The OECD Council recommendation on digital government strategies
July 2019
Principles and Recommendations
The document developed by the Public Governance Committee of the OECD presents recommendations ‘on Digital Government Strategies aimed at bringing governments closer to citizens and businesses.’ The document offers recommendations due to increased integration of new digital technologies into everyday life, and the opportunities, challenges and difficulties that arise in a such a context. The opportunities reflect an objective of governments to better the use and efficiency of digital technologies, and an overall emphasis on technology as having the ability to contribute to national development and long-term sustainable growth.
The document provides 12 recommendations to governments in areas of development and implementation of digital government strategies, including:
– Ensuring greater transparency, openness and inclusiveness of government processes and operations.
– Creating a data-driven culture in the public sector.
– Securing leadership and political commitment to the strategy.
– Ensuring coherent use of digital technologies across policy areas and levels of government.
– Strengthening international co-operation with other governments.