New York court rules that embedded Tweets can infringe copyright

A federal court in New York has ruled that embedding a tweet on a web page could count as copyright infringement. The case appeared as Justin Goldman took a photo of American Football player Tom Brady and shared it on Snapchat. The photo was then tweeted by someone else, and this Tweet was subsequently embedded in articles of online publications, such as Breitbard, Time, and Yahoo. Goldman brought the case to court, claiming that the online publications infringed his copyright. The ruling breaks with U.S. legal tradition, as ‘courts have long held that copyright liability rests with the entity that hosts the infringing content – not someone who simply links to it‘. Critics fear that the ruling would set a dangerous precedent, as those who publish links to content are usually unaware of whether this content infringes copyright. If the court ruling is generalised, they fear that it would inhibit Internet users’ freedom to ‘share and link to new information as they see fit, without fear of retribution‘.