The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028

Strategies and Action Plans

The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028 places significant emphasis on digital transformation across various sectors to enhance efficiency, transparency, and innovation. This focus on digital aspects is crucial for fostering economic growth and ensuring that the country can compete globally in the digital age. Here are the key digital initiatives and strategies outlined within the framework:

The plan underscores the importance of digital transformation in government operations. By digitalising services, the government aims to deliver faster and more efficient services to the public, increase transparency, and reduce opportunities for corruption. This includes building better data systems for creating more effective programs, such as targeted social protection enabled by the national ID system (PhilSys) and improving job matching through the automated system PhilJobNet .

The PDP also highlights the transformative role of internet and digital technologies, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital technologies enabled access to information and health services, facilitated remote work and education, and supported the emergence and survival of MSMEs. To build on this momentum, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) will continue implementing the National Broadband Plan to provide quality broadband throughout the country. Additionally, the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) will work to prevent exclusivity arrangements between property developers and ISPs, ensuring consumer access to preferred service providers.

The plan promotes the digital transformation of MSMEs through various capacity-building programs that focus on digital marketing, digital payments, and cybersecurity. These efforts aim to enhance the digital competencies of entrepreneurs and the workforce, particularly within the framework of the Digital Workforce Competitiveness Act. The development of technology parks, centers of creative excellence, and creative talent hubs is also part of the strategy to support MSMEs, creative entrepreneurs, and startups .

The government will adopt policies to improve competition and regulatory efficiency in digital markets. This includes prioritising the passage of open access and competition-enhancing spectrum policies to provide affordable broadband access across the country, especially in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas. The DICT will issue a comprehensive spectrum management policy to be implemented by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) in consultation with the PCC .

The PDP 2023-2028 also focuses on fostering a dynamic innovation ecosystem. This involves creating innovation ecosystems that support knowledge and R&D institutions, product and process design, marketing, and entrepreneurship. The goal is to translate knowledge and ideas into new products and better processes, ultimately generating more quality jobs and driving economic growth .