Closure of the session/OEWG 2025
21 Feb 2025 20:00h - 23:00h
Closure of the session/OEWG 2025
Session at a Glance
This transcript covers the final meeting of the tenth substantive session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Security of and in the Use of ICTs. The central focus was discussing the future permanent mechanism for addressing cybersecurity issues at the UN level. Delegates from numerous countries provided input on key aspects of this mechanism, including its structure, stakeholder participation, and thematic focus areas.
Many delegates supported having dedicated thematic groups, though opinions varied on the ideal number and topics. There was broad agreement on the need for capacity building and implementation of existing frameworks to be key priorities. Several countries emphasized the importance of making the mechanism inclusive and accessible for smaller delegations with limited resources.
The participation of non-governmental stakeholders was a contentious issue, with some countries pushing for expanded involvement while others preferred more limited roles. Cross-cutting approaches versus pillar-based structures were also debated. International law application to cyberspace emerged as an important area for continued discussion.
Throughout the session, delegates stressed the need to build on existing normative frameworks while allowing flexibility to address emerging challenges. Gender inclusion and regional perspectives were highlighted as important considerations. The Chair emphasized finding balanced, consensus-based solutions and urged delegates to continue intersessional discussions to bridge differences before the final July meeting.
In closing remarks, the Chair noted both progress made and significant work still needed to reach consensus on the future mechanism. He outlined next steps, including revised modalities proposals and intersessional consultations, with the goal of producing a zero draft by May for final negotiations in July.
Major discussion points:
– Structure and format of the future permanent mechanism, including number and focus of thematic groups
– Modalities for stakeholder participation
– Importance of capacity building and how to incorporate it
– How to address international law discussions
– Balancing inclusivity with manageability for smaller delegations
Overall purpose/goal:
The purpose of this discussion was to work towards consensus on the structure and modalities of a future permanent mechanism to address cybersecurity issues at the UN, building on the work of the current Open-Ended Working Group.
The overall tone was constructive and collaborative, with delegates expressing a shared commitment to reaching consensus despite differing views on some issues. The Chair’s closing remarks struck a more urgent tone, emphasizing the challenges ahead and need for flexibility from all parties to reach an agreement by July.
– Chair: Chairperson of the meeting
– Lao PDR: Representative of Lao People’s Democratic Republic
– Singapore: Representative of Singapore
– Viet Nam: Representative of Vietnam
– Poland: Representative of Poland
– China: Representative of China
– Latvia: Representative of Latvia
– India: Representative of India
– Sierra Leone: Representative of Sierra Leone
– Germany: Representative of Germany
– Finland: Representative of Finland
– Vanuatu: Representative of Vanuatu
– Argentina: Representative of Argentina
– Switzerland: Representative of Switzerland
– Australia: Representative of Australia
– Fiji: Representative of Fiji
– Ghana: Representative of Ghana
– Colombia: Representative of Colombia
– Ireland: Representative of Ireland
– Qatar: Representative of Qatar
– Portugal: Representative of Portugal
– Antigua and Barbuda: Representative of Antigua and Barbuda
– Peru: Representative of Peru
– Djibouti: Representative of Djibouti
Additional speakers:
– Nicaragua: Mentioned as speaking on behalf of a group of countries
– Mexico: Mentioned as having made a statement
– Tonga: Mentioned as speaking on behalf of the Pacific Islands Forum
– El Salvador: Mentioned as making a proposal
– Brazil: Mentioned as making a proposal
– Canada: Mentioned as co-authoring a paper with Chile
– Chile: Mentioned as co-authoring papers with other countries
– France: Mentioned as proposing the Programme of Action
– Mauritius: Mentioned as submitting a working paper
– United Kingdom (UK): Mentioned as co-authoring papers with other countries
– Kuwait: Mentioned as presenting a proposal in a previous session
Full session report
Expanded Summary of the Final Meeting of the Tenth Substantive Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Security of and in the Use of ICTs
Structure and Format of the Future Permanent Mechanism
The discussion focused heavily on the structure and format of the future permanent mechanism. There was broad agreement on the need to reduce the number of thematic groups, with most delegates supporting a limit of three to four groups to avoid overburdening smaller delegations. Proposals for thematic focus areas varied, including resilience, cooperation, stability, threats, international law, and capacity building. Despite differences, there was a general consensus that the future mechanism should build on existing normative frameworks while allowing flexibility to address emerging challenges.
Stakeholder Participation
The participation of non-governmental stakeholders emerged as a contentious issue. Some countries advocated for structured stakeholder involvement across all meeting formats, while others emphasized that participation should be strictly consultative and non-politicized. Proposals included a transparent accreditation system, an advisory role in thematic groups, and maintaining current participation modalities. These differing perspectives highlight the need for further discussion to find a balanced approach.
Capacity Building
Capacity building emerged as a critical cross-cutting issue, with broad agreement on its importance across all aspects of the future mechanism. Proposals included making capacity building a standing agenda item in every thematic group, creating a dedicated thematic group, establishing a capacity building portal, and prioritizing implementation of capacity building initiatives across all thematic groups. Some delegates also suggested creating a capacity building fund to enable participation of developing countries.
International Law Discussions
The integration of international law considerations into the future mechanism’s work was another key area of discussion. Many delegates supported integrating international law discussions across all thematic groups or maintaining it as a standing point in each group. Some recommended discussing international law together with norms and principles, while others emphasized the importance of including International Humanitarian Law (IHL). There was also a call to balance continuity with evolution in the future mechanism’s approach to international law.
Meeting Modalities
Delegates discussed the format and scheduling of meetings for the future mechanism, with mixed views on hybrid versus in-person meetings. Some supported combining in-person meetings with virtual options to increase participation while maintaining the benefits of face-to-face interactions. Proposals included sequential scheduling of thematic group meetings and considering alternative meeting locations outside New York. Concerns were raised about the time zone implications of virtual meetings for some countries.
Gender Inclusion and Regional Perspectives
Several delegates emphasized the importance of gender inclusion and regional perspectives in the future mechanism. Calls were made for measures to enhance women’s participation and integrate gender perspectives across all aspects of the mechanism’s work. It was noted that 55% of interventions in the current session were delivered by women. Some delegates highlighted the need to address regional concerns, such as the intersection of climate change and cybersecurity for small island developing states.
Conclusion and Next Steps
In closing remarks, the Chair noted both progress made and significant work still needed to reach consensus on the future mechanism. He emphasized that the future permanent mechanism would be a combination of different ideas and proposals, including elements from both the OEWG and the Programme of Action. The Chair outlined next steps, including revised modalities proposals, intersessional consultations, and town hall meetings, with the goal of producing a zero draft by May for final negotiations in July.
The Chair stressed the high risk of not reaching consensus and urged delegates to move beyond entrenched positions and think creatively about compromise solutions. He called for flexibility from all parties and encouraged delegates to reach out to each other, especially those with differing views.
As the discussion concluded, it was clear that while there is a moderate level of consensus on the broad structure of the future mechanism, further negotiations will be needed to refine the specifics and bridge remaining differences. The success of these negotiations will be crucial in establishing an effective permanent mechanism to address global cybersecurity challenges in the years to come.
Session Transcript
Chair: Good afternoon, distinguished delegates. The tenth and final meeting of the tenth substantive session of the Open-Ended Working Group on Security of and in the Use of ICTs is now called to order. We’ll continue our discussion on the topic of regular institutional dialogue and we will resume with the speakers list. As I indicated, we have about 25 speakers. We’ll start with Lao PDR to be followed by Singapore. You have the floor, please.
Lao PDR: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Good afternoon, colleagues. The Lao PDR supports the creation of a robust, inclusive and transparent future mechanism that will address the growing risk and vulnerability in the ICT ecosystem. In this regard, we emphasize that any negotiation on all aspects of the future permanent mechanism should take place within the framework of the OEWG. My delegation underlies the importance of decision-making process within the future mechanism that is guided by the principle of consensus. We believe that such approach will ensure that the outcome reflects the diverse reality and needs of all countries, regardless of their size, capacity and level of technological advancement. We are flexible regarding the arrangement of specific topic discussion and penalty meetings and we would like to emphasize that any process should not create additional burden for small state layouts and allow for a well-balanced approach to the discussion. At the same time, we wish to underscore the critical importance of capacity building in narrowing the digital gap. For us, it is crucial to prioritize the implementation of agreed elements. that they’re likely fostering an environment where all states, particularly small developing countries, can contribute to the ICT security process effectively. Lastly, we call for the establishment of a permanent mechanism that is adaptable, flexible, and responsive to the evolving nature of ICT challenge. The scope of this mechanism should be comprehensive, enhancing the implementation of a key component, while also leaving room to address all dimensions of global ICT security, including opening for discussion and elaborating on legally binding arrangements. We recognize the importance of a clear, enforceable instrument that provides a solid framework for international cooperation on addressing ICT security challenges and ensuring the peaceful use of the technology. I thank you.
Chair: Thank you very much, Lao PDR, for your contribution. Singapore to be followed by Vietnam.
Singapore: Thank you, Mr Chair. From our perspective, the five proposed thematic groups in the Chair’s latest discussion paper on the Future Permanent Mechanism reflect key cybersecurity issues of interest to small and developing states, including Singapore. It would be useful for these collective conversations to take place at the UN. It is important also that these meetings are held in a format which allows small states with limited resources to participate. We welcome the proposal for each dedicated thematic group to be scheduled sequentially and to meet within the same week. This will reduce the travel required from capital representatives attending the meetings in New York. Chair, we also welcome the recommendation for the thematic group meetings to be conducted in a hybrid format. This will allow other colleagues from capital to participate where relevant and necessary. Thank you, Chair.
Chair: Vietnam, to be followed by Poland.
Viet Nam: Mr. Chair, Vietnam recognizes the critical roles of the Future Mechanisms in promoting an open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful ICT environment. Regarding the structure of the Future Mechanisms, we fully support the Chair’s proposal to organize dedicated thematic groups. We also share the Chair’s approach to discuss international law together with rules, norms and principles of responsible state behaviors in cyberspace. In our understanding, international law mostly serves as guidelines and framework for state actions in cyber and kinetic worlds, and may come into being by different ways, either in codification of universally adhered norms or development of newly agreed norms. It is really encouraging for this delegation to witness new realities of rule-based cyberspace, where more than 40 individual countries and two biggest regional groups of more than 80 member states have brought forward their understanding of international cyber law. This means the next step of codification is evitable or even imminent. Further, this delegation believes that the Future Mechanisms need adjustments to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and delivery of the discussion. This may include shortening the duration and frequency of meetings in New York, considering alternative meeting locations outside New York, and also allowing other countries to host intersessionals, or promoting substantive and meaningful engagement of the tech industries. In addition, we recommend enhancing OEWG’s governance structures. by appointing vice-chairs or rapporteurs to support the chairs in managing the discussion and fostering consensus. Mr. Chair, regarding multi-stakeholder participation, we are now acknowledging that the indispensable roles of businesses, tech industries and academia in cybersecurity discussion, in particular private sector’s engagement, including businesses and technology corporations, with ICT’s expertise is essential for risk and threat analysis, implementing norms, CBMs and providing technical expertise for capacity building. However, we need to emphasize the need for a clearer selection criteria to ensure that entities participating in the future dialogue mechanisms need to possess the relevant expertise and may contribute in a meaningful way, as well as do not possess national security issues for any UN member states. Accordingly, the admission of such entities should be based on non-objection principles. We also support the continuous meaningful participation of women in the future permanent mechanism. In this regard, we are pleased to co-sponsor the working papers on genders and the future permanent mechanism, which is co-drafted with Australia, Chile, Colombia, Fiji and the UK to promote the empowerment of women in cyberspace. I thank you for your kind attention.
Chair: Thank you very much, Vietnam, for your statement. Poland to be followed by China.
Poland: look once more to our statements, to revise our statements, to think about consensus. And it was, I mean, it were very wise words and I would like to thank you for that. And I recognize that our position is already exactly reflecting what you expect from us. As you explained yesterday, it is good to evolve. We should not be afraid of that, of evolving. And I think that what we propose with our partners, this way forward, is towards an evolution of our works in order to be more effective and adapted to the evolution we observe in cyber issues. We fully support an action-oriented approach and thematic groups which will focus on what we identify as our main challenges for the future. Resilience, cooperation and stability. And when I was thinking what you told us yesterday, actually I had this image that we need to see the forest behind the trees. And the five pillars we have right now are like the trees. We are looking at them. But maybe the time has come to look at the forest and to look deeper, not only on the surface, but look deeper on what resilience means. How we could be resilient, how we should be resilient, what actually cooperation means. Because when we all participate in all kinds of exercises, you know, cyber exercises, and the cooperation, confidence-building measures, they are always behind that. Our cooperation between neighbors, between nations. This is go deeper, that means go deeper. And stability is exactly the same. So the real problems are underneath and I think that the time has come to not only look at the trees, but also at the forest. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, Pauline, for your very thoughtful contribution, and I appreciate very much your remarks, which are addressed, I believe, to everyone, not just to me. Thank you for that. China, to be followed by Latvia.
China: Thank you, Chair. Yesterday, towards the end of the meeting, you suggested that we go back home and rewrite our statements. So, following your suggestion, I did exactly so. However, my progress has been slow so far. I haven’t finished my statement yet, so without reading my statement, I will try to share China’s views and positions here. Through the discussions today, you said that we can be open-minded, but to be honest, after coming back to the meeting room with a two-year gap, I believe that the discussions so far have been quite open-minded, quite open, so that many new views and new perspectives were demonstrated, and I find it hard to understand many of them. The topic we’re discussing is the future permanence mechanism. There’s one thing that I wish to put forward. We are not reinventing the wheel, we’re not setting up a new mechanism. We’re not doing so, so that you can have blue sky thinking. Our work is based on something that’s already there. The foundation of the work of the OEWG, it’s a matter of the essence and nature of the OEWG, and this is a question that we need to think about. For everyone to better understand this matter, we can perhaps raise two examples in the field of disarmament. In the context of disarmament, there are two kinds of deliberative or reviewing mechanisms. One good example is the NPT review mechanism. Another example is the POA on small arms and light weapons. These two mechanisms are different from each other, and the difference is not just about their names. The key of their distinction is that the review mechanism of NPT is based on the NPT, the treaty itself. Through this treaty, the international community has established a normative framework. Without the nonproliferation treaty, nuclear nonproliferation will not become an international consensus. So all the follow-up mechanisms are established based on strengthening this normative framework. When it comes to the POA of small arms and light weapons, it’s a completely different business. The reason why we have the mechanism for small arms and light weapons is because we want to deal with the issue of trafficking and excessive accumulation of small arms and light weapons. When it comes to this issue, there is strong consensus in the international community. That is, there is no need for a new normative framework to be established. We only need to take concrete measures to realize this goal. That’s all we need to do. Therefore, the follow-up mechanism on small arms and light weapons is called a program of action. If we refer to these two mechanisms and if we look at our OEWG, which one is more similar to us? We believe that we’re more closer to the NPT review mechanism instead of the one for small arms and light weapons. Over the last two decades, through the efforts of all member states, our biggest achievement in the ICT field is that we’ve started and established a normative framework from scratch. And this framework I’m referring to is the framework for responsible state behavior. Therefore, in this process, we must adhere to this framework and evolve this framework, adapting to the development. This is the task of our OEWG. In our discussions, we talked about new issues and emerging issues. such as AI’s impact on cyber security, for example quantum computing and its potential consequences and impact. This all demonstrates that in our field, establishing a new normative framework in response to new developments is the core of our work here. We are all talking about the five pillars, however what are these pillars supposed to do? They are not the pillars of the OEWG, instead they are the pillars of the framework. So following these five pillars, if we organize our meetings based on these five pillars, that means we are adhering to the framework. The adjustment of this framework is not a procedural matter, instead it’s a substantive matter. Therefore over the last five years, we’ve discussed these five pillars, but the progress has been slow. That doesn’t mean that we can change these pillars or this framework arbitrarily. I wish to caution everyone that we’ve only been discussing for five years, however the establishment of this framework that I’m referring to has taken over 20 years for all member states. And maybe we’re not satisfied. about the progress of the discussions. Is it because of the agenda or is it because of the difficult geopolitical situation at the moment so that it is difficult for member states to achieve a political consensus? If the latter is the essence of the problem here, no matter how you adjust this framework, it won’t change the situation much. Instead, any change to the pillars will undermine the hard-won framework. Let’s imagine if we follow some member states’ suggestions when we talk about the issue of resilience. After a few years, everybody would forget that the framework that we agreed upon should have been the foundation of our discussions. So when considering how to establish the Permanent Future Mechanism, we must have a clear understanding. We must adhere to the framework. It’s not a procedural matter. We must maintain and safeguard the hard-won results. Over the last two decades, China would caution against changing the structure of our discussions. And on the establishment of the Permanent Future Mechanism, China has submitted its proposal. We wish to thank the delegation of Russian Federation for their co-sponsorship, and I’m very happy. Although China does not support discussions based on thematic topics, but it doesn’t mean that China has its priorities when it comes to topics such as the topic of data security, such as the topic of supply chain security. We also support the proposal of the Russian Federation on negotiating a legally binding instrument, for example, traceability mechanism. This Monday, we have all seen the intensive debate between the U.S. delegate and myself. Before that, we’ve discussed the possibility of having simulations or scenario-based discussions. The Monday discussion can serve as a good example, a best example. It demonstrates why traceability is so important. I hope that other countries, especially developing countries and small-sized and medium-sized countries, I hope you will not view this debate on Monday as a matter only between China and U.S. Let’s imagine if you were in the position of China. And one day, you’re faced with a major country saying that it has been attacked by you, it has undergone cyber attacks from your country, and that the cyber attacks have surpassed the threshold of military or armed attacks, thus it invokes its right to self-defense. Under such circumstances, is the application of the UN Charter in the cyberspace more important, or is the application of the IHL in the cyberspace more important? Do we first need to establish a just traceability mechanism first, or do we adhere to the international principle that a country should be held accountable for its criminal activities or unlawful activities? So, when it comes to traceability, it is a very important topic. I’ve shared some of China’s priorities when it comes to the themes in today’s discussion. For China’s proposal of a step-by-step approach, some member states, some delegations have shown their support. The topics that I shared can serve as a menu for a step-by-step approach. If some delegations believe that we can work on some of the topics in the future, I’m ready to have more in-depth exchange with them. Fourth, on NGO participation and the participation mechanism, China believes that the existing mechanism in terms of promoting multi-stakeholder participation in our discussion is effective. There is no need to change the current mechanism. Due to various reasons, not every NGO will be granted the opportunity to participate automatically, but as the Chair shared, over 100 NGOs have participated in our discussions. So we believe that the status quo is satisfying, is good enough. We are an intergovernmental mechanism. When it comes to the matter of participation, over the last five years, government representatives were not able to get visas from the host country, therefore denied the opportunity to participate in our discussions. However, this issue was not given due attention. I feel that when it comes to promoting NGOs’ participation in our discussions, many delegations are very interested. I hope that they would share some of that interest into ensuring the officials of member states can participate in the discussions of OEWG. Because the United Nations, after all, is an intergovernmental organization. That’s all. Thank you, Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, China, for your contribution. Is that piece of slide similar to the paper that China had circulated? Thank you. Thank you, China, for your contribution. The slide is on the portal of the OEWG for everyone’s information. Latvia to be followed by India.
Latvia: Thank you, Chair. Latvia aligns with the statement of the European Union and would like to make a few remarks in its national capacity. Mr. Chair, when it comes to thematic working groups, my delegation supports the working paper on actions oriented thematic groups prepared by France and presented in December session. Yesterday published additional working paper further clarifies the essence of the proposal, and I thank French delegation for this contribution. Considering resources, human and financial of small delegations, thematic groups should be organized in hybrid format. Especially as thematic groups would deal with the cross-cutting issues, experts from different institutions, for instance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, National Cyber Security Center or CERT, and different departments, legal or those responsible for developmental or policy issues, would ideally be involved in discussions. Hybrid format would allow inclusive participation. When these thematic groups should take place, if the plan is to meet in New York, I would say that when hotel prices in New York are reasonable, like this week, in December prices were four or five times higher. As I mentioned yesterday, question of capacity building, both identification of needs and sharing of best practices should be integral part of all thematic groups. UN Cyber Resilience Academy within UNIDIR, if established, could become a vehicle of delivery of capacity building and training. When it comes to multi-stakeholder participation modalities, Mr. Chair, Latvian Navigation co-sponsored the Canadian and Chilean paper, Practical Modalities of Enabling Meaningful Stakeholder Participation. Non-governmental stakeholders are vital partners and should be involved in the discussions on cyber issues at the UN level. As they are first responders to cyber incidents and attacks, they have unique knowledge and expertise on cyber threats, for example. At the same time, we fully adhere to principle, a voice, but not a vote. And finally, Mr. Chair, I have a question to you. Have you thought about the name to your and our common baby? I’m not sure that the name permanent mechanism is in the calendar of celebrated names. Would you choose Pua? In any case, this delegation believes in Chair’s natural human intelligence and rich diplomatic experience to steer this process to consensual outcome in July. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Chair: I think we need to ensure the safe delivery of the baby before we contemplate naming ceremonies or baptism. So I’m still deep in prayer. Do join me if you believe in higher beings who have a bearing on the affairs of men and women. So let’s go on with the speaker’s list. Thank you very much, Latvia, for your contribution. India to be followed by Sierra Leone.
India: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Regular institutional dialogue on ICT security remains a key topic, particularly as we approach the final phase of the work of the OEWG. It is our fervent hope that any successor process will allow for member states to engage constructively with colleagues, leveraging on our collective cybersecurity experiences in an inclusive format. We must work to prevent fragmentations, exacerbating trust deficit, which could potentially unravel the hard-won consensus on cumulative normative framework. As we work to realize a single-track, inclusive, and state-led permanent mechanism, we thank the chair for preparing a discussion paper that we can both work with and work on. Mr. Chair, allow me to submit four brief comments on the said paper. Number one, stakeholders accredited on a non-objection basis are proposed to be valid for a duration of five-year cycle of the permanent mechanism. We propose having in place a provision to review the status post-accreditation should the need to do so arise for any member state. Also, reputable stakeholders with credible track records should be considered. Number two, on the point of dedicated thematic groups. We request reconsideration on whether there is a need for maintaining three separate groups on building resilience of ICT ecosystem, on increasing stability in ICT sphere, and enhancing cooperation through CBMs. For while their subject matter differs, this does not necessarily warrant three separate groups and may be merged, considering especially the cross-cutting nature of CBMs. This could provide for more space and time in discussing matters of greater critical importance. Number three, considering the fast-paced developments of digital technology and rapidly evolving challenges, we welcome the convening of additional ad hoc thematic groups when required by the chair to engage in focused discussions on specific issues. However, we propose that such a convening should be done only after securing consensus from all member states. And number four, we recognize that due regard needs to be given, among other things, to the resource constraints faced by several countries, and in this regard, we support a dedicated thematic group on capacity building for discussing this and similar issues. Mr. Chair, we have been examining various statements from member states outlining their conception of a mechanism to succeed the current OEWG, and we note that the convergences by far outnumber the points of divergence. There are enough common elements of such a mechanism on which consensus exists, and that provides the OEWG a stable platform on which to conceptualize, and now we must proceed, to build a mechanism that would find broad agreement among countries. We would like to reiterate that any such future permanent mechanism should be state-led and inclusive. It must be transparent and consensus-driven, with clear decision-making role for governments and one that provides equal opportunity of participation to all member states. Mr. Chair, India remains committed to supporting Chair’s efforts, as well as in engaging constructively with member states. in taking the discussions on the Regular Institutional Dialogue forward. I thank you, Mr. Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, India. Sierra Leone, to be followed by Germany.
Sierra Leone: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, since this is the first time we’ve taken the floor, we just want to commend you for the remarkable work you’ve done in chairing this group. You’ve used humour, you’ve used admonishment, and now we hear you’ve been praying. So we join you in praying that this is, in July, we’ll all be very happy and be grateful to God for answering our prayers. Mr. Chair, I’d like to align our statement with that of Africa Union, as well as make the following brief remarks. Mr. Chair, the rapid evolution of ICTs brings significant challenges, particularly for developing countries like Sierra Leone, which face the challenge of limited resources, capacity gaps, and also heightened vulnerabilities. Sierra Leone supports the development of the future permanent mechanism under the United Nations and emphasises that the process must remain a state-led initiative providing a dedicated and accountable platform for governments to engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration on ICT security in the context of international security. Mr. Chair, the Sierra Leone government’s vision on cyber security is to create a secure, stable, credible and trustworthy environment for the use of ICTs, while empowering our citizens to use the internet safely for the nation’s socio-economic development. To achieve this vision, our national cyber security strategy identifies critical strategic goals and objectives that align with the 2024 APR, which itself outlines the thematic development of the OEWG framework that is currently under discussion. Namely, create an institutional, legal, and regulatory framework for effective governance, protect critical digital infrastructure through response readiness, promote public education, awareness, online child protection, rights, and the privacy of citizens, develop cyber capabilities to support national security objectives, strengthen national, regional, and international cooperation. We believe that these development benchmarks enhance the scope of our cybersecurity strategy and align with the establishment of a future permanent mechanism, a necessary step to address some of the challenges affecting the protection, strengthening, and effective adoption of global cybersecurity norms, especially in countries with underdeveloped cybersecurity infrastructure. It is essential for the FPM to be open to all member states, ensuring that the perspectives of developing countries are fully represented. Sierra Leone recognizes that some delegations face significant challenges in attending thematic group meetings and other deliberations due to financial constraints. To address this, we support the allocation of funding and capacity building resources to enable the effective participation of such states in global issues affecting threats to international security through the use of cyber activities. Such support would enhance diversity, foster meaningful engagement, and ensure that no state is left behind in the global dialogue. We further underscore the importance of integrating regional perspectives and engaging multi-stakeholder groups. The African Union has proven to be an essential partner in recognizing and addressing ICT security challenges. in a context-specific manner. Similarly, the inclusion of stakeholders such as the private sector, academia, and technical experts, will enrich the mechanism by bringing diverse expertise and innovative solutions. Mr Chair, for Sarah Leon and other development states that are disproportionately vulnerable to ICT-related threats, the FPM offers an opportunity to bridge these gaps by fostering capacity building, information sharing, and enhanced cooperation tailored to the agenda of developing state institutions. Finally, Mr Chair, we emphasize the need for a clear and robust mandate for the FPM, with priorities that include advancing adherence to agreed norms, fostering confidence-building measures, and promoting capacity-building initiatives and, of course, adherence to international laws. Finally, Sarah Leon reiterates its strong commitment to this process and stands ready to work collaboratively with the African Union and all stakeholders, including others in this room, to build an inclusive, secure, and sustainable ICT environment for everyone. I thank you, Mr Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, Sarah Leon, for your contribution. Thank you also for the gift of a new acronym. You’ve given us FPM. First time I’m hearing that, so we now have the OEWG and the POA and the FPM. This RID, of course. I hope that doesn’t mean we are getting rid of what we need to do, but we have a lot of work cut out ahead of us. Germany to be followed by Finland.
Germany: Thank you, Chair. I would first like to align with the statement of the European Union and make the following remarks in our national capacity. Throughout the week, we have heard different views from delegations on how to organize the future mechanism. Germany supports the Programme of Action proposal made by France with its cross-cutting, policy-oriented, dedicated thematic working groups. For us, the exact number of groups is not decisive, but as for example Mexico, Morocco and Tonga highlighted, we also believe that we should keep the workload manageable so all delegations and all countries can meaningfully participate. One common element Germany recognizes is that many states, actually including Germany itself, want to preserve the framework and keep the pillars of the framework at the core of the future mechanism in a balanced way. In our view, that’s exactly what the POA offers. For Germany, cross-cutting does not mean everything, everywhere, all at once, but to apply each pillar to concrete challenges we all face. A cross-cutting approach for the working groups would advance the cyber key at the global level by addressing a policy challenge from different angles. It would go deeper on each pillar in a balanced way and then would feed it back into the plenary, which is structured the same way as today’s OEWG. So from our point of view, we would reinforce and consolidate the framework. In addition, as indicated by you, Chair, yesterday, we also do not see the pillar and cross-cutting approach as binary options. They are both part of our mandate and would be mutually reinforcing, and both would be an integral part of the POA. We have been listening carefully to the points many delegations raised during this week and heard that two topics were repeatedly stressed, namely how this would address international law and capacity building. From our point of view, international law should not be artificially separated from practical discussions on cybersecurity policy challenges, as it is the basis of all state conduct both offline and online. In our understanding, international law, of course, is relevant to several thematic areas. For example, in a dedicated thematic group on enhancing cooperation in the management of ICT-related incidents, international law, including the law of state responsibility, is essential when considering how to effectively respond to a malicious cyber activity. A dedicated thematic group on preventing conflict and increasing stability would also need to consider the international legal framework that governs conduct of states in times of interstate tensions, including the use of peaceful settlements and disputes mechanisms under the UN Charter. On capacity building, Germany believes that cross-cutting policy-issue-focused working groups would identify needs for capacity building when discussing how to manage ICT incidents or resilience of critical infrastructures. Therefore, the cross-cutting groups and the future portal proposed by India could be natural places to address these identified needs. Another option could be to upgrade the status of the roundtable to an annual or biannual meeting where the identified needs from the working groups are discussed in greater detail and with the participation of practitioners from government and specialized stakeholders in all in one place. We are looking forward to hearing other states’ views on this as well as on the proposal for a fund. The area we were closely following the discussion yesterday with regard to the need for a clear scope and the need to avoid duplications. For us, it’s key that Germany and the other states we do capacity building for all get the most out of each euro we spend. Lastly, I would like to share our views on stakeholder modalities. There seems to be a common understanding. The future mechanism will be a state-led process. At the same time, we must also recognize that cyberspace does not exist without stakeholders and as states, we need to hear from them. The status quo of stakeholder modalities does not adequately reflect the relevance of stakeholders. Germany believes that we need to involve stakeholders in a structured way across all the different meeting formats of the future mechanism, including in the dedicated thematic working groups. Secondly, many states have expressed their frustration about the de facto veto power against stakeholders during the December session. Germany therefore supports the working paper by Canada and Chile that makes constructive proposals about moving beyond the status quo. Chair, a marathon is not only about running, but a shared struggle and collective achievement. We are entering the painful final stretch, which we know is rather about the mindset, not only about who has the strongest legs. No state can muscle their way to a consensus, and Germany stands ready to put our mind to the question, how can we get both a good result and everyone across the finish line? We thank you, your team, and the Secretariat for your work and dedication and look forward to engaging in our joint effort. Thank you.
Chair: Thank you very much, Germany, for your contribution. Finland, to be followed by Vanuatu.
Finland: Thank you, Chair. Finland aligns itself with the statement of the European Union and wishes to make three additional remarks in its national capacity. Firstly, we need a future permanent mechanism that’s inclusive, open and transparent and contributes to the engagement of all relevant actors. The engagement of stakeholders is essential for states to implement their commitments under the framework, and the stakeholders themselves have a responsibility to use ICTs in a manner that does not endanger international peace and security. Finland fully supports the non-paper on the practical modalities to enable meaningful stakeholder participation in the future permanent mechanism published by Canada and Chile. There is broad cross-regional support for improving the existing modalities. Secondly, we need to recognize the significant progress that has been made in our discussions about international law, including international humanitarian law, during the OEWG. As has been affirmed by the previous OEWG and endorsed by the General Assembly, international law, including the UN Charter, applies in cyberspace. Therefore, the modalities of the future POA should reflect this. It is essential to enable in-depth discussions to continue and to ensure broad participation of states and other stakeholders in the conversations on how international law applies in cyberspace. Finland would wish for such dedicated discussions to continue in the framework of the future mechanism by including a standing point on international law in each of the three thematic working groups proposed in the POA. Thirdly, in order to build on the progress made by the OEWG regarding gender and to further advance existing UN commitments on gender equality, it is imperative that the future POA continues promoting gender equality and building gender-responsive approaches to cybersecurity. Progress has been made in women’s meaningful participation during the OEWG’s mandate, but there is a substantial amount of work ahead in order to make a lasting impact. We fully support the non-paper by the UK, Australia, Chile, Colombia and Fiji on gender on the future permanent mechanism. As a last remark, Finland wants to emphasize that the final report should include enough detail on the future permanent mechanism. As we are now entering the final stretch of the OAWG, it’s important that we commit to working together to ensure continuation of the good work already done. Thank you.
Chair: Thank you very much. Finland, Vanuatu, to be followed by Argentina.
Vanuatu: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Vanuatu is fully aligned with the Pacific Islands Forum Statement delivered by Tonga, and wish to add the following in our national capacity. Chair, my delegation welcomes your discussion paper on regular institutional dialogue and appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the elements outlined within it. It is crucial that we establish a future mechanism that is inclusive, action-oriented, and responsive to the evolving cybersecurity landscape. The future mechanism must be structured in a way that enables full participation by all states, particularly small island developing states, and ensures that their cybersecurity needs are adequately reflected. On thematic groups, we have been of the position that given the importance of capacity building to keeping cyberspace safe for not only our citizens, but those around the world, it should enjoy dedicated focus and stand on its own as a thematic group under the new mechanism. We’d like to recall the third APR, which state that, and I quote, capacity building efforts need to be accelerated and constitutes one of the key functions of the future permanent mechanism in order to bridge the digital divides and ensure that all states can safely and securely seize the benefits of digital technologies. End of quote. Chair, having listened to the positions in the room, And in the spirit of compromise, we are happy to support the proposal put forward by France. However, to ensure that the mechanism is fit for purpose, we insist that in the design of the future mechanism, it is stipulated that capacity building should be a standing agenda item under every thematic group. Furthermore, my delegation supports IPRIT meeting modalities to facilitate broad participation, recognizing the logistical and financial constraints faced by smaller states. At the same time, we are concerned about time zone implications and would regret a situation whereby forevermore those of us in the Pacific time zones are relocated to midnight meetings. Chair, my delegation also acknowledges the valuable contributions that non-governmental stakeholders including civil society, academia, and the private sector can make to international cybersecurity discussions. We see merit in the Canada-Chile proposal on stakeholder inclusion, particularly its voice, not a fault approach, which allows for expert contributions without undermining the intergovernmental nature of the process. A structured and transparent accreditation system that prevents arbitrary exclusions while ensuring that discussions remain state-led would be a welcome improvement. Finally, we stress that a permanent mechanism must be sustainably funded. Many developing states struggle to meaningfully engage in international cyber discussions. due to resource constraints. The future mechanism must include financial provisions such as dedicated funds or sponsorship programs to ensure that all states, not just the wealthiest, can participate fully. Without sustainable funding, inclusivity risks becoming an aspiration rather than a reality. Chair, my delegation looks forward to further discussions on this issue and remains committed to shaping a future mechanism that is inclusive, effective and responsive to the needs of all states. I thank you, Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, Vanuatu, Argentina, followed by Switzerland.
Argentina: Thank you very much, Chairman. First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to you for your commendable efforts to seek points of convergence that will enable this working group to reach a consensus agreement within less than five months on the various aspects of the future permanent mechanism. We believe that your proposal of January 27th is a solid and balanced foundation upon which we can move towards the construction of a consensus-based document. In the interest of time, with the aim of contributing meaningfully to this debate, my statement will focus on the following three points. One, dedicated thematic groups. This is the first one. Like others, we are concerned that the establishment of five groups may place an excessive burden on medium-sized or small delegations. We believe that it would be more appropriate to limit the number of thematic groups to a maximum of three. Regarding the topics, we understand the concern of several delegations to avoid a repetition of the same structure of this open-ended working group. We are convinced that we can reach a middle ground solution that allows us to transition towards an action-focused format while continuing to address issues of particular relevance for countries. that are still in the early stages of cyber resilience. As proposed in the working document jointly developed with 15 Latin American and Caribbean states that were circulated on January 6th and opened for co-sponsorship, we believe that it’s essential to make sure that one of these three groups be dedicated to capacity building. On this, and in line with the distinguished delegation of El Salvador, we remain flexible regarding the naming of this group. Chairman, the working document that we drafted alongside another 14 other Latin American countries highlights the broad range of critical issues that must be addressed in the area of capacity building. My delegation believes that this thematic group could also look at the reports of the Secretariat on Capacity Building Projects to be implemented through the UN Voluntary Contributions Fund and to analyze measures to enhance the efficiency and agility of this fund. We recognize that the Voluntary Contributions Fund, like any tool, can be perfected with time. In this regard, we believe that a dedicated thematic group on capacity building would serve as the right forum to monitor and to promote the gradual enhancement of its operation. And this in close collaboration with the Secretariat. While we do see value in the biannual capacity building roundtable, we see that it’s an important platform. We believe that given its format and objectives, it cannot serve as an adequate substitute for a dedicated thematic group on this issue. In practice, a thematic group will enable us to constantly follow up progress and identify challenges and strategies where necessary. And these are advantages that it’s very difficult to provide with a roundtable. If our goal really is to ensure dynamic and comprehensive feedback, and cross-fertilisation between the various substantive themes of the future mechanism relating to capacity building to the round table. This would end up isolating this issue from the rest of the substantive discussions. Now on the working modalities of the mechanism, number two now, we believe that the structure of the mechanism should be simple. It also needs to incorporate tools for its progressive refinement in response to emerging needs. A straightforward structure will provide all delegations with a clear and comprehensive understanding of how the mechanism will function from its early years of implementation. We appreciate that your proposal adheres to this principle of simplicity, Chairman. In our view, we could start by establishing three thematic groups with concrete agendas, mainly technical in nature, with a clear mandate to formulate action-focused recommendations for consideration by the plenary. The plenary would be responsible for approving these recommendations and preparing a document for submission to the First Committee. Likewise, during the plenary, applications would be announced and the chairs and coordinators or facilitators of the thematic groups would then be elected while ensuring equitable geographical distribution. If over the course of the first four years, states determine that additional groups or structures are required, the plenary could duly develop proposals for consideration at the review conference. Regarding the hybrid modalities now, we believe that this proposal requires more detailed analysis, since it could present significant challenges, in particular for developing countries that have a significant time difference compared to New York that are in faraway time zones. As the distinguished delegations of Thailand and Vanuatu have noted, these difficulties could hinder the effective participation of many delegations. At a first glance, we do not think it’s obvious that a hybrid format would necessarily promote greater inclusivity. We believe that a more efficient allocation of resources, particularly through contributions to the UN Voluntary Contributions Mechanism, would offer up a more effective solution to achieve better inclusivity. Furthermore, in-person participation in New York provides undeniable advantages for delegates, allowing them to engage in informal meetings and consultations that take place outside this room. Some middle ground could be to consider a purely virtual format for specific issues only and certain technical presentations also that are not linked to decision-making. This would allow for a significant reduction in conference service costs, while also identifying a time slot that is convenient for all regions. Now, our third point, participation of multiple stakeholders. My delegation strongly supports the meaningful participation by stakeholders in the Future Mechanism. In particular, we recognize that the private sector as an operator of critical infrastructures and a provider of cloud-based services can offer substantial contributions to all issues to be addressed in this forum. We appreciate and take note of the revised version of the document presented by Canada and Chile on this topic and we agree with the Chair’s document that the participation of stakeholders must be strictly consultative, aimed at providing technical, specialized and non-politicized inputs that are directly relevant to the specific issues under consideration in each meeting. A possible compromise solution to ensure their constructive participation could involve combining elements of formal and informal meetings within the thematic groups. In the Chair’s proposal, it is suggested that the thematic groups meet at least twice a year. Perhaps the first annual session of each group could adopt an informal format, fostering open and flexible discussions that facilitate the active participation of all stakeholders. The second annual session, on the other hand, could incorporate both informal and formal segments to ensure that the recommendations, work plans or roadmaps developed during the informal sessions benefit from the necessary official status for submission and consideration to the plenary without objections. This could be a middle ground solution, if you like, that accommodates the concerns raised by various delegations at this debate. Finally, Chair, in the interest of inclusivity, my delegation joins the multiple voices in this room advocating for multilingualism to be upheld, ensuring that documents remain available and that formal and informal discussions are able to take place in all official UN languages is an essential condition for fostering equitable and meaningful participation by all delegations. Thank you very much, Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, Argentina, for your contribution. Switzerland, to be followed by Australia.
Switzerland: Thank you, Chair. First, we would like to thank you for the discussion paper. It’s a very valuable basis for our discussions. It will come as no surprise that for Switzerland the topic of international law, including international humanitarian law and human rights, will also be a priority for the future permanent mechanism. The future mechanism must enable us to continue discussions on international law and to find a common understanding on its application. This will not always be an easy task. Let me allow to give you an example in the area of IHL. In 2003, the ICRC started researching and consulting on the interpretation of IHL with regard to direct participation in hostilities. This term is of great importance, especially for cyberspace, where we see an increasing blurring of the lines between state and non-state actors. Various delegations have pointed this out in the discussions on threats on Monday. In 2003, the ICRC invited experts to a meeting in Geneva to discuss questions like, who is considered a civilian for the purpose of conducting hostilities? What conduct amounts to direct participation in hostilities? Or what are the precise conditions under which civilians directly participating in hostilities lose their protection against direct attack? I was part of that process, and I still remember how some of us thought that we would need one afternoon for this discussion. Well, in the end, it took us five substantive meetings over a period of five years. Of course, not all issues of international law are as complex and time-consuming. From our point of view, this example shows that discussions about how existing international law is applied in cyberspace need capacities, time, and space. It is necessary to have these discussions to determine whether there are any gaps in the application of existing international law at all before we can discuss how to address potential gaps. It would be the wrong approach to start discussing possible new binding norms before we had had these discussions and reached common understandings. That would be putting the cart before the horse. We would be misallocating valuable resources and time, and we would risk creating contradictory binding rules, which would not lead to more clarity, but to more confusion. Since AI is trendy, I also ask an AI application how we in the Open-Ended Working Group, or the FPM, can make progress on IHL. The application mentioned several key steps. Affirmation of applicability of IHL in cyberspace, developing common understandings, enhanced capacities, address specific threats, promote CBMs, and encourage inclusive dialogue, what we are doing here. By focusing on these areas, we will be able to make significant progress according to the AI. Mr. Chair, the future mechanism for which the program of action is the blueprint will allow us to focus on these areas and provide us with the space and mandate to have discussions on international law. The discussions would take place in the plenary and the cross-cutting thematic working groups. And if it would become apparent during these discussions that specific questions of international law require more in-depth discussions and time, an ad hoc group or standing committee could be created, for example, by the plenary. This ad hoc group or committee would discuss specific questions, for example, with the support of legal experts and based on scenarios, and then report back to the plenary or a dedicated thematic working group on the results of the discussions. Such discussions could also take place in a hybrid format and outside of New York. Mr. Chair, we would like to thank the Chinese delegation for their presentation and respond to one point. The Chinese delegate asked whether, in a specific example and situation, it is more important to apply the UN Charter or the principles of IHL. Our answer is clear. Both are equally important and do not exclude each other. They address two different aspects of international law, and we are happy to discuss them further in this group or in the future mechanism. Let me now briefly turn to modalities. Mr. Chair, once again, the participation of several stakeholders has been rejected for this meeting. No single state should have the right to veto the participation of stakeholders to the detriment of other states, even without giving reasons. We accept that states may exercise their sovereign right to refuse the accreditation of one or more actors. However, this should be reasonably justified with the final decision on participation being left to all states. For this reason, Switzerland, together with many other states, is co-sponsor of the non-paper submitted by Canada and Chile on practical modalities to allow for meaningful stakeholder participation in the future UN mechanism on cyber security. I thank you, Chair.
Chair: Thank you, Switzerland, for your contribution. Australia to be followed by Fiji.
Australia: Thank you, Chair. Australia aligns with the statement of the Kingdom of Tonga on behalf of the Pacific Island Forum and make the following remarks in a national capacity. We’ve been discussing future regular institutional dialogue for a very long time, and I can empathize with many of us in the room when it might begin to feel a little bit like Groundhog Day. From here, I have nevertheless found it worthwhile to hear so many countries express their views and their positions, because it’s only when we hear states’ positions that we can understand the interests that form the basis of those positions and identify and extract common interests that are shared by most, if not all, countries. For example, some of the common interests that we have heard on dedicated thematic groups include things like the best use of resources, avoiding excessively burdensome meetings, making sure we have inclusivity of all states and geographic diversity, a dedicated place to have deeper exchanges, basing all of this work upon our existing framework and its implementation, making sure that reporting to plenary is structured around the pillars of our agreed framework, and making sure that those reporting procedures are clear. This is a list upon which we can build and I am sure that your team’s diligent note-taking has produced a much more comprehensive list of common interests. But I’d like to go into a little bit of detail about a few others. Going deeper on the application of international law to state conduct in cyberspace is a shared interest of everyone in this room. And going back to our agreed aims and objectives, we’ve set out already that we want to design this permanent mechanism in a way that allows discussions to be practical and action-oriented. In Australia’s view, the way to make the international law discussion practical is not to sequester apart the lawyers into their own siloed group, but to integrate legal considerations across all our work and all the thematic groups. This can weave our pillars together with cross-cutting discussions and demonstrate how to use international law in a context. It is one tool in a state’s cybersecurity toolkit. It can help states to understand how international law applies to practical challenges and response options or redress available under the law of state responsibility if a state does not comply with its obligations. A cross-cutting structure could assist states move beyond statements of position and identify the linkages between international law and the other pillars of the framework relevant to specific issues of interest. Other cross-cutting issues? Mainstreaming gender across our work and the dedicated thematic groups is another cross-cutting issue that should not be relegated to one single group, but that is essential for the effective and sustainable implementation of all the pillars of our framework. And the working paper that was drafted by Chile, Colombia, Fiji, the UK and Australia, and co-sponsored by 31 additional states, provides a roadmap for just that. Similarly, it’s been referred to in several Pacific Island Forum statements this week that fostering cybersecurity in the face of climate change is a cross-cutting issue that can affect stability, requires cooperation and is at the heart of digital resilience for the Pacific region. and could be considered across all the dedicated thematic groups. That capacity building is indispensable to all our facets of work to promote peace and stability in cyberspace is also a shared interest. We all want to go deeper on capacity building and work towards practical and effective capacity building outcomes in our future mechanism. The question Australia has from that then is capacity building for what? And the answer that we hear most is that we need capacity building for everything or as Germany said everything everywhere all at once. And to turn everything into something that is manageable, that is meaningful, we find most compelling the option of making this a cross-cutting issue to ensure that capacity building is streamlined as a prominent feature across all our dedicated discussions, all of our groups, no matter what the issue being discussed and then collect the outcomes of these discussions in each thematic group to bring to the plenary discussions. The dedicated thematic groups can dive deeper into issues that are raised during substantive plenary sessions and the French paper provides an example of what these groups might look like were we to establish three thematic groups based on resilience cooperation and stability which can be restructured should states see value in our first review conference as we were reminded today. Australia is supportive of this model and I thank France for providing a clear example because it helps us extract not just states positions in response to this example but also identify the shared interests there because we’ve identified a shared interest when it comes to what happens with the results of these thematic groups. Feedback into the plenaries which are structured the same way as our OEWG is now with an agenda that follows the pillars of our framework that is identifying emerging threats, how to address them through international law, norms of responsible state behaviour, confidence building measures and capacity building. We all have a shared interest in protecting and nurturing our agreed framework of responsible state behaviour. And I hope that we would all defend it, should it come under threat. Finally, we have a shared interest in giving stakeholders a voice. I acknowledge that there are many different perspectives and positions about what this should look like in practice. As RSIS said during our stakeholder session yesterday, stakeholders have been actively working to advance the framework of responsible state behaviour throughout this process. They’ve produced visible outcomes in all discussion areas and safeguarding a holistic stakeholder participation in our new mechanism can prevent the work of the process that we are spending so much time building falling into a diplomatic silo or worse, obsolescence. Australia doesn’t believe that the status quo of the OEWG will support meaningful stakeholder engagement because the status quo is excluding essential voices from our discussion. The informal workaround for some of us here, which has been to add some vetoed stakeholders to our national delegations, is not a practice that we should be promoting or permanently cementing. That’s why Australia has co-sponsored the paper drafted by Chile and Canada, because we consider this sits out a better way to ensure that the decisions that are made by states, by consensus in our future mechanism, are informed by the best evidence and the most up-to-date reporting. To close, new ideas and change can be scary, but we have a good track record in this group of working through that change and that change management. We’ve set up a capacity building roundtable, we’ve set up a point of contact directory, we’ve agreed CBMs, we’re working on a new norms implementation checklist. The diversity of viewpoints that we’ve had through all of that hasn’t mean that we can’t be creative and hasn’t mean that we haven’t found solutions. I think we need to find a balance between our fear of change that comes from a different perspective in the way that we’re looking at these new thematic groups. with the comfort of familiarity, as all our plenaries follow our existing structure and the pillars of our framework. Thank you, Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, Australia, for your contribution. Fiji to be followed by Ghana.
Fiji: Thank you, Chair. Bulavanaka Chair and dear colleagues and friends, Fiji aligns firstly with the statement delivered this morning by the Kingdom of Tonga on behalf of the Pacific Island Forum members and delivers the following remarks in our national capacity. Chair, Fiji refers to NXC of our third annual progress report and thanks you for your discussion paper in NXC of your 27th letter on the permanent mechanism to advance responsible state behavior in the use of ICTs, which Fiji has found valuable. Fiji supports the guiding principles outlined in paragraphs three to seven of NXC of your letter. Chair, given the recommended next steps in our third annual progress report, which is to continue discussions on the most effective format of stakeholder modalities and dedicated thematic working groups, Fiji thanks the states that have put forward proposals on these two components, and we will continue to study these closely. We’d like to share a number of preliminary observations and we look forward to further discussions on these matters. With regards to the thematic working groups, Fiji welcomes the France proposal, which is gaining support by a large number of delegations and we’re closely studying it. Chair, we’re flexible in the number of thematic groups as long as it does not overburden smaller delegations and is streamlined, and this has also been mentioned by a number of delegations, and for virtual meetings to account for diverse time zones. In addition to international law being a cross-cutting pillar, we would like to propose three additional key components, as we see should be applied across all thematic groups. groups, and to be given top priority. Firstly, Fiji recognizes that in order for our permanent mechanism to work, it needs to be action-oriented. And so capacity building is crucial, and it needs to be prioritized across the thematic groups to enable all states to be in a position to develop and operationalize the commitments that we’re making as a group. Secondly, noting the great progress that we have made regarding gender mainstreaming in our work, we look forward to ensuring that this is strengthened in our future work. And we’d like to refer to the cross-regional group paper on gender, which Fiji is a part of. And we look forward to language in our cross-regional paper being reflected in the zero draft of our final report. And thirdly, Chair, over the course of our work, we have not only heard about the compounded crises faced by states and the inherent vulnerabilities of small island developing states, but the intersection between climate change and how it amplifies existing and potential threats for states, and the criticality for climate-resilient critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure. And this has also been raised by a distinguished colleague from Australia. And we look forward to further discussions in this regard. Chair, Fiji proposes for discussions in the permanent mechanism to also include designation of critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure, and not just on the protection of critical infrastructure, as not all states have undergone designation and noting the possibility of new designations given new and emerging technologies and sectors. Fiji notes that this is already captured in our third annual progress report, and we look forward to further discussions as we embed resilience in our national and regional developments. With regard to stakeholder participation, Fiji notes with appreciation the Chair’s discussion paper and the paper by Chile and Canada, supported by a number of states. Fiji strongly supports the meaningful and inclusive participation of multi-stakeholders. which will not only enrich our discussions, but will enable member states, particularly from developing states, to have access to such research and technical expertise and tailored briefings and discussions. In conclusion, Chair, Fiji remains committed to forging consensus on reaching our collective goal, and on a personal note, Chair, we also wish all delegations safe travels back home.
Chair: Thank you very much, Fiji, safe travels indeed, but not yet. Ghana, to be followed by Colombia.
Ghana: Mr. Chairman, thank you for giving me the floor. Ghana aligns with the African Group Statements on Regular Institutional Dialogue. We wish to make the following remarks in our national capacity. We acknowledge your continued efforts, Chair, in shaping the framework for a structured institutional dialogue on ICT security. We recognize that this is no small undertaking, and we appreciate your commitment to promoting inclusivity and foster meaningful discussions. Mr. Chair, we believe that a seamless transition from the OEWG to the future permanence mechanism is crucial. Therefore, Ghana supports the proposal that the future mechanism fully inherits the mandate of the existing OEWG to ensure continuity and stability in our collective approach to cyber security challenges. On stakeholder modalities, Ghana continues to support the participation of relevant stakeholders in addressing cyber security-related issues. We firmly believe that stakeholder participation modalities should not become a subject of disputation, as this would unnecessarily detract from the substantive matters that we as Member States are required to discuss. For this reason, we support the application of the current modalities from the OEWG process agreed upon after extensive discussions. to the future mechanism, and we also recognize the importance of continuing discussions on potential options to further enhance stakeholder participation in our future proceedings to ensure inclusivity and effectiveness. In that regard, we welcome the provision to invite stakeholders with relevant expertise to apply for accreditation, broadening participation, especially from non-governmental institutions in the global south. We also support provisions that ensure the involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, particularly from developing countries, through sponsorship programs that promote inclusivity. And in this regard, we support Brazil’s proposal to include such provisions under the proposed Voluntary Fund. This approach would ensure diverse perspectives, enriching our discussions. We encourage the judicious use of the non-objection mechanism in the spirit to ensure that all voices are heard and valued in these important discussions. Mr. Chair, regarding the dedicated thematic groups, Ghana believes that the three thematic groups suggested by the African group are both feasible and essential, especially for smaller delegations like ours. Given the interconnected nature of the issues discussed under the current OEWG, we suggest that guiding questions, as currently utilized by the Chair, would help stimulate important discussions on other relevant and related topics under the dedicated thematic groups. To enhance the effectiveness of the framework, we propose clarifying the role of thematic groups, and in addition to the guiding questions, we recommend that each group have clearly defined mandates and deliverables to ensure the production of actionable recommendations. A review mechanism should also be implemented to assess the effectiveness of the work during the review conference, to keep pace with the rapid evolution of technology and the continuous emergence of new cybersecurity risks. We propose that the first review conference of the permanence mechanism take place after four years as a trial period. Following this, member states could decide whether to extend the review cycle to five or six years based on the results and evolving needs. Mr. Chair, Ghana further supports the proposal on the appointment of co-facilitators for each dedicated thematic group for a duration of two years. This would provide an opportunity for focused, in-depth, and continuous discussions on key thematic areas, ensuring that we build on concrete, actionable initiatives that address existing gaps. Moreover, Ghana appreciates that many proposals suggest scheduling meetings of the thematic groups sequentially as that would help prevent smaller delegations from being overburdened by overlapping processes. To further enhance this, we propose a hybrid approach that would enable broader and more active participation from all states. We remain committed and flexible in supporting the development of a robust, inclusive, and action-oriented future permanence mechanism. I thank you.
Chair: Thank you very much, Ghana, for your contribution. Colombia, to be followed by Ireland.
Colombia: Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Chair. In terms of the future permanence mechanism, first of all, we thank you for your discussion document that was sent out on the 27th of January last, and also for the efforts under your leadership to move forward to a consensus on this. In our national capacity, we wish to make the following comments. On the issue of the modalities, in order to have a comprehensive approach to the topics and to also benefit from technical expertise, we hope that technical experts and other stakeholders, in addition to participating in the review conferences and other events, will also be able to participate in an advisory role in the thematic groups to be defined. as was underscored in the working document co-sponsored by a group of delegations, including Colombia, bearing in mind the interconnected nature of cyberspace, and for multiple stakeholders to be part of this as operators, users and owners, it’s important for them to be involved in the action-focused thematic groups. Furthermore, when it comes to practical modalities for participation, my delegation believes that the proposal put forward by Canada and Chile lays the foundations for a transparent, inclusive and practical process. Now, as regards to thematic groups, we reiterate our willingness to seek agreement and to move forward with understanding and pragmatic, comprehensive solutions with an action-focused process that is cross-cutting. As we’ve underscored, we believe that it would be beneficial to include the three permanent thematic groups dealing with existing and potential threats, the application of IHL to cyberspace and the third group on capacity building. We underscore the fact that this proposal is in line with the one mentioned by several regional groups yesterday and today. We believe that these groups should have a permanent nature due to the fact that the topics they deal with evolve a lot. It’s true that threats continue to change and evolve and security in cyberspace will continue to be an issue and it’s necessary to work on common understandings. Also, the creation of this group will enable us to update the UN structure on current topics. Now, when it comes to capacity building, it’s essential for this to move, to evolve in line with the different trends here. It’s also important to have different spaces and technical resources to ensure that the different experts from ministries, lawyers and other relevant stakeholders can participate, especially from smaller delegations where the specialised resources can be limited and for whom it’s difficult to justify the participation in fora that are not under their strict competence now. When it comes to ensuring that the mechanism has sufficient flexibility to constantly tailor its actions to changes in ICTs, it would be good to have three fixed groups and one ad hoc group that would change topic every two years and would report back to States in the plenary meeting. This is contained in one of the working documents. Now, in complement to point eight of the working document, in order to ensure transparency and discussion and coherence between discussions in the different groups in the plenary and the specific groups dealing with cross-cutting issues, it would be good to provide information like plans of action back to the plenary. In the plenary meeting, we would discuss and adopt these different plans that would include regional, national and global action plans that could be of a biennial duration so that we can look at and assess the progress of different States and the plans adopted and implemented during each biennium. Chairman, finally, as this working group has very well underscored, one of the great achievements has been the broad participation of delegates in the different meetings and the prominence of the gender perspective in discussions. It’s important that the future mechanism continues this work to reduce the gender gap and to promote the full and equal and meaningful participation and leadership of women in the decision-making processes linked to the use of ICTs in the context of international security. In this regard, the gender document and the future mechanism presented by several delegations, including Colombia, contains options on how to integrate this issue. Thank you.
Chair: Thank you very much, Colombia. Ireland, to be followed by Qatar.
Ireland: Thank you, Chair. To begin, Ireland aligns with the statement delivered by the European Union and I would like to proceed now with some additional remarks in my national capacity. Chair, firstly I would like to thank you for the discussion paper on modalities for the Future Permanent Mechanism, or FPM. As we approach the end of the mandate of the OEWG, the establishment of a single-track permanent future mechanism under the UN auspices that is inclusive, action-orientated and based on the UN normative framework must be our priority. It is telling that State’s contributions this week have all, in one way or another, discussed that future permanent mechanism. As we make efforts to find a formulation of what that future permanent mechanism should look like, we would like to stress that a consensus outcome should reflect two elements. Firstly, the relative support of the proposals that have been tabled, and secondly, the realistic potential of those proposals to solve the very real problems that we all share. We cannot afford to discuss issues under rubrics that are out of date and no longer reflect the cross-cutting nature of our contemporary concerns. Let me therefore outline the proposals which Ireland has seen garnered the most support and would have the greatest impact, firstly on stakeholder participation and then on structure. On stakeholder participation, my delegation believes that stakeholders are particularly well-placed to enhance situational awareness and also to input their learnings and insights into this process. Their input is particularly valuable on threats, where they can enhance our understanding, knowledge and information of the cybersecurity challenges related to critical infrastructure, new and emerging technologies such as quantum and artificial intelligence. Therefore, inclusive participation is essential to the success in this regard. We support the Chair’s proposal for accreditation and review. However, the existing single-state veto of stakeholders is hampering this success. The exclusion of stakeholders or their inclusion on the basis of a voice and not a vote should be decided by majority consensus in the Future Permanent Mechanism. On structure, particularly on the format of dedicated thematic groups, Ireland supports the cross-cutting structure as outlined in the Programme of Action Support, that is, three dedicated thematic groups, resilience, cooperation and stability. This proposal offers the right balance of issues and reduces burden on states. We believe the modalities proposed allow for both focused, results-driven discussions and succinctly facilitate discussions on cross-cutting issues. We support its state-driven approach while allowing for meaningful participation of stakeholder voices. Reflecting on the discussions this week, we feel it can appropriately absorb and effectively operationalise capacity-building initiatives proposed by this group. Modalities such as hybrid participation and dynamic scheduling for the dedicated thematic groups and capacity-building roundtables should also be considered. This core structure could be elaborated further by a number of capacity-building proposals to enhance its action-orientated manner. An internet portal which acts as a central access point and a knowledge hub. A global POC directory to ensure efficient communication in the event of cyber incidents. An efficient voluntary fund to support gender and regionally balanced representation. And a global roundtable for dedicated exchanges on capacity-building. We have listened to colleagues from around this room this week and can relate to many of the desires and concerns. We believe the POA remains the most viable and pragmatic proposal for a future permanent mechanism that can work and evolve for all of us. As a final word, Chair. Let me take advantage of my position towards the end of the day to echo something that you have alluded to previously. We have an opportunity to build together a new mechanism for states to address some of the most challenging security issues of our time. This is not something we get to do often. At least not if we do it right the first time. Ireland will continue to approach our shared challenge with honesty, best intention, and in the spirit of cooperation. And as this is the last session of the week, I would like to thank you and your team again, Chair, for convening us here in New York, the Secretariat, the interpreters, and UN staff for enabling our discussions. Go raibh maith agat. Thank you, Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, Ireland, for your contribution. Qatar to be followed by Portugal.
Qatar: Say the rise. Mr. Chair, my delegation would like to reaffirm its support to your effort to make the work of this open-ended working group a success. And we look forward to the continued discussion that is constructive and fruitful and to reach a consensus that would meet the aspirations of all delegations during the current and the coming substantive sessions in preparation for their transition to – from the OEWG to the permanent institutional dialogue mechanism in July. And we align ourselves with the statements of their group. Mr. Chair, Qatar attaches great importance to issues of cybersecurity and contributing towards a secure and sustainable digital environment through our initiatives with member states, international organizations, to reduce – to bridge the gap in many countries and areas pertaining to ICT technologies, the most recent of which was the third meeting of the Ministerial Committee of Cybersecurity of the GCC held in Doha in November. We have launched the Gulf Strategy for Cybersecurity 2024-2028 during said meeting. Also, we have joined the BOD of OIC-CERT. which is a turning point in the development and interest in international cooperation in digital and technological security area. At the national level, we have launched the National Framework for Responding to Cyber Incidents on the 18th of the current month, which is one of the strategic national initiatives for cybersecurity 2024-2030, which contributes to achieving our 2030 national vision and to become one of the frontier countries towards the safe use of current and emerging technologies. As for the paper presented by the chair on the draft elements pertaining to the mechanism for addressing the stakeholders and the dedicated substantive groups in the future mechanism, we think that this needs to be a comprehensive, flexible, and permanent future mechanism working under the UN and to include stakeholders to benefit from the experience and to take into consideration the geographical diversity. But decision-making needs to be only the purview of the member states. Here, we would like to commend the role of the stakeholders in the future mechanism. Their participation needs to be purely consultative and provide constructive assistance and provide the states with their relevant expertise and information. We support the proposal by Kuwait that was presented last session, which seeks to develop a platform for non-binding rules, principles, and norms for responsible states’ behavior in the use of ICTs that includes capacity building and enhancing confidence among states and implementing the rules that are adopted by the GA. As for the dedicated thematic groups, we support reducing the number of those groups to avoid duplication in discussions in the future and to have We also take into consideration that some delegations do not have the manpower to work in a big number, and we need to make sure that everything stays within scope. We support the proposal that the dedicating meetings in the substantive sessions or on their margins so that there would be coordination, and this would be in line with the resources of delegations. And they all need to be action-oriented and to focus on the challenges facing the member states in the different areas that were proposed during the work of the OEE open-ended working group that also includes national strategies, the protection of critical infrastructure, and the threats of emerging technologies, including Internet of Things and cloud computing and AI. And this would include the outcomes that would be part of the work of the dedicated working group through their sessions. Mr. Chair, in closing, we would like to thank you and thank all the delegations for the efforts made in the previous years. My delegation will continue to support your leadership and the OEWG to reach a consensus to achieve the desired goals. I thank you.
Chair: Thank you very much. Portugal to be followed by Antigua and Barbuda.
Portugal: Mr. Chairman, Portugal aligns with your statement and would like to add some very brief comments on the future of our regular institutional dialogue, which we have agreed should be focused on the implementation of the consensually agreed normative framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace. Our future dialogue on implementation of the normative framework is thus meant to contribute decisively to upgrade national cyber capabilities across divides by mobilizing all interested parties, including tech industry companies. and to enable us to move on to a formal system of mutual accountability that will level up all Member State contributions to peace and security in the digital space, so that all of them can peacefully and securely benefit from the digital transition. Thanks to your chairmanship and to extensive engagements by cross-regional groups of Member States in response to your encouragement, the current Open-Ended Working Group has been able to add further layers of understanding on how some of the main elements of the normative framework apply in cyberspace, and I hope that it will continue to do so in its remaining time. The current Open-Ended Working Group has also been able to launch basic tools of communication, such as the Global POC Directory, and to make substantive progress towards harmonizing our language and to set up repositories of best practices in capacity building and incident management. Finally, the current Open-Ended Working Group has been able to show to all of us how we can smoothly move from the traditional pillar-based dialogue to a more action-oriented discussion, structured around priority policy areas and based on a cross-pillar model. In this respect, France’s proposal for a Programme of Action, composed of cross-cutting working groups designed to address best legal and technical practices and capacity building in priority policy areas, which would submit recommendations to plenary sessions, has been widely well received and has the potential to lead us to a consensual final report. Within each period of five years, the Chair of the Programme of Action should be able to task ad-hoc expert groups to discuss and give advice on specific questions in need of further understanding. And the Member States in the review conferences of the Programme of Action should of course remain free to… according to their evaluation of the results achieved, revisit the previous cross-cutting working group structure. It goes without saying that non-governmental interested parties to the future program of action must be selected in a more equitable and transparent way, so as to avoid that no applicant is consistently vetoed by one single member state for three and a half consecutive years, as it outrageously happened to a Portuguese non-profit. In the future program of action, either the member state provides for a thorough justification for its opposition to a particular applicant, or a decision should naturally be taken by vote. The transition between current open-ended working group and the future permanent mechanism of regular institutional dialogue looks, therefore, promising in our view. I would like, on behalf of my government, to once again extol, Mr. Chairman, your superior diplomatic talents and engagement. Thank you.
Chair: Thank you very much, Portugal, for your contribution. Antigua and Barbuda, to be followed by Peru, please.
Antigua and Barbuda: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Since this is our first time taking the floor, Antigua and Barbuda commend you and your team for your guidance in this process and assures you of our highest support and cooperation in moving this process to a successful outcome, thereby providing a smooth transition to the next stage. We welcome the opportunity for states to elaborate on the regular institutional dialogue of the future permanent mechanism, particularly the stakeholder modalities and the operation of the dedicated thematic working groups. In demonstrating our commitment to the success of the process, we are pleased to add our voices to the discussion. Antigua and Barbuda has always supported a single-track, action-oriented, future-prominent mechanism that can play a pivotal role in enhancing global cybersecurity and fostering a safe, secure, stable, and inclusive cyberspace. Chair, we have heard throughout this session of the continued existing and potential threats in the sphere of information security, such as ransomware, sophisticated AI-enabled phishing, attacks on critical infrastructures, and quantum technology that challenge us as states. As we explore possible cooperative measures to prevent and counter these threats, Antigua and Barbuda views the inclusion of this topic in the future-prominent mechanism as pivotal. Thus, we see merit in the working paper submitted by Mauritius and is studying it further. We feel that the Global POC, the Global ICT Security Cooperation and Capacity Building Portal should be part of the future mechanism. And Chair, we thank the Secretariat for the paper presented. Many developing states, to include small island developing states, face disproportionate risk due to geographic isolation, limited resources, imported cybersecurity challenges, and reliance on digital infrastructure for economic development and connectivity. The future-prominent mechanism should ensure that all states benefit through capacity building to include technical assistance that builds resilience. We see capacity building as cross-cutting across all the pillars of the permanent mechanism, and we welcome the paper from the Secretariat and the Voluntary Fund to support capacity building. We reiterate that in dealing with the issues of cybersecurity. to international peace and security, we are as strong as the weakest state among us. Therefore, no state should be left behind in the Future Permanent Mechanism. We continue to study the various proposals with regards to capacity building in the Future Mechanism. Chair, the inclusion of women in this OEW process, especially through the Women in Cyber Fellowship, is a confidence and capacity building measure that has borne fruits demonstrated through the invaluable contributions in interventions made by the women in this process. And Tega and Barbuda thanks the sponsors of the WIC Fellows and thinks that such an initiative should be part of the Future Mechanism. We take note of and will study further the paper on gender and the Future Mechanism put forward by Australia, Chile, Colombia, Fiji, the UK, and co-sponsors. Chair, the ability of the Future Mechanism to develop practical, relevant, and evidence-based solutions to the challenges to international peace and security in the use of ICTs in cyberspace will require leveraging the expertise and resources of multi-stakeholders. It is therefore critical that their participation should be structured to ensure meaningful consultation, dialogue, and cooperation, while at the same time safeguarding the intergovernmental nature of the process. Furthermore, stakeholders from developing countries should be considered given their unique perspectives of the local or regional landscape. Chair, we thank Canada and Chile for their non-paper. and we are reviewing it along with your discussion paper on stakeholder modalities. Chair, for our delegation, like our fellow delegates, failure is not an option in moving to a successful outcome, but we also concur with you that success in July is not guaranteed unless we as Member States work for it. Be assured, Chair, that Antigua and Barbuda will do its part. Thank you, Chair.
Chair: Thank you very much, Antigua and Barbuda, for your contribution. Peru, to be followed by Djibouti, which is the last speaker I have.
Peru: Thank you very much, Mr. President. Thank you very much, Chairman. First of all, I’d like to congratulate you, sir, upon your excellent stewardship of this meeting. Thank you for all of the work that you’ve undertaken since you took up the chairmanship of this meeting and for all of the achievements thus far. Secondly, on behalf of my delegation, I wish to express our full support to you, sir, for your work. From the statements that we’ve heard thus far, in particular the statement made by Nicaragua on behalf of a group of countries, it seems clear that there are two different positions of exactly how to approach the future permanent mechanism. Peru thus urges all Member States present here to find a way of meeting in the middle or finding some balance between these two positions. And this could be based on the proposal of the chair. We fully support the chair’s proposal. As Mexico said… the new permanent mechanism must not end up the same or simply be a replica of the current open-ended working group. Rather, it should seek to evolve so that it can become more hands-on or, as we’re saying here, focused on action, and so that it can achieve the goals that we all aspire to. As regards the letter of the 27th of January that contains the Chair’s proposals on modalities for the participation of stakeholders and for the thematic groups dedicated to thematic groups rather than the future permanent mechanism, in general, we agree with this proposal. On the participation of stakeholders, we agree on the question of objection to the participation of these stakeholders. What we mean here is that these objections must be public and well-known to all of the membership in the interest of transparency. We also agree on the importance of having informal negotiations between the different stakeholders, the state that is objecting, the member states, the stakeholder and the Chair, in order to reach a solution to any given objection. Likewise, we reaffirm the principle that the permanent mechanism where negotiations and decision-making are the exclusive prerogatives of member states only. As regards the five thematic groups proposed, we believe that there could be more synergy between the ones suggested by the Chair. Perhaps we could reach a maximum of four or perhaps three thematic groups in order to facilitate the work and not overburden delegations. The resilience group, the resilience of ecosystems and critical ICT infrastructure could converge and merge with the prevention of conflicts and increase of stability groups. We believe that the dedicated group on capacity building is important. This is in line with the proposal made by a group of Latin American countries laid out by Argentina that seeks to strengthen the consideration of this issue because it’s essential, this issue, in order to bridge the gap for developing countries. We support the Latin American proposal that I just mentioned and the different themes and sub-issues divided into domestic and international policy, response to and management of incidents, as well as proactive practices for cybersecurity. However, we believe that this could be a complementary proposal to the creation of capacity building and that could adopt a cross-cutting approach with other issues, as mentioned by other countries. To conclude, we hope that this 10th substantive meeting will be productive in order to achieve the final goal, which is the long-awaited permanent mechanism. Thank you very much.
Chair: Thank you very much, Peru, for your contribution. Djibouti, you’re the last speaker inscribed.
Djibouti: Thank you, Mr. Chair, dear colleagues. Since we are reaching the end of the penultimate session of our working group, allow me to once again express to you the sincere congratulations of my delegation on the progress made in this process of ICT security, which is thanks in large part to your efforts, your patience and your perseverance, Mr. Chair. I would also like to thank your entire team. I would also like to reiterate my delegation’s thanks to the Secretariat and the interpreters. You can rely on the support of our delegation in making a success of this process. Regarding the future permanent mechanism, I would first of all like to congratulate us on the consensus in our working group on the establishment of a permanent mechanism within the United Nations on an issue that is so important, the establishment of a safe cyberspace. We hope that a future mechanism could conduct measurable results-oriented actions. Based on the ten years of efforts within the UN, the future mechanism on ICT security is going to be born after having been carried for ten years by us, its parents. That’s ten times longer than a mother carries a baby. We need to understand the efforts and the energy that have gone into this institutional dialogue and I’m going to repeat what I said at the side meeting this afternoon. Let’s together make sure that our baby grows up in safety and security by avoiding everything that could stunt its growth. Regarding the different thematic groups of the future mechanism, it would be important to take into account those missions that have smaller delegations such as ours, as well as the cost of expert participation. And in that regard, we support the African position, which is grouping the themes of the future mechanism into three thematic groups. And we are open to any proposal relating to those three groups. We recognize and express our sincere gratitude to the stakeholders for enriching our discussions and our shared understanding of cybersecurity, thanks to the research and efforts and knowledge that they have shared with us throughout this process. We do take into account the disagreements over the modality of stakeholder participation, and my delegation recommends that we allow our mechanism to grow in the safest possible way so that we can conserve consensus and preserve the approach that we have tried and tested thus far. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chair: Thank you very much, Djibouti, for your contribution. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak or who wishes to come back and respond to any comments that have been made? Either you have exhausted the topic or you have exhausted yourselves. I see no other speakers, and I am not sure what I can say in terms of a summary, but I want to say that what has encouraged me about this discussion is that there is consensus that we need to strengthen the normative framework that we have painfully built over the last two and a half decades here at the UN. Normative framework of rules, norms, and principles of responsible state behaviour. And that is a good starting point for the discussion on regular institutional dialogue and the future permanent mechanism. Second, we have also in Annex C of the Third Annual Progress Report. decided on quite a lot of the elements that are needed to make the transition to a future permanent mechanism. That also, I think, is a positive starting point. And we also have decided that it will be a single track, open-ended process. The future permanent mechanism. And if we want it to be single track, which is what we have all said we want, then it is important that we begin to merge all our ideas together. But at the same time, I think there is a certain reluctance to let go. Some of you are still talking about the future permanent mechanism as if it will be the OEWG. Future permanent mechanism is not the OEWG. Some of you are also reluctant to let go. Some of you are reluctant to let go of the POA. The future permanent mechanism is not the POA. It is a combination of the different ideas and proposals, including the proposal for an OEWG, including the proposal for a program of action, that we have all put together. And we haven’t decided what we will call it, but it will be the future permanent mechanism. So this reluctance. to let go is what is also causing some of the tension, because some of you would like the future permanent mechanism to be identical to the open-ended working group. Some of you would like the future permanent mechanism to look quite different from the OEWG, as we have functioned. But it’s quite clear that the future permanent mechanism will be different. But even if we do things differently, we all agree that the future permanent mechanism must strengthen the normative framework. I think that, too, is a good starting point for all of us. And so this discussion about pillar versus cross-cutting, I feel has been a little over-emphasized as if it’s a binary choice. I think there is the possibility of looking at them as mutually reinforcing an iterative process. So the pillar-based discussions contributing to thematic discussions, but thematic discussions not with a view to undermine the pillars or to undermine the normative framework, but to strengthen the normative framework, to strengthen the work that we have done over the last 25 years, including in this working group. So I would urge all of you to keep these broader points in mind. There are some positive elements there, glimmers of hope. That we all agree that the future permanent mechanism and regular institutional dialogue is designed for all of us to come together and to strengthen the framework, build on our achievements. And at the same time, we also acknowledge that the framework is cumulative and evolving, so it has to evolve with the times. And that evolution as to how it evolves, again, has to be a collective endeavor. So if we look at the institutional architecture, I hope that we can keep an open mind, hope you can keep an open mind, and not look at it as zero-sum or mutually exclusive, but how we can create a virtuous cycle of discussions that will build on each other, all with the common purpose of strengthening the framework, strengthening the implementation of the normative framework, creating opportunities for partnership and capacity building and confidence building, so the whole range of things. I think in terms of the architecture, we certainly need to look at the number of thematic groups. Quite a number of you said five is too many. It does make sense to have something that is streamlined. But in streamlining it, we have to do it in a way that makes it clear that we are not trying to depart from the pillars. of the framework or the framework but to reinforce the pillars and to implement the framework. So if we have that common understanding, some of the institutional discussion may reduce the levels of anxieties and concern. So keep that in mind as well. I’ll also give some thought as to how we can, as we try and improve the modalities, how we can provide some of the assurance that may be needed. The assurance to all of you that the institutional architecture is not designed to go back on a parallel track, two-track process. We have taken a step away from a two-track or multiple-track process and we have converged on a single-track mechanism as a result of the work that we have done. So I think if we stay focused on a single-track consensus-based process that is aimed at strengthening the normative framework, the cumulative and evolving normative framework, and if we have this understanding that whatever we do is not departing or diminishing the importance of the framework but to strengthen it, then perhaps we can look at some of the options in terms of how we can go deeper into discussions. The other point was about hybrid versus in-person meetings. In December there was a lot of sense, a lot of calls for hybrid option at this session. I get the feeling that hybrid option also presents challenges, and many of you had identified that. Again, the choice may not be a binary one. We will have to have in-person meetings, not just for the substantive sessions, but also possibly also for the thematic sessions, but we may want to keep the virtual option as an option for additional meetings or very detailed meetings. So again, the choice is not binary. Not everything needs to be hybrid, not everything needs to be in-person. So let’s be creative about it. And then finally, we also need to, as one of you put it, we need to create opportunities and spaces for discussions which may be needed, but creating a space for discussion does not mean that we are committing to go in a certain direction. So again, I think we need to reduce the level of anxiety. Some of you may have a concern that if we create a certain space for a certain discussion, then that particular discussion is going to rush ahead and produce an outcome that you don’t like. But the safeguard is that the future permanent mechanism will work and take decisions guided by the principle of consensus. So I think we need to trust each other. Of course, I know that trust is a very scarce commodity at the United Nations, especially these days, but having been in this process for some time. I think the institutional discussion should not be a proxy debate for some of the substantive discussions. We need to have a clear understanding that the institutional discussion is not intended to prejudice the position of anyone. Ultimately, the future permanent mechanism will have to make decisions on substance, and we need an institutional framework that will preserve the positions of every delegation in terms of substance. So that, too, is something that I’ll give some thought to as I work to revise the modalities that I had prepared earlier in my letter. Let me see what additional points I have. Now on stakeholders’ discussion, I see that in some ways there’s a more challenging area. So in the area of regular institutional dialogue, I see some glimmers of hope for us to arrive at a set of modalities that will not compromise each of your positions on substance, but give everyone the opportunity to continue your dialogue, your debate, and your differences or your different points of view and carry it into the future permanent mechanism. But do keep in mind that we are not going to have a perfect set of modalities in any case. for regular institutional dialogue. So that’s why you have the review process. So if you don’t start with a set of modalities now, and you are tempted to postpone it, then you will spend five years on a new set of modalities. You will be spending the future permanent mechanism talking about what should be the shape of the table. And that would not be a productive discussion. So it’s really important that we start with a set of modalities so that we can make the smooth transition, so that we can preserve, strengthen, and continue implementing the normative framework, even as we continue our discussions and debates about how we build on the framework that we already have, and how we add additional layers, how we add new elements, including discussing the possibilities for new norms and new legally binding obligations. So everything will be on the table on the future permanent mechanism in any case. Whatever the institutional design, the issue is going to surface. So you are not going to prevent an issue from coming up in this context or that context by designing the structure a certain way. The issues will be there, because the delegations are the same, the country positions will be the same. So in some ways, there are some glimmers of hope for this regular institutional dialogue. I think on stakeholders, it’s a bit more challenging, because I don’t see a fundamental shift in positions. There have been some suggestions put forward, and I appreciate that very much. Some papers have been put forward, and I appreciate that very much. But it’s also an issue that has a wider ramification at the UN, because that’s an issue that gets debated in various processes. But the issue is this. In this working group, over the last four or five years, and then the previous open-ended working group for two years, we have evolved a certain way of working and a certain way of understanding. And can we use whatever reservoir of understanding we have built to make some improvements, to make things better, even if the solution is not perfect? So my sense is that the discussions on stakeholders is framed in a more stark and binary way. And the modalities I had put forward in my letter was an attempt to find a way in the middle. But I also have the sense that people from both sides of the aisle didn’t like it very much. People from both sides of the aisle didn’t like it very much. So I think we need to be very creative there. And I don’t have too many ideas on that score. Ultimately, it will come back to all of you. So distinguished delegates, those are some thoughts that I wanted to. to share with you on this very important discussions we have had. About 65 delegations spoke on regular institutional dialogue, I think the largest number for any of the agenda item. But it is really important that we continue this discussion, but we don’t have much time. So for those of you who are searching for perfection, it is going to be difficult to find paradise on earth. We will all need to exercise some flexibility on both sides of the aisle, on all sides, if we want to reach an agreement in July to be adopted by consensus, which in turn is the foundation for making a smooth transition to a future permanent mechanism. So I think I will stop there and then move on to the next agenda item, because I know that the hour is late, which is agenda item six, other matters, and I would like to ask if any delegation wishes to take the floor under agenda item six, other matters. Australia, please.
Australia: Thank you very much, Chair. I will be very brief and beg your indulgence on this Friday afternoon, because as usual, the Australian delegation and the Secretariat have been collecting statistics. There have been so many statements this week that have recognised the importance of gender mainstreaming across our work, so I don’t need to repeat the importance of the contribution of women to this process, but I will read out some numbers. Of the 305 substantive interventions this week, 169 of them were delivered by women. That equals 55 per cent. Breaking that down, we had 55% of threats interventions delivered by women, 62% of norms interventions, 54% of international law interventions, 57% of interventions on CBMs, 56% of capacity building interventions, and just over the line, 51% of regular institutional dialogue interventions. Well done everybody, thank you so much.
Chair: Thank you very much Australia for keeping account of this important issue. I’m of course gratified that we have so many representatives, women representatives, women leaders who are here from many parts of the world and I think they really enrich our contributions. And I also count on them and all of you to bring our work forward in July. Are there any other delegations wishing to take the floor under other matters? I see none, so we have now completed our deliberations for this session. So please, if I may just to add some final closing words and I don’t have much to add. You’ve heard me throughout the week, adding my comments, interjecting with views here and there, so I don’t want to belabor all the points that I’ve made, but I think this week has been a very significant crossing of the milestone because we have now essentially, completed the penultimate step which means that when we next see each other in July it will be the final final stretch to get things done so there is no keeping for later because later is around the corner and I would urge everyone to go back and really reflect on the week we did cross a significant milestone but precisely because this has been an in-person meeting there has been so many meaningful conversations I’ve spoken to many of you individually and in groups that has helped me obtain a better understanding of some of the issues but I’m sure each one of you have also reached out and spoken to others but also more importantly I know that all of you were listening to each other very intently so I think we are leaving this evening with a better sense than we had arrived on Monday morning so if the conclusion at the end of this session is that you go back and hold on to your positions then perhaps you need to go back and review the entire week on UN web tv but I know that each one of you will be leaving with reflections which is that there are uh areas of commonality some issues lend themselves to greater convergence other issues are very challenging but we need to start to put together A set of outcomes that are ambitious, that lives up to expectations, but that are also balanced. So keep that in mind, there has to be a balance. If we want to get to a consensus outcome, we need to have a set of balanced outcomes. And it must also be a set of ambitious outcomes. And you need to understand each other’s concerns, and you need to provide that assurance to each other, so that you’re not trying to have everything your way. If you expect every issue to go your way, then I think the chances of getting to a consensus will not be easy. Second, I’ve been saying this from Monday, success is not guaranteed, and failure is not an option. That is the motto for diplomats at the UN. And if you want an outcome, you have to work for it, and that means demonstrating flexibility. And a consensus outcome is not going to be imposed by the chair. I’ve met many of you over the week in separate meetings, many of you came to me in some ways to indicate what your concerns are, in some ways hinting to me at your red lines. But in a sense, you’re not negotiating with me. I am not the person who can grant you your wishes. and your preferred positions. I am not the person who’s standing in the way of you achieving your national positions and interests. You are supposed to be negotiating with each other. So, I’m sure you did some of that this week. There’s a lot more that needs to be done, so I would encourage you to reach out to each others from different groups. Different delegations and talk to each other. I mean, one of the challenge in this process, candidly, I have to say, is that some of you are not talking to each other, even after almost five years. It’s a reality. Some of you can’t be seen with another person. It’s the reality. So, you need to talk to each other. If you do all the talking, then I don’t need to do a lot of talking. And I don’t need to be the intermediary for some of these conversations. So, that’s what I would encourage you to do. Outreach and talk to each other, especially those who have a different view. And sometimes those who might seemingly have a very different and difficult point of view, difficult from your point of view, may not be so difficult after you really understand what they want, and there might be a solution. So, I would encourage all of you to spend this intersessional period talking to each other. The last thing I would say, and I was alluding to this as well, I think the risk of not having a consensus is high, higher than ever before in this process, in the last few years. So, the risk is certainly high. I mean, I do not want to sugarcoat the situation to all of you. You know exactly what’s happening. I don’t need to explain what is happening. But international cooperation has not become easy, and so those of you who are believers in the UN, in the work of the UN, I think you need to also work hard for that. I will do my best, very best of course, and I’m always accessible to you, me and my team, but I think all of us who are believers in this organization, in the work that the UN does, not very well, the UN is not a perfect organization, but it’s the only universal organization that we have. So if you really believe in the value of multilateral outcomes and multilateral norms and rules and frameworks for international partnership and collaboration, then I think we need to work hard. Having said all of that, I do want to say that, that this, this is doable. I think there is a very, very, very, very, I think there is a very, very, very narrow path that might take us to the finish line, but it is not very wide at all, so, but it requires demonstrations of flexibility from all of you. But I would not say that this is a walk in the park, it is not, it is not going to be a dash to the finish line, we are almost crawling at the end of the marathon, so, but it is doable, but that also depends on you. I can’t, I can’t, as the chair, produce a miracle text. and then pray that no one will object to it. So each one of you need to also talk to each other and work hard to get to that finish line collectively. Finally, finally, in terms of next steps, it’s my intention to reflect on the modalities for regular institutional dialogue, thematic groups, and prepare a revised set of modalities and hopefully I can make this available around March. We are almost at the end of February now. And then it’s my hope to have a town hall meeting focused on the question of institutional questions relating to dedicated thematic groups. And then I will also reflect on modalities for stakeholder participation, which, as I said, is more challenging than any of the other issues. And I think we may want to have a separate town hall meeting as well. So the time between March and April, I will convene town hall meetings, at least two, if not more. It’s difficult for me to identify a specific date at this point. Let me go back and… also consult my team, but it is important that we do some work intersessionally in March and in April, and it’s my intention to focus on the dedicated thematic groups and stakeholder modalities. And then it’s my intention to make available the zero draft in around May, in May. So March, April, May, and after the zero draft is circulated, which will be a compilation of everything, and then we’ll have to have another round of discussions over a virtual meeting. So we’ll need a town hall, virtual town hall meeting as well on the zero draft around May. We may need more than one. We’ll see how that goes. And then in July, we are here in person. So that roughly is my thinking. I can’t be precise about the dates now. But we need to use the intersessional period in a productive way so that we are not coming back in July having not discussed some of the outstanding issues. So in the meantime, if any of you have any brilliant ideas and indications of flexibility or dramatic changes in your position, hey, anything is possible. Let me know. And if you think that changes in your position will contribute to consensus or ideas that might contribute to consensus. that might help to find solutions, let me know. We need all the ideas we can get to get to the finish line. So, I’m sorry to have kept you here much longer than I had anticipated, but it’s a quarter to six, Friday, and I want to conclude by thanking all of you, thanking members of the Secretariat, thanking members of my team, thanking the interpreters, but most of all, thanking each one of you for your patience, for your constructive engagement. You bring a positive attitude that is very palpable. I’ve been at the UN in so many processes, but this is a real community, because ultimately, behind the nameplates are individuals who have invested their time, energy, passion, ideas, to a process, and that’s what make the United Nations great. It’s a community of people and leaders, and each one of you are leading not just your own delegations, and within your own delegations, but you are leading your country and your delegation at the global stage by helping to find solutions for common problems. I think the world needs more of that at this precise point. So, I wish you all a safe flight. And, a pleasant Friday evening to all of you. And, see you in July. The meeting is adjourned, thank you. (?)
Speech speed
153 words per minute
Speech length
821 words
Speech time
321 seconds
Support for 3 thematic groups focused on resilience, cooperation, and stability
Germany supports the Programme of Action proposal with cross-cutting, policy-oriented thematic working groups. They believe this structure would advance cyber issues at the global level by addressing policy challenges from different angles.
Germany cites the proposal made by France for the Programme of Action
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Agreed with
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
– Peru
Agreed on
Reducing number of thematic groups
Differed with
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
Differed on
Structure of thematic groups
Support for structured stakeholder involvement across all meeting formats
Germany believes stakeholders need to be involved in a structured way across all different meeting formats of the future mechanism. This includes participation in the dedicated thematic working groups.
Germany references the frustration expressed by many states about the de facto veto power against stakeholders during the December session
Major Discussion Point
Stakeholder Participation
Differed with
– Vanuatu
– Qatar
– Viet Nam
– China
Differed on
Stakeholder participation modalities
Speech speed
152 words per minute
Speech length
697 words
Speech time
275 seconds
Proposal for 3 thematic groups: threats, international law, and capacity building
Colombia proposes three permanent thematic groups dealing with existing and potential threats, the application of IHL to cyberspace, and capacity building. They believe these groups should have a permanent nature due to the evolving nature of these topics.
Colombia notes that this proposal aligns with suggestions made by several regional groups
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Agreed with
– Germany
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
– Peru
Agreed on
Reducing number of thematic groups
Differed with
– Germany
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
Differed on
Structure of thematic groups
Proposal to allow stakeholders to participate in advisory role in thematic groups
Colombia suggests that technical experts and other stakeholders should be able to participate in an advisory role in the thematic groups. This would allow for a comprehensive approach to topics and benefit from technical expertise.
Major Discussion Point
Stakeholder Participation
Speech speed
137 words per minute
Speech length
624 words
Speech time
271 seconds
Support for reducing number of thematic groups to 3 to avoid overburdening delegations
Ghana supports the African group’s proposal for three thematic groups in the future mechanism. They believe this structure is feasible and essential, especially for smaller delegations.
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Agreed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
– Peru
Agreed on
Reducing number of thematic groups
Differed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
Differed on
Structure of thematic groups
Recommendation for hybrid approach to enable broader participation
Ghana proposes a hybrid approach for meetings that would enable broader and more active participation from all states. They believe this would help prevent smaller delegations from being overburdened by overlapping processes.
Major Discussion Point
Meeting Modalities
Speech speed
147 words per minute
Speech length
1190 words
Speech time
484 seconds
Proposal to limit thematic groups to 3 maximum, with one dedicated to capacity building
Argentina suggests limiting the number of thematic groups to a maximum of three, with one group dedicated to capacity building. They believe this structure would be more appropriate and less burdensome for medium-sized or small delegations.
Argentina references a working document jointly developed with 15 Latin American and Caribbean states that highlights the broad range of critical issues that must be addressed in the area of capacity building
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Agreed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Ireland
– Djibouti
– Peru
Agreed on
Reducing number of thematic groups
Differed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Ireland
– Djibouti
Differed on
Structure of thematic groups
Speech speed
140 words per minute
Speech length
704 words
Speech time
300 seconds
Support for cross-cutting thematic structure proposed in Programme of Action
Ireland supports the cross-cutting structure outlined in the Programme of Action Support, consisting of three dedicated thematic groups on resilience, cooperation, and stability. They believe this proposal offers the right balance of issues and reduces burden on states.
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Agreed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Djibouti
– Peru
Agreed on
Reducing number of thematic groups
Differed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Djibouti
Differed on
Structure of thematic groups
Speech speed
132 words per minute
Speech length
405 words
Speech time
182 seconds
Recommendation for 3 thematic groups as proposed by African Group
Djibouti supports the African position of grouping the themes of the future mechanism into three thematic groups. They emphasize the importance of taking into account missions with smaller delegations and the cost of expert participation.
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Agreed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Peru
Agreed on
Reducing number of thematic groups
Differed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
Differed on
Structure of thematic groups
Speech speed
115 words per minute
Speech length
495 words
Speech time
256 seconds
Proposal for transparent accreditation system for stakeholders without arbitrary exclusions
Vanuatu supports the Canada-Chile proposal on stakeholder inclusion, particularly its ‘voice, not a vote’ approach. They advocate for a structured and transparent accreditation system that prevents arbitrary exclusions while ensuring discussions remain state-led.
Major Discussion Point
Stakeholder Participation
Differed with
– Germany
– Qatar
– Viet Nam
– China
Differed on
Stakeholder participation modalities
Proposal for capacity building to be a standing agenda item in every thematic group
Vanuatu insists that in the design of the future mechanism, capacity building should be a standing agenda item under every thematic group. This is to ensure that the mechanism is fit for purpose and addresses the needs of all states.
Vanuatu references the third APR which states that capacity building efforts need to be accelerated and constitute one of the key functions of the future permanent mechanism
Major Discussion Point
Capacity Building
Agreed with
– India
– Antigua and Barbuda
– Sierra Leone
– Lao PDR
– Peru
Agreed on
Importance of capacity building
Concerns about time zone implications of virtual meetings for Pacific countries
Vanuatu expresses concern about the time zone implications of virtual meetings for Pacific countries. They worry about a situation where Pacific time zones are consistently relegated to midnight meetings.
Major Discussion Point
Meeting Modalities
Speech speed
135 words per minute
Speech length
628 words
Speech time
278 seconds
Support for stakeholder participation to be strictly consultative and non-politicized
Qatar believes that stakeholder participation in the future mechanism should be purely consultative. They emphasize that stakeholders should provide constructive assistance and relevant expertise and information to states.
Major Discussion Point
Stakeholder Participation
Differed with
– Germany
– Vanuatu
– Viet Nam
– China
Differed on
Stakeholder participation modalities
Viet Nam
Speech speed
119 words per minute
Speech length
407 words
Speech time
204 seconds
Recommendation that stakeholder participation be based on non-objection principle
Viet Nam suggests that the admission of stakeholder entities should be based on non-objection principles. They emphasize the need for clear selection criteria to ensure that participating entities possess relevant expertise and do not pose national security issues for any UN member states.
Major Discussion Point
Stakeholder Participation
Differed with
– Germany
– Vanuatu
– Qatar
– China
Differed on
Stakeholder participation modalities
Recommendation to discuss international law together with norms and principles
Viet Nam supports discussing international law together with rules, norms, and principles of responsible state behaviors in cyberspace. They view international law as serving as guidelines and framework for state actions in cyber and kinetic worlds.
Viet Nam notes that more than 40 individual countries and two biggest regional groups of more than 80 member states have brought forward their understanding of international cyber law
Major Discussion Point
International Law Discussions
Proposal to consider alternative meeting locations outside New York
Viet Nam suggests considering alternative meeting locations outside New York and allowing other countries to host intersessionals. They believe this could enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and delivery of discussions.
Major Discussion Point
Meeting Modalities
Speech speed
93 words per minute
Speech length
1434 words
Speech time
923 seconds
Support for maintaining current stakeholder participation modalities
China believes that the existing mechanism for promoting multi-stakeholder participation in discussions is effective. They argue there is no need to change the current mechanism and that the status quo is satisfactory.
China notes that over 100 NGOs have participated in discussions under the current mechanism
Major Discussion Point
Stakeholder Participation
Differed with
– Germany
– Vanuatu
– Qatar
– Viet Nam
Differed on
Stakeholder participation modalities
Proposal to maintain international law as key pillar of framework
China argues for maintaining international law as a key pillar of the framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace. They emphasize the importance of adhering to and evolving this framework, which has been established over the past two decades.
China references the development of the framework for responsible state behavior over the last 20 years
Major Discussion Point
International Law Discussions
Speech speed
143 words per minute
Speech length
500 words
Speech time
209 seconds
Support for dedicated thematic group on capacity building
India supports a dedicated thematic group on capacity building for discussing resource constraints and similar issues faced by several countries. They propose that this group should be part of the structure of the future permanent mechanism.
Major Discussion Point
Capacity Building
Agreed with
– Vanuatu
– Antigua and Barbuda
– Sierra Leone
– Lao PDR
– Peru
Agreed on
Importance of capacity building
Antigua and Barbuda
Speech speed
117 words per minute
Speech length
633 words
Speech time
324 seconds
Emphasis on capacity building as cross-cutting issue across all pillars
Antigua and Barbuda views capacity building as a cross-cutting issue that should be integrated across all pillars of the permanent mechanism. They stress that capacity building is essential for addressing challenges affecting the protection, strengthening, and effective adoption of global cybersecurity norms.
Major Discussion Point
Capacity Building
Agreed with
– Vanuatu
– India
– Sierra Leone
– Lao PDR
– Peru
Agreed on
Importance of capacity building
Proposal for capacity building portal as part of future mechanism
Antigua and Barbuda suggests that the Global ICT Security Cooperation and Capacity Building Portal should be part of the future mechanism. They see this as a way to enhance capacity building efforts and information sharing.
Major Discussion Point
Capacity Building
Sierra Leone
Speech speed
119 words per minute
Speech length
622 words
Speech time
312 seconds
Support for capacity building fund to enable participation of developing countries
Sierra Leone supports the allocation of funding and capacity building resources to enable the effective participation of developing states in global issues affecting threats to international security through the use of cyber activities. They believe this would enhance diversity and foster meaningful engagement.
Major Discussion Point
Capacity Building
Agreed with
– Vanuatu
– India
– Antigua and Barbuda
– Lao PDR
– Peru
Agreed on
Importance of capacity building
Speech speed
124 words per minute
Speech length
292 words
Speech time
141 seconds
Recommendation to prioritize implementation of capacity building initiatives
Lao PDR emphasizes the critical importance of capacity building in narrowing the digital gap. They argue it is crucial to prioritize the implementation of agreed elements to foster an environment where all states, particularly small developing countries, can contribute effectively to the ICT security process.
Major Discussion Point
Capacity Building
Agreed with
– Vanuatu
– India
– Antigua and Barbuda
– Sierra Leone
– Peru
Agreed on
Importance of capacity building
Speech speed
162 words per minute
Speech length
1370 words
Speech time
506 seconds
Support for integrating international law considerations across all thematic groups
Australia argues for integrating legal considerations across all work and thematic groups, rather than sequestering lawyers into their own siloed group. They believe this approach can demonstrate how to use international law in context and help states understand its practical applications.
Major Discussion Point
International Law Discussions
Speech speed
144 words per minute
Speech length
789 words
Speech time
326 seconds
Proposal for dedicated discussions on international law to continue in future mechanism
Switzerland emphasizes the need for the future mechanism to enable continued discussions on international law and to find common understanding on its application. They suggest that if specific questions require more in-depth discussions, an ad hoc group or standing committee could be created.
Switzerland cites the example of the ICRC’s five-year process to interpret IHL with regard to direct participation in hostilities
Major Discussion Point
International Law Discussions
Speech speed
135 words per minute
Speech length
378 words
Speech time
167 seconds
Support for standing point on international law in each thematic group
Finland advocates for including a standing point on international law in each of the three thematic working groups proposed in the POA. They believe this is essential to enable in-depth discussions and ensure broad participation in conversations on how international law applies in cyberspace.
Major Discussion Point
International Law Discussions
Speech speed
143 words per minute
Speech length
518 words
Speech time
216 seconds
Emphasis on importance of international law discussions, including IHL
Portugal highlights the importance of continuing discussions on international law, including international humanitarian law, in the future mechanism. They view these discussions as crucial for building understanding on how the normative framework applies in cyberspace.
Major Discussion Point
International Law Discussions
Speech speed
113 words per minute
Speech length
373 words
Speech time
196 seconds
Support for hybrid format for thematic group meetings
Latvia supports organizing thematic groups in a hybrid format. They argue this would allow for inclusive participation, especially as thematic groups would deal with cross-cutting issues requiring input from experts in different institutions and departments.
Major Discussion Point
Meeting Modalities
Speech speed
140 words per minute
Speech length
140 words
Speech time
59 seconds
Proposal for sequential scheduling of thematic group meetings
Singapore welcomes the proposal for each dedicated thematic group to be scheduled sequentially and to meet within the same week. They believe this approach will reduce the travel required from capital representatives attending meetings in New York.
Major Discussion Point
Meeting Modalities
Speech speed
117 words per minute
Speech length
4349 words
Speech time
2227 seconds
Support for in-person meetings with virtual option for additional technical discussions
The Chair suggests having in-person meetings for substantive sessions and possibly thematic sessions, while keeping the virtual option for additional or very detailed meetings. They emphasize that the choice is not binary between hybrid and in-person formats.
Major Discussion Point
Meeting Modalities
Speech speed
131 words per minute
Speech length
286 words
Speech time
130 seconds
Support for action-oriented approach and thematic groups focused on key challenges
Poland supports an action-oriented approach with thematic groups focused on main challenges like resilience, cooperation and stability. They argue this allows for deeper examination of issues beyond surface-level discussions of the existing pillars.
Poland uses the analogy of looking at the forest (deeper issues) rather than just the trees (surface-level pillars)
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Speech speed
163 words per minute
Speech length
648 words
Speech time
237 seconds
Support for cross-cutting approach integrating capacity building, gender, and climate resilience
Fiji proposes that capacity building, gender mainstreaming, and climate resilience should be integrated as cross-cutting issues across all thematic groups. They argue these are critical components that need to be prioritized in the future mechanism’s work.
Fiji references the cross-regional group paper on gender and notes the intersection between climate change and cybersecurity threats raised in Pacific Island Forum statements
Major Discussion Point
Cross-cutting Issues in Future Mechanism
Proposal to include discussions on designation of critical infrastructure
Fiji suggests that discussions in the permanent mechanism should include the designation of critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure, not just their protection. They argue this is important as not all states have undergone designation processes.
Fiji notes this is already captured in the third annual progress report
Major Discussion Point
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Speech speed
134 words per minute
Speech length
573 words
Speech time
255 seconds
Support for merging proposed thematic groups to reduce total number
Peru suggests merging some of the proposed thematic groups to reduce the total number to a maximum of four or three. They argue this would facilitate work and not overburden delegations.
Peru proposes merging the resilience group with the prevention of conflicts and increase of stability groups
Major Discussion Point
Structure and Format of Future Permanent Mechanism
Agreed with
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
Agreed on
Reducing number of thematic groups
Support for dedicated group on capacity building with cross-cutting approach
Peru supports a dedicated group on capacity building while also advocating for a cross-cutting approach to capacity building across other issues. They view this as essential for bridging the gap for developing countries.
Peru references the Latin American proposal on capacity building themes
Major Discussion Point
Capacity Building
Agreed with
– Vanuatu
– India
– Antigua and Barbuda
– Sierra Leone
– Lao PDR
Agreed on
Importance of capacity building
Agreement Points
Reducing number of thematic groups
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
– Peru
Support for 3 thematic groups focused on resilience, cooperation, and stability
Proposal for 3 thematic groups: threats, international law, and capacity building
Support for reducing number of thematic groups to 3 to avoid overburdening delegations
Proposal to limit thematic groups to 3 maximum, with one dedicated to capacity building
Support for cross-cutting thematic structure proposed in Programme of Action
Recommendation for 3 thematic groups as proposed by African Group
Support for merging proposed thematic groups to reduce total number
Multiple speakers agreed on the need to limit the number of thematic groups to three, though there were some variations in the proposed focus areas.
Importance of capacity building
– Vanuatu
– India
– Antigua and Barbuda
– Sierra Leone
– Lao PDR
– Peru
Proposal for capacity building to be a standing agenda item in every thematic group
Support for dedicated thematic group on capacity building
Emphasis on capacity building as cross-cutting issue across all pillars
Support for capacity building fund to enable participation of developing countries
Recommendation to prioritize implementation of capacity building initiatives
Support for dedicated group on capacity building with cross-cutting approach
Multiple speakers emphasized the importance of capacity building, either as a dedicated thematic group or as a cross-cutting issue across all pillars.
Similar Viewpoints
These speakers support increased and more structured involvement of stakeholders in the future mechanism, though with varying degrees of participation.
– Germany
– Colombia
– Vanuatu
Support for structured stakeholder involvement across all meeting formats
Proposal to allow stakeholders to participate in advisory role in thematic groups
Proposal for transparent accreditation system for stakeholders without arbitrary exclusions
These speakers emphasize the importance of integrating international law discussions across the future mechanism’s work, rather than isolating it in a separate group.
– Australia
– Switzerland
– Finland
Support for integrating international law considerations across all thematic groups
Proposal for dedicated discussions on international law to continue in future mechanism
Support for standing point on international law in each thematic group
Unexpected Consensus
Hybrid meeting format
– Latvia
– Ghana
– Chair
Support for hybrid format for thematic group meetings
Recommendation for hybrid approach to enable broader participation
Support for in-person meetings with virtual option for additional technical discussions
Despite potential challenges, there seems to be unexpected support for a hybrid meeting format, which could increase participation while maintaining the benefits of in-person meetings.
Overall Assessment
The main areas of agreement include reducing the number of thematic groups, emphasizing the importance of capacity building, and integrating international law discussions across the mechanism’s work. There is also growing support for more structured stakeholder involvement and hybrid meeting formats.
Consensus level
There is a moderate level of consensus on the broad structure of the future mechanism, particularly on limiting the number of thematic groups and the importance of capacity building. However, there are still variations in the specific implementation details and focus areas. This level of consensus suggests that while there is a common direction, further negotiations will be needed to refine the specifics of the future permanent mechanism.
Different Viewpoints
Structure of thematic groups
– Germany
– Colombia
– Ghana
– Argentina
– Ireland
– Djibouti
Support for 3 thematic groups focused on resilience, cooperation, and stability
Proposal for 3 thematic groups: threats, international law, and capacity building
Support for reducing number of thematic groups to 3 to avoid overburdening delegations
Proposal to limit thematic groups to 3 maximum, with one dedicated to capacity building
Support for cross-cutting thematic structure proposed in Programme of Action
Recommendation for 3 thematic groups as proposed by African Group
While there is general agreement on having 3 thematic groups, countries disagree on the specific focus areas for these groups. Some propose resilience, cooperation, and stability, while others suggest threats, international law, and capacity building.
Stakeholder participation modalities
– Germany
– Vanuatu
– Qatar
– Viet Nam
– China
Support for structured stakeholder involvement across all meeting formats
Proposal for transparent accreditation system for stakeholders without arbitrary exclusions
Support for stakeholder participation to be strictly consultative and non-politicized
Recommendation that stakeholder participation be based on non-objection principle
Support for maintaining current stakeholder participation modalities
Countries have differing views on how stakeholders should participate in the future mechanism, ranging from structured involvement across all formats to maintaining current modalities or limiting participation to consultative roles.
Unexpected Differences
Approach to international law discussions
– Australia
– Switzerland
– Viet Nam
– Finland
Support for integrating international law considerations across all thematic groups
Proposal for dedicated discussions on international law to continue in future mechanism
Recommendation to discuss international law together with norms and principles
Support for standing point on international law in each thematic group
Despite general agreement on the importance of international law discussions, there are unexpected differences in how countries propose to integrate these discussions into the future mechanism. This ranges from cross-cutting integration to dedicated discussions or standing points in each group.
Overall Assessment
The main areas of disagreement revolve around the structure of thematic groups, stakeholder participation modalities, and the integration of capacity building and international law discussions into the future mechanism.
The level of disagreement is moderate to high, with significant implications for the design and functioning of the future permanent mechanism. These differences could potentially delay consensus on the final structure and modalities of the mechanism, impacting its effectiveness in addressing global cybersecurity challenges.
Partial Agreements
Partial Agreements
While all these countries agree on the importance of capacity building, they differ on how it should be integrated into the future mechanism. Some propose a dedicated group, others suggest it as a cross-cutting issue or standing agenda item, and some focus on funding aspects.
– Vanuatu
– India
– Antigua and Barbuda
– Sierra Leone
– Lao PDR
Proposal for capacity building to be a standing agenda item in every thematic group
Support for dedicated thematic group on capacity building
Emphasis on capacity building as cross-cutting issue across all pillars
Support for capacity building fund to enable participation of developing countries
Recommendation to prioritize implementation of capacity building initiatives
Similar Viewpoints
These speakers support increased and more structured involvement of stakeholders in the future mechanism, though with varying degrees of participation.
– Germany
– Colombia
– Vanuatu
Support for structured stakeholder involvement across all meeting formats
Proposal to allow stakeholders to participate in advisory role in thematic groups
Proposal for transparent accreditation system for stakeholders without arbitrary exclusions
These speakers emphasize the importance of integrating international law discussions across the future mechanism’s work, rather than isolating it in a separate group.
– Australia
– Switzerland
– Finland
Support for integrating international law considerations across all thematic groups
Proposal for dedicated discussions on international law to continue in future mechanism
Support for standing point on international law in each thematic group
Key Takeaways
There is consensus on the need to strengthen the existing normative framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace
The future permanent mechanism will be a single-track, consensus-based process aimed at strengthening and implementing the normative framework
Many delegations support reducing the number of thematic groups to 3-4 to avoid overburdening smaller delegations
Capacity building is widely seen as a critical cross-cutting issue that should be addressed across all aspects of the future mechanism
There are divergent views on stakeholder participation modalities, with some supporting expanded participation and others preferring to maintain current practices
The Chair emphasized the need for flexibility and compromise from all sides to reach consensus by July
Resolutions and Action Items
The Chair will prepare revised modalities for regular institutional dialogue and thematic groups by March
Town hall meetings will be convened in March/April to discuss dedicated thematic groups and stakeholder modalities
A zero draft of the final report will be circulated in May
A virtual town hall meeting will be held in May to discuss the zero draft
The final substantive session will be held in-person in July to finalize the report
Unresolved Issues
Specific structure and number of thematic groups for the future mechanism
Modalities for stakeholder participation
How to integrate international law discussions into the future mechanism
Balance between in-person and virtual/hybrid meeting formats
How to ensure meaningful participation from developing countries and small delegations
Suggested Compromises
Combining elements of the OEWG and Programme of Action proposals for the future mechanism structure
Integrating capacity building as a cross-cutting issue across all thematic groups rather than a standalone group
Using a mix of in-person and virtual meetings to balance inclusivity with resource constraints
Maintaining state-led decision-making while expanding opportunities for stakeholder input in advisory roles
Structuring thematic discussions to feed into plenary sessions organized around the existing framework pillars
Thought Provoking Comments
We are not reinventing the wheel, we’re not setting up a new mechanism. We’re not doing so, so that you can have blue sky thinking. Our work is based on something that’s already there. The foundation of the work of the OEWG, it’s a matter of the essence and nature of the OEWG, and this is a question that we need to think about.
This comment challenged the premise of creating an entirely new mechanism and emphasized building on existing foundations. It pushed back against more radical proposals for change.
It shifted the conversation to focus more on how to evolve the existing OEWG framework rather than starting from scratch. Several subsequent speakers referenced the need to preserve core elements of the current approach.
Cross-cutting does not mean everything, everywhere, all at once, but to apply each pillar to concrete challenges we all face. A cross-cutting approach for the working groups would advance the cyber key at the global level by addressing a policy challenge from different angles.
This comment provided a nuanced perspective on how to structure working groups in a way that bridges different approaches. It offered a potential compromise between maintaining pillars and adopting cross-cutting themes.
It influenced later comments from other delegations that expressed openness to hybrid approaches combining elements of pillar-based and thematic structures. It helped move the discussion beyond a binary choice.
The future mechanism must enable us to continue discussions on international law and to find a common understanding on its application. This will not always be an easy task.
This comment highlighted the critical importance of international law discussions while acknowledging the challenges involved. It provided a realistic assessment of the complexity of the issue.
It prompted further discussion on how to effectively incorporate international law into the future mechanism’s structure. Several subsequent speakers emphasized the need for dedicated space to address international law questions.
Future permanent mechanism is not the OEWG. Some of you are also reluctant to let go. Some of you are reluctant to let go of the POA. The future permanent mechanism is not the POA. It is a combination of the different ideas and proposals, including the proposal for an OEWG, including the proposal for a program of action, that we have all put together.
This comment from the Chair synthesized the discussion and challenged delegations to move beyond entrenched positions. It framed the future mechanism as a new hybrid approach.
It served as a turning point in the discussion, encouraging delegations to think more creatively about compromise solutions. Subsequent comments showed more openness to combining elements from different proposals.
Overall Assessment
These key comments shaped the discussion by encouraging a more nuanced and flexible approach to designing the future mechanism. They moved the conversation beyond stark either/or choices and towards exploring hybrid solutions that could incorporate elements from multiple proposals. The comments also highlighted the need to balance continuity with evolution, preserving core elements of the existing framework while adapting to new challenges. Overall, they fostered a more pragmatic and compromise-oriented tone in the latter part of the discussion.
Follow-up Questions
How can the future permanent mechanism effectively integrate international law discussions across all thematic groups?
This is important to ensure that international law considerations are not siloed but woven into all aspects of cybersecurity discussions.
What are the most effective ways to implement capacity building as a cross-cutting issue across all pillars of the future permanent mechanism?
This is crucial to ensure that capacity building is integrated throughout all discussions and activities, rather than being treated as a separate issue.
How can the future mechanism ensure meaningful participation of stakeholders while maintaining its intergovernmental nature?
Multiple speakers including Canada, Chile, and Ireland
This is a key area of debate that requires further exploration to find a balanced approach that satisfies all parties.
What specific measures can be implemented to enhance women’s participation and integrate gender perspectives across all aspects of the future mechanism’s work?
Colombia and others
This is important to ensure gender mainstreaming and equal representation in cybersecurity discussions.
How can the mechanism address the intersection of climate change and cybersecurity, particularly for small island developing states?
This emerging issue requires further research to understand the unique challenges faced by certain states and develop appropriate responses.
What are the most effective modalities for hybrid meetings that balance inclusivity with the benefits of in-person interactions?
Multiple speakers
This is important to ensure broad participation while maintaining the value of face-to-face discussions.
How can the future mechanism effectively address emerging technologies such as AI and quantum computing in relation to cybersecurity?
These rapidly evolving technologies present new challenges that require ongoing research and discussion.
What specific criteria should be used for the selection and accreditation of stakeholders in the future mechanism?
Multiple speakers including India
This is crucial to ensure transparent and fair participation of non-governmental entities.
How can the future mechanism best structure its reporting procedures to ensure clear communication between thematic groups and the plenary?
Multiple speakers
This is important for maintaining coherence and effectiveness in the mechanism’s work.
Disclaimer: This is not an official session record. DiploAI generates these resources from audiovisual recordings, and they are presented as-is, including potential errors. Due to logistical challenges, such as discrepancies in audio/video or transcripts, names may be misspelled. We strive for accuracy to the best of our ability.
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