Brussels adopts Smart City Strategy
The strategy consists of 48 projects to improve citizens’ quality of life by harnessing ICTs. It focuses on seven areas, including climate-related initiatives. Actors from the public and private sectors are encouraged to contribute. Ongoing projects include a digital map of services, facilities, and energy monitoring platforms.
CONTENT: Brussels City Council has adopted the Smart City strategy, consisting of 48 projects focusing on seven areas. The goal is to harness ICTs and other technologies to improve citizens’ and companies’ quality of life while addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. A budget of €80,000 will be allocated for selected projects, and public and private sector actors are invited to contribute. Existing projects include a digital map of services and facilities available to the population, energy monitoring platforms, and renewable energy integration to increase production and reduce energy consumption.
Given that cities are among the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and natural resources consumption, the strategy prioritises climate-related areas such as circular economy, green spaces, energy consumption, and pollution.