Misinformation about US government giving smartphones to immigrants debunked
In recent days, social media users have resurfaced false claims that the US government is giving smartphones with unlimited texting and internet access to immigrants who cross the country’s border illegally.
An ICE spokeswoman pointed to an ICE website that describes the programme, saying that certain participants will be issued with devices that can only run the SmartLINK application’ if their phone does not support the app at enrolment. The phones are manufactured by BI Incorporated, a company specialising in electronic monitoring technologies. BI is a subsidiary of The GEO Group, a private prison company that, among other contracts, is the operator of immigration detention facilities for ICE.
According to ICE statistics, at the end of 2022, more than 257,000 active Alternative to Detention participants used the SmartLink app. That number had dropped to about 224,000 by early May 2023. Issues such as privacy and whether the app is necessary for immigrants with no criminal record have been raised by critics of SmartLink.