Cyber norms portal – Proposal

Short Description

The Cyber Norms Portal promises to be an essential tool for enhancing global cybersecurity diplomacy and cooperation, offering invaluable resources and insights to policymakers, diplomats, and security professionals worldwide.

The Cyber Norms Portal is a comprehensive platform for analysis and information on the eleven cyber norms adopted by the United Nations. Serving as an entry point for cybersecurity diplomacy and cooperation, the portal leverages cutting-edge AI technology alongside Diplo’s extensive experience in cybersecurity and diplomacy, which has accumulated over the past two decades.

Main Features 

The beta version of The Cyber Norms Portal will have the following features:

  • AI Assistant: Provides easy access to a wealth of diplomatic, security, and technical knowledge on cyber norms.
  • Just-in-Time Updates: Offers real-time updates on the implementation of cyber norms, including weekly/monthly summaries and quarterly/annual trend analyses.
  • Historical Survey: Provides a comprehensive survey of the history of negotiations and policy debates surrounding cyber norms.
  • Resource Collection: Compiles key international and national resources on cyber norms, including international agreements, resolutions, policies, and reports.
  • Directory: Maintains a directory of companies, countries, and individuals involved in cyber norms.
  • Descriptions: Presents simple and engaging descriptions of each cyber norm.


The Cyber Norms Portal builds on two core elements of Diplo’s work:

  • Advanced AI Technologies: Utilises cutting-edge AI technologies developed by Diplo for addressing diplomatic and international relations issues.
  • Cybersecurity Expertise: Draws on Diplo’s deep expertise in monitoring cybersecurity processes at the UN (including UN GGE and OEWG), coordinating policy initiatives such as the Geneva Dialogue, and delivering cybersecurity courses and training.

Funding Request

Diplo seeks financial support to finalise the Cyber Norms Portal as a ready-made product for presentation to the international community by September 2024. The funding request is as follows:

  • €450,000 for developing the final version, including AI fine-tuning, testing, and interface development; organisation of public presentations of the Portal in New York, Geneva, the Gulf region, and other diplomatic centres.
  • €100,000 for annual maintenance, reporting, and further portal development.