ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission urges faster global action on digital development

ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission pushes for quicker global progress on digital development during a meeting in Rwanda. Key focuses include universal connectivity, reducing costs of broadband services and devices, and empowering youth. The Commission aims to accelerate achieving connectivity targets and address challenges in developing countries.

During the annual Spring Meeting of the high-level advocacy group of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development in Kigali, Rwanda, the Commissioners pinpointed the next steps for accelerating inclusive universal connectivity, setting the stage for the opening of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC). The further meeting discussed the power of digital transformation to create broad and positive socio-economic impact and explored how to rapidly increase access to broadband, foster innovative partnerships, empower youth, and build trust in online spaces. ‘One of the challenges we need to overcome is reducing the cost of broadband subscriptions and digital devices, especially in low- and lower-middle-income economies. Affordability of broadband services in developing countries is also one of the Commission’s 2025 targets. I do hope that we can use this moment to accelerate the achievement of these targets and break down these last barriers to connectivity,’ highlighted ITU Secretary-General Commission Co-Vice Chair Houlin Zhao.