Talinn Declaration
October 2017
Resolutions and Declarations
The Talinn Declaration on eGovernment ‘marks a new political commitment at EU level on significant priorities towards ensuring high quality, user-centric digital public services for citizens and seamless cross-border public services for businesses’. The modernisation of public administrations across Europe is highlighted to produce ‘service-oriented, reliable and innovative government at all levels’. Therefore, the declaration calls for continued investment to ‘accelerate the modernisation of the public sector’ and proposes five-year (2018-2022) objectives and policy action lines for this purpose. The policy action lines are based on the principles of the EU eGovernment Action Plan, and work on improvement of the following principles: – Principles of digital-by-default, inclusiveness and accessibility. – Principle of once only. – Principle of trustworthiness and security. – Principle of openness and transparency. – Principle of interoperability by default.