Telegram’s user base monitored by EU for stricter DSA compliance

The European Commission actively monitors the situation and liaises with digital service coordinators.

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EU tech regulators are closely monitoring the messaging app Telegram as it approaches a significant usage milestone that could subject it to stricter regulations under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA, which came into effect last year, imposes tougher obligations on major tech companies to control illegal and harmful content on their platforms.

Telegram reported having 41 million EU users in the six months leading up to February, just shy of the 45 million threshold that would categorise it as a very large online platform (VLOP). If it reaches this threshold, Telegram will need to comply with more stringent regulations. The European Commission has confirmed ongoing communication with Telegram to monitor its user growth and compliance.

Currently, 18 online platforms, including giants like Google, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and TikTok, are already classified as VLOPs under the DSA. These platforms are required to adhere to rigorous standards to ensure safer online environments, reflecting the EU’s commitment to mitigating online risks and safeguarding digital spaces.