OpenFog Consortium developed a fog computing technical framework to enable IoT, 5G, and AI
Earlier this month, the Open Fog Consortium released the OpenFog Reference Architecture, a ‘universal technical framework designed to enable the data-intensive requirements of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. The framework is intended to serve as a start point towards the creation of industry standards for fog computing – defined as ‘an emerging architecture for computing, storage, control and networking that distributes these services closer to end users along the cloud-to-things continuum’. The architecture contains a medium- to high-level view of system architectures for fog nodes (smart, connected devices) and networks, deployment and hierarchy models, and use cases. It is based on eight core technical principles representing the key attributes that a system needs to encompass to be defined as ‘OpenFog’: security, scalability, openness, autonomy, RAS (reliability, availability, and serviceability), agility, hierarchy, and programmability.