UAE cancels G42’s key meeting with US congress staffers over AI concerns

US lawmakers are particularly worried about Microsoft’s $1.5 billion investment in G42 over concerns that the firm could transfer advanced US AI technology to China.

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The United Arab Emirates recently cancelled meetings between US Congressional staffers and the Emirati AI firm G42 following US lawmakers’ concerns about the potential transfer of US AI technology to China. The intervention was personally handled by the UAE Ambassador to the US, who stopped the meetings involving the House Select Committee on China.

Concerns have been heightened by a $1.5 billion investment from Microsoft into G42, raising fears that sensitive technology could be diverted to China, given G42’s historical connections. The refusal to meet has led to increased scrutiny and expected oversight from Congress regarding the G42-Microsoft deal.

Why does this matter?

The cancelled meetings suggest diplomatic tension as US lawmakers, particularly those wary of China, examine the implications of the AI technology transfer to the Middle East. The US State Department has not commented, while a G42 spokesperson directed questions to the Emirati government. The UAE embassy’s spokesperson cited a miscommunication around the visit since the embassy officials were only made aware of the staff delegation shortly before it was about to arrive.

The staffers’ visit was intended to discuss the transfer of advanced chips from companies like Nvidia to the UAE and Saudi Arabia and the broader US-China tech competition. Amidst these concerns, the Biden administration has defended the G42-Microsoft deal, noting that it led to G42 cutting ties with China’s Huawei.