Google reverses plan to drop third-party cookies

The move has drawn mixed reactions, with some stakeholders relieved and privacy advocates criticising the potential for consumer harm.

Google Chrome

Google announced on Monday that it will continue to support third-party cookies in its Chrome browser, reversing its previous plans to phase out the tracking technology. The decision comes amid concerns from advertisers, Google’s primary revenue source, who feared the loss of cookies would hinder their ability to collect data for personalised ads and increase their reliance on Google’s user databases. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority had also scrutinised the initial plan, worried about its potential impact on competition in digital advertising.

In a blog post, Anthony Chavez, vice president of the Privacy Sandbox initiative, stated that instead of eliminating third-party cookies, Google will introduce a new feature in Chrome, allowing users to make informed choices about their web browsing privacy. The initiative aims to balance enhancing online privacy with supporting digital businesses. Since 2019, Google’s Privacy Sandbox has worked towards this goal, with cookies playing a crucial role in identifying and tracking web users’ browsing habits.

The use of cookies is regulated by laws such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires explicit user consent for storing cookies. Major browsers also offer options to delete cookies. Chavez mentioned that Google is collaborating with regulators, publishers, and privacy groups to develop this new approach while continuing to invest in the Privacy Sandbox program.

The announcement received mixed reactions. Evelyn Mitchell-Wolf, an analyst at eMarketer, noted that advertisers no longer need to prepare for a sudden shift away from third-party cookies. However, Lena Cohen from the Electronic Frontier Foundation criticised the decision, highlighting potential consumer harms and attributing Google’s stance to its advertising-driven business model.