India introduces spectrum regulatory sandbox to foster telecom research and development
The sandbox will give researchers easy portal-based permission to test telecom equipment.
On 11 March 2024, the Indian central government introduced the ‘Spectrum Regulatory Sandbox‘ to facilitate a streamlined regulatory environment conducive to research and development within India’s telecommunications sector.
Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Union Minister for Telecommunications and Information Technology, mentioned that the sandbox will provide engineering colleges with convenient portal-based access for testing telecom equipment. The minister also stated that universities can obtain testing spectrum by paying a nominal fee of Rs 1000.
During a pre-event to announce the India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024, the minister inaugurated ‘wireless test zones’ as part of the spectrum regulatory sandbox initiative. The 8th edition of the India Mobile Congress is scheduled to take place in New Delhi from 15 October to 24. It will run simultaneously with the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly. The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly, organized by the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union, occurs every four years to strategize its standardization agenda for the subsequent four-year period.