Balancing data privacy and AI innovation: Indonesia’s regulatory approach

Indonesia’s Communication Ministry advises safeguarding personal data on social media. Deputy Minister Nezar Patria warned about the AI risks in data processing while emphasizing the importance of preserving AI innovation.


The Ministry of Communication and Informatics in Indonesia advised individuals not to disclose personal data on social media platforms. Nezar Patria, the Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics, stressed the importance of data privacy and called for collective efforts to raise public awareness in protecting personal information.

Patria also warned about the risks of AI technology and data processing through digital platforms and stated that AI relies on big data to generate models and algorithms for decision-making. While the Ministry of Communication and Informatics indicated that it would monitor the development of AI through regulatory reforms, it emphasized that it does not aim to implement laws that hinder innovations.

Indonesia’s current Personal Data Protection Law does not cover provisions for protecting personal data through AI processing. Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics stated that the Presidential Regulation will serve as a regulatory tool for protecting personal data for AI purposes.