The UK aims to become a world leader in AI governance

UK published white paper on AI governance with minimal regulatory pressure on AI businesses.

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In a white paper published last week, the UK Government outlined how it plans to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and put forward a light-touch approach. The UK aims to become a world leader in AI governance in order to support public confidence and safeguard our fundamental rights, as well as to help businesses. The UK’s approach to AI governance is pro-business aiming to reduce any regulatory obstacles for the growth of AI business.

The AI business will benefit by gaining legal clarity and certainty. The UK’s AI governance approach will build on various existing regulatory powers. The white paper does not envisage any new statutory powers, rules or obligations, at least initially, and the government does not anticipate bringing in anything more than a minimal duty for regulators to have regard for the new AI principles.

This AI governance approach has already been criticised for not incentivising businesses, developers and users to comply with otherwise reasonable AI principles.

The government’s light-touch approach puts responsibility for regulating AI in the hands of the UK’s existing suite of regulators of specific policy areas. The UK’s approach stands in marked contrast to the EU, which is in the latter stages of passing new, comprehensive AI legislation.