One in five IT specialists leave Belarus in 2022 due to sanctions

Western sanctions on Belarus are devastating the country’s tech industry, once a key economic driver. 20% of IT specialists have left due to the sanctions, double the amount compared to the migration wave following the 2020 election. Companies are implementing relocation plans in response to the brain drain, potentially leading to the sector’s collapse.

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Belarus’ once booming tech industry is facing a dire situation as Western sanctions take their toll. The IT sector, which had been a significant contributor to the country’s economy and had attracted investments from international firms, is now struggling to survive. As a result of the sanctions imposed on Belarus for its support of Russia have severely impacted the industry. Leaving many businesses struggling to survive and causing a brain drain, with one in five IT specialists leaving the country in the 2022 migration wave. This is a significant increase from the previous migration wave after the 2020 presidential election when one in ten IT specialists left the country. In response to the migration wave, one survey found that 80% of Belarusian IT companies have launched full or partial relocation schemes.

As the situation continues to unfold, many in the industry fear that Belarus’ IT sector may be on the brink of collapse.