German government allocates €76.3 million to quantum computer project
Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research is allocating €76.3 million over a period of five years to the QSolid collaborative project – an undertaking which brings together 25 German research institutions and companies to work on a quantum computer with improved error rates. The partnering entities aim to develop a system containing various quantum processors based on next-generation superconducting circuits with a reducer error rate. The multiprocessor machine is intended to operate at least three quantum chips in parallel: a “moonshot” system with computing power exceeding that of conventional supercomputers, an application-specific system designed to perform quantum calculations for industry, and a benchmarking platform that prioritises the development of digital twins and industry standards. The first prototypes of the planned system are expected to be operational by 2024. The overall project is aligned with Germany’s goal of becoming a global leader in the field of quantum technology.