WSIS Forum 2020

22 Jun 2020 - 10 Sep 2020


Event report

The 2020 edition of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum will be held online from 22 June onwards, culminating with a final week 7-10 September. A team of GIP rapporteurs provided reports from the Final Week.

The 2020 edition of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum was online from 22 June onwards, culminating with a final week 7-10 September.

It was originally scheduled to be held on 6-9 April 2020 in Geneva, and then rescheduled for 31 August – 4 September 2020.

It included a series of thematic/country workshops, high-level policy sessions, special tracks on various thematic areas, knowledge café, a hackathon, and exhibition addressing issues that are critical to WSIS implementation and follow-up in a multistakeholder setting. The final week consisted of policy statements, interactive high-level dialogues, a WSIS Prize ceremony, a ministerial round table, as well as a series of WSIS Action Line facilitation meetings.

A team of GIP rapporteurs provided reports from the final week.

For more information, visit the dedicated webpage.
