The rise of amateur news anchors on TikTok

Amateur news anchors on TikTok are gaining popularity, with some having more followers than established news outlets. These anchors deliver news in a short and relatable format, offering authenticity and emotion that traditional news lacks. A growing number of young Americans are getting their news from TikTok, prompting publishers to invest more in creating content for the platform. While there is optimism about engaging younger audiences, there is also concern about the lack of editorial processes and potential spread of misinformation. With the upcoming election year, TikTok newscasters are expected to play a significant role in delivering news to their followers.

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Amateur news anchors on TikTok are becoming increasingly popular, with some even surpassing established news outlets in terms of followers. These individuals deliver news in a concise and engaging format, often adding their own commentary and caricaturing traditional news reports. They claim to offer authenticity and emotion, which they believe mainstream news lacks. This approach has resonated with younger audiences who seek relatable and relevant content.

According to a Pew poll, TikTok has become a significant source of news for many Americans aged 18 to 29. In 2020, 9% of this age group reported regularly getting their news on the platform, and this number rose to 32% by 2023. Publishers have taken note of this shift in news consumption habits and are investing more effort into sharing stories on TikTok.

The appeal of these amateur anchors lies in their ability to provide news in a short and fast format that captures the attention of their audience. They often condense and simplify complex news stories, making them easily digestible for viewers. Creators like Jessica Burbank have attracted a loyal Gen Z audience by “translating” major news stories, removing unnecessary details and focusing on the core message.

One of the advantages that these news creators enjoy is the freedom to operate outside of traditional editorial processes and executive boards. They believe their authenticity sets them apart from mainstream news outlets. Josh Helfgott, who focuses on LGBT news stories, suggests that his passion behind the stories is what catches his audience’s attention.

However, the rise of amateur news creators on TikTok is not without criticism. Some argue that the lack of editorial processes and fact-checking may lead to the spread of misinformation. Additionally, these creators face skepticism and lower levels of trust in comparison to traditional mass media outlets. Gallup reports the lowest level of trust in American mass media since 2016.

Despite these concerns, the text concludes with optimism, suggesting that these news creators have successfully tuned people back into news stories that have been reported by traditional outlets. They bring a fresh approach and engage younger audiences in a way that mainstream news has struggled to do. With a busy election year ahead, TikTok newscasters are expected to play a significant role in delivering news and spreading information to their followers.

Source: The Economist