EU Digital Identity Wallet technical architecture out soon

The EU Commission announces that it will make public the technical specifications of the European Digital Identity Wallet soon.

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Robert Viola, a representative from the European Commission, announced during the Digital Assembly 2023 conference that the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI) technical specifications will be made public soon.

The EUDI will enable European citizens to access both public and private digital services through a mobile app while maintaining control over their personal data and digital assets. Viola emphasised that the wallet is not only open source but also open to various service providers and innovative business approaches. To facilitate the implementation of the EUDI, the Commission has allocated approximately €46 million (around US$49 million) for four pilot programs involving over 250 public and private organisations across Europe.

Currently, the EU member states and the Commission are collaboratively developing a common toolbox encompassing an architecture and reference framework, common standards, specifications, guidelines, and best practices. The first version of the Architecture Reference Framework (ARF), which outlines the specifications and standards for an interoperable EUDI Wallet, was published in February. However, the architecture is subject to change, and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) highlighted major gaps in the standardisation of the EUDI Wallet.