Philippines E-Government Masterplan 2022

Strategies and Action Plans

The E-Government Masterplan 2022 (EGMP 2022) is a comprehensive blueprint developed by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) of the Philippines. It aims to transform the delivery of public services through the adoption of information and communications technology (ICT) across the government. Below is a summary of the key points from the master plan:

Vision and Objectives

The EGMP 2022 envisions ‘One Digitized Government’ for the Philippines, aiming to develop a harmonized government information system. The primary objectives include:

  • Enhancing the efficiency and transparency of government operations.
  • Providing responsive and transparent online citizen-centered services.
  • Promoting sustainable development and inclusive growth.

Building Blocks and Strategies

The master plan outlines several building blocks essential for achieving its vision:

  1. Infostructure: Establishing a robust national broadband network to ensure widespread internet connectivity.
  2. Government Network: Creating a secure and reliable network to facilitate communication and data exchange among government agencies.
  3. National Government Data Center: Consolidating data centers to improve data management and security.
  4. Government Cloud: Utilizing cloud computing to enhance the efficiency and scalability of government services.
  5. National Government Portal: Developing a unified portal for all government services to provide a one-stop platform for citizens and businesses.
  6. Whole-of-Government Approach: Encouraging inter-agency collaboration and resource sharing to improve service delivery.
  7. Government Common Platform: Standardizing software and systems across government agencies to ensure interoperability.
  8. Security and e-Resilience: Implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect government data and infrastructure.
  9. Organizational Development: Building the capacity of government employees through training and development programs.
  10. Policy: Establishing policies and regulations to support the digital transformation of government services.

Expected Outcomes

The implementation of EGMP 2022 is expected to result in:

  • Optimized Government Operations: More efficient service delivery through integrated systems and processes.
  • Engaged Citizens: Enhanced citizen participation and satisfaction with government services.
  • Transformed Services: Streamlined business processes to facilitate easier transactions and interactions with the government.
  • Empowered Government Employees: Improved productivity and capability of the government workforce.

Key Initiatives

Some of the notable initiatives under EGMP 2022 include:

  • National Government Portal (NGP): Serving as the primary gateway for government online services, reducing the need for multiple visits to government offices.
  • Government Common Platform (GCP): A framework to standardize software applications and facilitate interoperability across agencies.
  • Cybersecurity Measures: Establishing a Security Operations Center (SOC) and implementing comprehensive security protocols to protect government systems.
  • Digital Governance Transformation: Leveraging digital technologies to enhance transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement in governance.