Satellite Industry Association pushes for spectrum allocation to support US space industry
SIA urgently calls for more spectrum to fuel the thriving U.S. commercial space industry as we transition from 5G to 6G.

The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) is urging policymakers to allocate more spectrum resources to address the increasing demand within the US commercial space industry. This request is driven by the growing integration of satellite and space services into 5G and future 6G technology.
As identified in the report, the primary concern is the immediate need for more spectrum resources in the US space industry. The growth of operational satellites, from around 1,700 in 2017 to nearly 2,200 in 2023, and projections of up to 10,000, underscores the importance of securing spectrum to maintain US leadership, both in the space race and the future of 6G technology.
SIA Spectrum Report has called for the development of a national policy aimed at prioritizing the allocation of additional spectrum resources to support the US commercial space industry. The report emphasizes the significance of a thriving commercial satellite sector, which relies on adequate access to radio frequency spectrum, in maintaining the global competitiveness of the US space sector.
Several specific recommendations concerning spectrum policies related to the satellite industry have been proposed. These recommendations include the allocation and assignment of radio frequencies within the country, recognizing the critical role of satellite operations in driving innovation, competitiveness, and economic growth within the space commerce sector. Furthermore, the report underscores the importance of balancing future spectrum allocations by addressing the increasing demand for services and leveraging emerging technologies to enhance spectral efficiency.