Promoting digital literacy and skills development among entrepreneurs and consumers. This includes training programs and workshops to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to participate in the digital economy.
  4. Market Access: Facilitating market access for local businesses through initiatives that promote Philippine products on international e-commerce platforms. This includes partnerships with global e-commerce giants and participation in trade fairs and expos.

Tech4ED (Technology for Education, Employment, Entrepreneurs, and Economic Development)

Tech4ED is a flagship program aimed at enhancing digital literacy and inclusion across the Philippines. It focuses on:

  1. Community Centers: Establishing Tech4ED centers in communities nationwide, particularly in remote and underserved areas. These centers provide access to digital tools and resources, including computers, internet, and e-learning modules.
  2. Education and Training: Offering training programs in digital literacy, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and other essential skills. These programs are designed to empower individuals to leverage digital technologies for personal and professional development.
  3. Employment Support: Providing job matching and employment support services through Tech4ED centers. This includes resume building, job search assistance, and connections with potential employers.
  4. Entrepreneurial Development: Supporting local entrepreneurs with resources and training to start and grow their businesses. This includes access to market information, business planning tools, and mentorship from experienced business leaders.

Cybersecurity is the backbone of the Philippines’ digital transformation strategy. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies, the need to protect the country’s digital infrastructure, data, and citizens from cyber threats has become paramount. The Philippines has developed a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that encompasses legal frameworks, institutional structures, public awareness campaigns, and international cooperation.

National Cybersecurity Plan 2022

The National Cybersecurity Plan is the cornerstone of the Philippines’ efforts to enhance its cybersecurity posture. The plan outlines a holistic approach to building cyber resilience and protecting critical information infrastructure. Key aspects of the plan include:

  1. Legal and Regulatory Frameworks:
    • Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012: This act provides the legal foundation for prosecuting cybercrimes. It defines various cyber offenses, including hacking, identity theft, cyber-squatting, and online fraud, and sets penalties for these crimes.
    • Data Privacy Act of 2012: This act ensures the protection of personal data. It mandates organizations to implement appropriate security measures to safeguard personal information and to report data breaches promptly.
  2. Institutional Structures:
    • Cybersecurity Bureau: Established under the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), the Cybersecurity Bureau is tasked with implementing cybersecurity policies, coordinating responses to cyber incidents, and fostering public-private partnerships. The bureau works closely with other government agencies, private sector entities, and international partners to address cybersecurity challenges.
    • National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-PH): CERT-PH is responsible for responding to and mitigating the impact of cyber incidents. It monitors cyber threats, provides early warnings, and coordinates responses to cyber attacks.
  3. Protecting Critical Information Infrastructure:
    • The National Cybersecurity Plan emphasizes the protection of critical information infrastructure (CII) sectors, such as energy, transportation, finance, health, and telecommunications. Measures include conducting regular risk assessments, implementing robust security protocols, and establishing incident response teams for each sector.
  4. Cybersecurity Awareness and Education:
    • Public Awareness Campaigns: The government conducts nationwide campaigns to raise awareness about cybersecurity threats and promote best practices. These campaigns target various groups, including businesses, schools, and the general public, educating them about safe online behaviors and the importance of cybersecurity.
    • Education Programs: The DICT collaborates with educational institutions to integrate cybersecurity into school curricula. Additionally, professional training programs and certifications are offered to build a skilled cybersecurity workforce.
  5. Incident Response and Management:
    • The National Cybersecurity Plan outlines protocols for incident response and management, including the establishment of a centralized incident reporting and coordination system. This system enables rapid detection, analysis, and mitigation of cyber threats, ensuring a swift and coordinated response to cyber incidents.

Public Awareness and Capacity Building

Raising public awareness and building capacity are crucial for enhancing the country’s cybersecurity posture. Initiatives in this area include:

  1. Cybersecurity Month: The Philippines observes Cybersecurity Month every October, during which various activities are conducted to raise awareness about cybersecurity. These activities include seminars, workshops, webinars, and public service announcements focusing on different aspects of cybersecurity.
  2. Digital Literacy Programs: The government implements digital literacy programs that include cybersecurity modules. These programs are aimed at educating citizens about safe online practices, recognizing cyber threats, and protecting personal information.
  3. Training and Certification: The DICT offers training programs and certifications for IT professionals to enhance their cybersecurity skills. These programs cover areas such as ethical hacking, incident response, and network security.

International Cooperation and Partnerships

Cybersecurity is a global challenge that requires international collaboration. The Philippines actively engages in international cooperation to strengthen its cybersecurity capabilities. Key initiatives include:

  1. ASEAN Cybersecurity Cooperation: The Philippines participates in various ASEAN initiatives aimed at enhancing regional cybersecurity. This includes sharing best practices, conducting joint exercises, and developing harmonized cybersecurity standards and policies.
  2. Bilateral Agreements: The Philippines has entered into bilateral agreements with countries such as the United States, Japan, and Australia to collaborate on cybersecurity. These agreements facilitate information sharing, capacity development, and joint research and development efforts.
AI strategies and policies

The Philippines recognizes the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The country’s AI strategy focuses on fostering innovation, building a robust AI ecosystem, and ensuring the ethical use of AI technologies.

National AI Roadmap

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has spearheaded the development of the National AI Roadmap, which outlines the strategic vision for AI in the Philippines. The roadmap is designed to position the country as an AI powerhouse in Southeast Asia by leveraging AI technologies to drive industrial development, enhance government services, and improve societal well-being. Key components of the roadmap include:

The roadmap envisions the Philippines as a leading AI hub in the region, with a vibrant AI ecosystem that supports innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. It aims to integrate AI across various sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, education, and public administration.

  1. Key Objectives:
    • Economic Growth: Boosting economic productivity by integrating AI into key industries and encouraging the development of AI-driven startups and enterprises.
    • Government Services: Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of government services through AI-driven solutions, such as predictive analytics, automated processes, and improved decision-making.
    • Societal Impact: Improving the quality of life for Filipinos by addressing societal challenges with AI technologies, such as healthcare diagnostics, disaster management, and environmental protection.
  2. Implementation Strategies:
    • AI Research and Development: Promoting AI research and development through funding, grants, and collaboration with academic institutions and private sector partners. Establishing AI research centers and innovation hubs to foster a culture of innovation.
    • Capacity Building: Developing a skilled AI workforce by integrating AI education into school curricula, offering specialized training programs, and providing scholarships for AI-related studies. Encouraging continuous learning and upskilling for professionals in the AI field.
    • Infrastructure Development: Building the necessary digital infrastructure to support AI deployment, including high-speed internet, cloud computing, and data storage facilities. Ensuring data availability and accessibility while maintaining privacy and security standards.
    • Regulatory Framework: Developing a regulatory framework that promotes the ethical use of AI, ensures data privacy and security, and addresses potential risks associated with AI technologies. Establishing guidelines for AI governance and accountability.

Ethical AI and Governance

The ethical use of AI is a core principle of the Philippines’ AI strategy. The government is committed to ensuring that AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly, with a focus on transparency, fairness, and accountability. Key initiatives in this area include:

  1. AI Ethics Guidelines:
    • Developing and implementing guidelines for the ethical use of AI. These guidelines address issues such as bias, discrimination, transparency, and accountability in AI systems. They aim to ensure that AI technologies are designed and used in ways that are fair, transparent, and respect human rights.
  2. Data Privacy and Security:
    • Ensuring the protection of personal data through robust data privacy and security measures. The National Privacy Commission (NPC) oversees the implementation of the Data Privacy Act of 2012, which mandates organizations to implement appropriate security measures to protect personal information. This includes guidelines for data handling, storage, and sharing, especially in AI applications that rely on large datasets.
  3. AI Governance Framework:
    • Establishing a governance framework for AI that includes mechanisms for oversight, accountability, and stakeholder engagement. This framework ensures that AI development and deployment are aligned with national priorities and ethical standards. It involves collaboration between government agencies, industry, academia, and civil society to create a balanced and inclusive approach to AI governance.

AI in Key Sectors

The National AI Roadmap identifies several key sectors where AI can have a significant impact. The strategy includes sector-specific initiatives to integrate AI technologies and drive innovation:

  1. Manufacturing:
    • Promoting the use of AI in manufacturing to enhance productivity, efficiency, and quality. This includes the adoption of AI-driven automation, predictive maintenance, and quality control systems. Encouraging the development of smart factories and Industry 4.0 solutions.
  2. Agriculture:
    • Leveraging AI to improve agricultural practices and increase crop yields. Initiatives include the use of AI for precision farming, pest detection, soil analysis, and climate forecasting. Supporting the development of AI-driven agricultural technologies and startups.
  3. Healthcare:
    • Enhancing healthcare delivery through AI-driven solutions for diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient care. This includes the use of AI for medical imaging, personalized medicine, telemedicine, and health data analytics. Collaborating with healthcare providers and technology companies to develop and implement AI healthcare solutions.
  4. Education:
    • Integrating AI into the education system to enhance learning outcomes and personalize education. This includes the use of AI-powered educational tools, adaptive learning platforms, and intelligent tutoring systems. Promoting AI literacy and skills development among students and educators.
  5. Public Administration:
    • Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government services through AI-driven solutions. This includes the use of AI for data analysis, policy-making, public safety, and disaster management. Implementing AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to enhance citizen engagement and service delivery.

AI Research and Development

Promoting AI research and development is a key priority of the Philippines’ AI strategy. The government aims to create a vibrant AI research ecosystem that fosters innovation and collaboration. Key initiatives include:

  1. AI Research Centers:
    • Establishing AI research centers and innovation hubs across the country. These centers serve as collaborative spaces for researchers, academics, and industry experts to conduct cutting-edge AI research and develop innovative solutions.
  2. Funding and Grants:
    • Providing funding and grants to support AI research and development projects. This includes government funding programs, partnerships with international organizations, and collaboration with the private sector. Encouraging public-private partnerships to drive AI innovation.
  3. Collaboration and Partnerships:
    • Promoting collaboration between academia, industry, and government to advance AI research. This includes partnerships with universities, research institutions, and technology companies to conduct joint research, share resources, and develop AI solutions.

Capacity Building and Skills Development

Building a skilled AI workforce is essential for the successful implementation of the Philippines’ AI strategy. Key initiatives in this area include:

  1. AI Education and Training:
    • Integrating AI education into school curricula at all levels, from primary education to higher education. Offering specialized AI training programs and courses to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed for AI careers. Providing scholarships and incentives for AI-related studies.
  2. Professional Development:
    • Offering continuous learning and upskilling opportunities for professionals in the AI field. This includes workshops, seminars, and certification programs to keep professionals updated on the latest AI developments and best practices.
  3. AI Talent Development:
    • Creating initiatives to attract and retain AI talent in the Philippines. This includes offering competitive salaries, creating a conducive work environment, and providing opportunities for career growth and advancement in the AI field.

Challenges and Future Directions

The Philippines faces several challenges in implementing its AI strategy, including:

  1. Digital Infrastructure: Ensuring that the necessary digital infrastructure is in place to support AI deployment. This includes addressing connectivity issues, especially in rural areas, and investing in high-speed internet and cloud computing facilities.
  2. Regulatory and Ethical Issues: Balancing innovation with the need for ethical considerations and regulatory oversight. Ensuring that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly, with a focus on fairness, transparency, and accountability.
  3. Talent Development: Building a skilled AI workforce and addressing the shortage of AI talent. Ensuring that educational institutions and training programs are equipped to provide the necessary skills and knowledge for AI careers.

To address these challenges, the Philippines is focusing on several future directions:

  1. Enhancing Collaboration: Strengthening collaboration between government agencies, industry, academia, and civil society to create a cohesive AI ecosystem.
  2. Investing in Research: Increasing investment in AI research and development to drive innovation and create new opportunities for economic growth.
  3. Promoting Ethical AI: Ensuring that AI technologies are developed and used in ways that are ethical, fair, and transparent. Establishing robust regulatory frameworks and guidelines for AI governance.
  4. Building Capacity: Expanding education and training programs to develop a skilled AI workforce and ensure that the country has the talent needed to drive its AI strategy forward.

General profile

Official name: Republic of the Philippines

Source: Wikipedia

National internet domain: PH

Source: Wikipedia

Area: 343,448 km2

Source: Wikipedia

Capital: Manila

Source: Wikipedia

Population: 115.6 million

Source: Wikipedia

Population growth: 1.5

Annual population growth rate for year t is the exponential rate of growth of midyear population from year t-1 to t, expressed as a percentage. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship.
Source: World Bank Open Data

Life expectancy at birth: 69.27

Total years (2020year) Source: databank.worldbank.org

Rule of law estimate: -0.64

Rule of Law captures perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately -2.5 to 2.5 (Estimate 2021)
Source: databank.worldbank.org

Regulatory quality estimate: 0.03

Regulatory Quality captures perceptions of the ability of the government to formulate and implement sound policies and regulations that permit and promote private sector development. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately -2.5 to 2.5 (Estimate 2021)
Source: databank.worldbank.org

Political stability: -0.93

Political Stability and Absence of Violence / Terrorism: measures perceptions of the likelihood that the government will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means, including politically-motivated violence and terrorism. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately -2.5 to 2.5 (Estimate 2021)
Source: databank.worldbank.org

Economic info

Currency: Philippine peso

Source: Wikipedia

Unemployment: 2.2

Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) Source: databank.worldbank.org

GDP (current US$): 404 billion

Source: databank.worldbank.org

GDP growth (annual %): 7.6

Source: databank.worldbank.org

GDP per capita (current US$): 3,498

Source: databank.worldbank.org

Inflation, consumer prices (annual %): 5.8

Source: databank.worldbank.org

GNI (current US$): 428 billion

The Gross National Income, GNI, formerly referred to as gross national product (GNP), measures the total domestic and foreign value added claimed by residents, at a given period in time, usually a year, expressed in current US dollars using the World Bank Atlas method. GNI comprises GDP plus net receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from non-resident sources. Source: databank.worldbank.org

Ease of doing business score: 62.83

The ease of doing business score benchmarked economies concerning their proximity to the best performance in each area measured by Doing Business for the year 2019. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from0 = lowest performance to 100 = best performance Source: databank.worldbank.org

Digital profile

Internet and social media penetration:

Individuals using the internet: 72.3 (2022)

Individuals using the internet, total (%)Source: www.itu.int

Social media statistics: 86.75 million

Estimate for 2024
Source: datareportal.com

Male internet users: No data

Male internet users as a % of total male population
Source: www.itu.int

Facebook users: 86.75 million

Estimate for 2024
Source: datareportal.com

Female internet users: No data

Female Internet users as a % of total female population
Source: www.itu.int

Instagram users: 21.35 million

Estimate for 2024
Source: datareportal.com

Households with internet access at home: 38 (2021)

Households with internet access at home (%)Source: www.itu.int

Linkedin users: 16.00 million

Estimate for 2024
Source: datareportal.com

Fixed broadband subscriptions: 8.5 (2021)

Total fixed broadband subscriptions (per 100 people) refers to fixed subscriptions to high-speed access to the public internet (a TCP/IP connection), at downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 kbit/s.
Source: www.itu.int

Twitter users: 10.77 million

Estimate for 2024
Source: datareportal.com

Mobile infrastructure and access:

Mobile ownership: 55.8

Mobile phone ownership as a % of total population (Estimate for 2022)
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

Mobile Infrastructure: 73.2

Mobile Infrastructure index: High-performance mobile internet coverage availability. It includes parameters such as network coverage, performance, quality of supporting infrastructure and amount of spectrum assigned to mobile network operators (Estimate for 2022)
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

Male mobile ownership: No data

Male mobile phone ownership as a % of total male population
Source: www.itu.int

Mobile Affordability: 47.0

Mobile Affordability index : The availability of mobile services and devices at price points that reflect the level of income across a national population. It includes parameters such as mobile tariffs, headset prices, taxation and inequality (Estimate for 2022)
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

Female mobile ownership: No data

Female mobile phone ownership as a % of total female population
Source: www.itu.int

Cybersecurity Index: 77.0

Cybersecurity Index (Estimate for 2021): ITU cybersecurity value
Source: www.itu.int

Network performance: 45.5

Network performance index: Quality of mobile services measured by download speed, upload speed and latencies (Estimate for 2022)
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

Mobile download speeds: 20.8

Mobile download speeds: Average download speed for mobile users (originally in Mbit/s) (Estimate for 2022)
Source: Ookla's Speedtest Intelligence

Mobile uploads speeds: 29.3

Mobile uploads speeds: average uploads speed for mobile users (originally in Mbit/s) (Estimate for 2022)
Source: Ookla's Speedtest Intelligence

Mobile Latencies: 86.4

Mobile Latencies: Average latency for mobile users (originally in milliseconds) (Estimate for 2022)
Source: Ookla's Speedtest Intelligence

Speedtest-Broadband: 32.3

Speedtest-Broadband: The value is expressed in Mbps (Estimate for 2024)
Source: https://www.speedtest.net/global-index

Network coverage: 93.7

Network coverage (% of total population) (Estimate for 2022)
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

2G Coverage: 99.0

Coverage % of population
Source: www.itu.int

3G Coverage: 93.0

Coverage % of population
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

4G Coverage: 99.0

Coverage % of population
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

5G Coverage: 70

Coverage % of population
Source: https://www.mobileconnectivityindex.com/

Operating system and browser market share estimate:

Operating system market share (%):

Desktop, Tablet & Console Operating System Market Share: Estimate for 2022
Source: https://gs.statcounter.com/

Browser market share (%):

Browser Market Share Worldwide: Estimate for 2022
Source: https://gs.statcounter.com/

Android: 47.45

Chrome: 81.09

Win10: 27.73

Safari: 6.3

iOS: 6.41

Edge: 3.76

OS X: 3.07

Firefox: 1.55

Win11: 6.07

Samsung Internet: 1.22

The UN E-Government Survey 2022:

The UN E-Government Survey is the assessment of the digital government landscape across all UN member states. The E-Government Survey is informed by over two decades of longitudinal research, with a ranking of countries based on the UN E-Government Development Index (EGDI), a combination of primary data (collected and owned by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs) and secondary data from other UN agencies.

E-Government Rank: 89

Nations E-Government Development Index (EGDI), a combination of primary data (collected and owned by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs) and secondary data from other UN agencies. Estimate gives the country's rank.
Source: https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/data-center

E-Government Index: 0.65

The EGDI is a composite measure of three important dimensions of e-government, namely: provision of online services, telecommunication connectivity and human capacity. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately 0 to 1.
Source: https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/data-center

E-Participation Index: 0.49

The E-Participation Index (EPI) is derived as a supplementary index to the United Nations E-Government Survey. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately 0 to 1.
Source: https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/data-center

Online Service Index: 0.63

The online services index was developed by the UN to evaluate the scope and quality of government online services. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately 0 to 1.
Source: https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/data-cente

Human Capital Index: 0.76

The Human Capital Index (HCI) quantiï¬_x0081_es the contribution of health and education to the productivity of the next generation of workers. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately 0 to 1.
Source: https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/data-center

Telecommunication Infrastructure Index: 0.56

Telecommunication Infrastructure Index- Telecommunication Infrastructure Index (TII) Composite Indicator that measures the countries' Telecommunication infrastructure readiness to adopt the opportunities offered by Information and Communication Technology as to enhance their competitiveness. Estimate gives the country's score ranging from approximately 0 to 1.
Source: https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/data-center

ICT information:

ICT skills

Information economy indicators

Individuals with basic ICT skills (%): 6.3 (2019)

Source: www.itu.int

Share of ICT goods, % of total exports (value) 48.48 (2021)

Source: https://unctadstat.unctad.org/

Individuals with standard ICT skills (%): 2.5 (2019)

Source: www.itu.int

Share of ICT goods, % of total import (value): 21.75 (2021)

Source: https://unctadstat.unctad.org/

Individuals with advanced ICT skills (%): 0.7 (2019)

Source: www.itu.int

Most visited website: reddit.com

The survey conducted in 2022 excluded global dominant sites (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, and Google) and search engines (e.g., Yahoo, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, Naver, and Yandex) to level the playing field and discount middle-man visits. Likewise, it did not include adult, betting, illegal streaming/downloading services, and malicious websites.
Source: https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/the-most-visited-website-in-every-country

