EU charges Apple and Meta for non-compliance

The DMA strives to foster fair competition by compelling Big Tech to accommodate smaller rivals and facilitate user transitions between online services.

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Apple and Meta Platforms are set to face charges from the European Commission for failing to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) before the summer. The DMA aims to curb the dominance of Big Tech by ensuring fair competition and making it easier for users to switch between competing services. Apple and Meta are the Commission’s priority cases, with Apple expected to be charged first, followed by Meta.

Apple’s charges will focus on its App Store policies, which allegedly restrict app developers from informing users about alternative offers and impose new fees. Additionally, a separate investigation into Apple’s Safari web browser is expected to take more time. Meta’s charges will centre on its recent ‘pay or consent’ model for Facebook and Instagram, which requires users to either pay for an ad-free experience or consent to targeted advertising.

Both companies have the opportunity to address the concerns before the final decision, which could result in fines of up to 10% of their global annual turnover. Apple stated in March that it believes its plans comply with the DMA and is engaging constructively with the Commission. Meta and the Commission declined to comment on the ongoing investigations.