US, EU, UK pledge to protect generative AI market fairness

The statement recognises the profound potential of AI and foundation models, pinpointing several competition risks: concentrated control of key AI resources, market power entrenchment by incumbent digital giants, and potentially anti-competitive collaborations among major AI players.

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Top competition authorities from the EU, UK, and US have issued a joint statement emphasising the importance of fair, open, and competitive markets in developing and deploying generative AI. Leaders from these regions, including Margrethe Vestager of the European Commission, Sarah Cardell of the UK Competition and Markets Authority, Jonathan Kanter of the US Department of Justice, and Lina M. Khan of the US Federal Trade Commission, highlighted their commitment to ensuring effective competition and protecting consumers and businesses from potential market abuses.

The officials recognise the transformational potential of AI technologies but stress the need to safeguard against risks that could undermine fair competition. These risks include the concentration of control over essential AI development inputs, such as specialised chips and vast amounts of data, and the possibility of large firms using their existing market power to entrench or extend their dominance in AI-related markets. The statement also warns against partnerships and investments that could stifle competition by allowing major firms to co-opt competitive threats.

The joint statement outlines several principles for protecting competition within the AI ecosystem, including fair dealing, interoperability, and maintaining choices for consumers and businesses. The authorities are particularly vigilant about the potential for AI to facilitate anti-competitive behaviours, such as price fixing or unfair exclusion. Additionally, they underscore the importance of consumer protection, ensuring that AI applications do not compromise privacy, security, or autonomy through deceptive or unfair practices.