U.S. Department of Commerce appoints members for new IoT Advisory Board

U.S. Department of Commerce appoints 16 experts to advise the IoT Federal Working Group on IoT development policies, benefits for the U.S., small businesses, and international opportunities.

The U.S. Department of Commerce has appointed 16 experts for the new IoT Advisory Board (IoTAB) to advise the IoT Federal Working Group after issuing a call last January. The advisory board includes stakeholders outside of the federal government (academia, industry, and civil society) with expertise relating to IoT. The board will advise the group on the following matters: identifying policies that may inhibit or promote IoT development; situations in which IoT could benefit the United States (e.g., smart traffic, augmented logistics, environmental monitoring); IoT opportunities and challenges for small businesses; and any IoT-related international opportunities for the U.S. The board members will serve two-year appointments.