EC publishes new EU-US Agenda for global change
The European Commission published the Joint communication to the European Parliament, the European Council and the council on the new EU-US agenda for global change (Agenda). Seen as a step towards US President-elect Biden and incoming US administration, the Agenda covers several points related to tech and digital issues and calls for:
- Joining forces as tech-allies to shape technologies, their use and their regulatory environment;
- Wide cooperation of digital supply chain security, including secure 5G infrastructure across the globe and open a dialogue on 6G;
- Cooperating on cybersecurity capacity building, situational awareness and information sharing and addressing threats by third countries;
- Start work on a Transatlantic AI Agreement to set a blueprint for regional and global standards aligned with EU and US values;
- Facilitate free data flow and promote related regulatory convergence;
- Open a new transatlantic dialogue on the responsibility of online platforms and strengthen cooperation between competent authorities for antitrust enforcement in digital markets;
- Strongly commit to the timely conclusion of discussions on a global solution within the context of OECD and G20 on fair taxation in digital economy;
- Assume joint leadership on reforming the WTO starting with finalising the appointment of a new Director-General and exploring how to restore the essential dispute settlement function by reforming the Appellate Body.
- Work together to bring forward the WTO e-commerce negotiations.
- Reactivate proposals for EU-US standards cooperation and re-engage on conformity assessment negotiations, and systematically align positions within international standard setting bodies where possible. The EU is proposing to establish a new EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC). The aim will be to jointly maximise opportunities for market-driven transatlantic collaboration, strengthen our technological and industrial leadership and expand bilateral trade.
This Agenda is intended as an EU policy statement and must still be formally approved by the College of Commissioners.