Closing the mobile gender gap in Nigeria
Dr. Felix King’s ‘Hello Mum’ initiative aims to improve communication and create possibilities for rural women to make income.
Dr Felix King, founder and president of the Felix King Foundation, stated that he plans to close the gender gap in the mobile communications sector by making phones available to underprivileged rural women and widows.
Its ‘Hello Mum’ campaign is a two-pronged initiative aiming to distribute mobile phones to needy rural widows while providing solar-powered phone charging stations. He believes that mobile communication is critical and helps people’s companies, especially in rural regions where there is frequently a lack of suitable communication technology, which creates a digital divide and disadvantages lives and enterprises.
The program, which will be started in June 2023, intends to include many villages to address communication issues in Ensanlad, Edo State. This will be a terrific solution because ladies used to drive a long way to charge their phones owing to the inaccessibility and distance of areas where energy is provided.
One of the project’s aims is to increase communication and provide earning possibilities for rural women. They will undoubtedly be able to boost their business and operations.