Formal complaint in Argentina challenges Meta’s data use for AI training

The technological and legal communities are closely monitoring the case, as its outcome may impact AI innovation and data protection in Argentina.

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A formal complaint has been filed with the Agency for Access to Public Information (AAIP) of Argentina against Meta, the parent company of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. The case is in line with the international context of increasing scrutiny on the data protection practices of large technology companies.

The presentation was made by lawyers specialising in personal data protection, Facundo Malaureille and Daniel Monastersky, directors of the Diploma in Data Governance at the CEMA University. The complaint signals the company’s use of personal data for AI training.

The presentation consists of 22 points and requests that Meta Argentina explain its practices for collecting and using personal data for AI training. The AAIP will evaluate and respond to this presentation as the enforcement authority of the Personal Data Protection Law of Argentina (Law 25,326).

The country’s technological and legal community is closely watching the development of this case, given that the outcome of this complaint could impact innovation in AI and the protection of personal data in Argentina in the coming years.