Facebook suggests you want to search for pictures of female friends instead of male
The media reports a Belgian security research has discovered Facebook’s search function lets search photos of female friends, but does not do the same when it comes to pictures of male friends. When a person types into the search bar ‘photos of my male friends’, Facebook will ask the user if instead they meant to type ‘female’. In addition, Facebook suggests finishing the search for ‘female friends’ with words such are ‘in bikinis’ or ‘at the beach’. Facebook responded but has edited their repose in few occasions. After Facebook’s spokesperson claimed that it was a bug and the company is working to fix it, they said that instead of being a bug it is actually an auto-suggesting search feature which shows results for popular and recent searches of the whole platform. ‘Female friends in bikinis’ and ‘photos of female friends’ do not violate Facebook’s Community Standards, therefore Facebook does not remove them. Latest response quotes: ‘We know that just because something doesn’t violate our Community Standards doesn’t necessarily mean people want to see it, so we’re constantly working to improve search to make sure predictions are relevant to people.’.