Serbia plans to establish an information security agency and unveil new AI Strategy

Serbia is set to establish an Information Security Agency and unveil a new Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy to bolster cybersecurity measures and technological innovation, with initiatives also underway to bridge the digital divide and upgrade computing infrastructure.

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Serbia is set to introduce a new Information Security Act and unveil an updated Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy this year. Milan Dobrijević, the state secretary at the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, made this announcement during the opening ceremony of the Serbian Internet Domain Days.

The impending Information Security Act, slated for adoption by year-end, lays the groundwork for the establishment of the Information Security Agency in Serbia. Dobrijević underscored the government’s commitment to fortifying cyber defences and advancing AI capabilities, citing these as key priorities for Serbia’s governance.

‘While governmental processes may at times lag behind private sector initiatives, cybersecurity and AI stand at the forefront of Serbia’s policy agenda,’ Dobrijević stated.

Furthermore, efforts are underway to devise a comprehensive Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy, which is expected to be unveiled in along with the Information Security Act. This strategy aims to chart a course for Serbia’s engagement with and utilisation of AI technologies, positioning the country for competitiveness and innovation in the digital realm.

Dobrijević also highlighted an ambitious infrastructure project aimed at democratizing internet access across Serbia. By the conclusion of next year, every rural village in the country is slated to gain access to high-speed internet, facilitated by the installation of optical cables spanning approximately 5,000 kilometres—a venture valued at 150 million euros.

Additionally, plans are in place to upgrade the supercomputer infrastructure at the Data Center in Kragujevac, further enhancing Serbia’s technological capabilities and positioning the nation as a regional leader in digital innovation.