K-Pop’s AI revolution divides fans

K-Pop groups like Seventeen and Aespa are incorporating AI in their music and videos, sparking debate among fans about authenticity and the role of technology in the creative process.

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AI is currently a hot topic in the K-Pop community, as several top groups, including Seventeen, have begun using the technology to create music videos and write lyrics. Seventeen, one of the most successful K-Pop acts, has incorporated AI-generated scenes in their latest single, ‘Maestro,’ and experimented with AI in songwriting. Band member Woozi expressed a desire to develop alongside technology rather than resist it.

The use of AI has divided fans. Some, like super fan Ashley Peralta, appreciate AI’s ability to help artists overcome creative blocks but worry it might disconnect fans from the artists’ authentic emotions. Podcaster Chelsea Toledo shares similar concerns, fearing AI-generated lyrics might dilute Seventeen’s reputation as a self-producing group known for their personal touch in songwriting and choreography.

Industry professionals, such as producer Chris Nairn, recognise South Korea’s progressive approach to music production. While he acknowledges AI’s potential, he doubts its ability to match top-tier songwriting’s innovation and uniqueness. Music journalist Arpita Adhya points out the immense pressure on K-Pop artists to produce frequent content, which may drive the adoption of AI.

Why does this matter?

The debate reflects broader concerns in the music industry, where Western artists like Billie Eilish and Nicki Minaj have called for regulation to protect human artistry from AI’s encroachment. Fans and industry insiders continue to grapple with the balance between embracing technological advancements and preserving the authenticity that connects artists with their audiences.