Fourth Intersessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee

At the Fourth Intersessional Consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee, stakeholders discussed issues such as international cooperation, technical assistance, prevention approaches, and implementation mechanisms for an effective convention. Challenges like accessing digital evidence across jurisdictions, cloud computing, and legal frameworks were highlighted. Emphasis was placed on sustainable capacity development, community engagement, citizen-led approaches to cybercrime, and public-private partnerships for prevention. Stakeholders underscored the importance of incorporating the latest data and evidence in impact assessments and promoting a multi-agency review of convention implementation.

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At the latest fourth intersessional consultation of the Ad Hoc Committee, inputs have been shared by a range of stakeholders on issues of effective and responsive international cooperation, technical assistance, prevention approaches, and possible implementation mechanisms to lay the foundation for an effective convention.

Stakeholders mentioned the challenges for investigation and prosecution across multiple jurisdictions for LEAs in accessing reliable digital evidence, the widespread use of cloud computing in particular, the development of unilateral legal frameworks, and the growing fragmentation of rules and procedures.

Regarding technical assistance and prevention approaches, stakeholders stressed the importance of sustainable capacity development for regional specifics, multistakeholder community engagement, citizen-led approaches to cybercrime, and building effective public-private partnerships to prevent cybercrime.

Stakeholders suggested focusing on the significance of the future convention, thus requiring integration of the latest data and evidence in the impact assessment and encouraging a multi-agency review of its implementation.