AI investment boost in Brazil, president Lula da Silva aims for autonomy

Brazil announces a 23 billion reais AI investment plan to develop sustainable technologies.

Brazil aims for technological autonomy with a new AI investment initiative.

Brazil has announced a 23 billion reais ($4.07 billion) investment plan for AI development. The initiative aims to foster sustainable and socially-oriented technologies within the nation, enhancing its technological autonomy and competitiveness in the global AI market.

The investment plan includes immediate impact initiatives targeting key sectors such as public health, agriculture, environment, business, and education. These initiatives focus on developing AI systems to streamline customer service and operational procedures.

A significant portion of the funds, nearly 14 billion reais, will be allocated to business innovation projects over the next four years. More than 5 billion reais will be invested in AI infrastructure and development, with the remaining resources dedicated to training, public service improvements, and AI regulation support.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva emphasised the importance of Brazil developing its own AI technologies rather than relying on imports. He highlighted the potential of AI to generate income and employment within the country.