NATO to upgrade defence capabilities with cutting-edge technologies

The initiative aims to ensure the security and stability of Europe in response to evolving threats and advancements in defence technology.

NATO flag.North Atlantic Treaty Organization flag waving.

In a bid to innovate in the area of defence, with the aim to replace the now old-school armoury, selected tech companies have received funds to begin work on upgrading key components of NATO’s defence system. Recipients include the British-based Fractile and German ARX Robotics, as well as a computer chip manufacturer and a robot designer.

Others include startups such as iCOMAT and Space Forge, which are companies that operate in the manufacturing space arena. This signals the first outlay of the €1.1 billion NATO Innovation Fund (NIF), which is slated to increase given partnerships with venture capitalists like Space Ventures, Squared Ventures, OTB Ventures and Join Capital. The project seeks access to key technologies to ensure a safe and secure future on the European continent.