Türkiye’s Public Cloud Computing Strategy

Strategies and Action Plans

In Türkiye, public institutions and organisations typically set up their own data centres or system rooms, as well as provide and operate the necessary hardware and software. This method of addressing information technology (IT) infrastructure requirements not only results in high investment costs but also in challenges and inefficiencies in terms of the sustainable establishment and operation of these infrastructures.

The Public Cloud Computing Strategy’s main objective is to procure public institutions’ information technology infrastructure needs from commercial cloud service providers to the maximum extent possible. Thus, this strategy document aims to:

  • Reduce the installation and operating costs of public institutions’ IT infrastructure and enable them to access new-generation digital technologies at more affordable costs.
  • Improve the quality of public services and increase citizen satisfaction through professional service acquisition.
  • Enhance cloud sector maturity by boosting extra demand for local cloud service providers and establish a cloud ecosystem equipped to serve the countries in the region.

Within the scope of the Public Cloud Computing Strategy, a certification mechanism will be designed for cloud service providers that will offer services to public institutions, including the criteria they have to meet in terms of service quality and cybersecurity. In addition, a Migration Guide will also be prepared to facilitate the transition process of public institutions to the cloud. Besides, within the scope of the Strategy, a number of actions will be defined to fulfil demands that will arise in terms of IT personnel with this transition process to the cloud in the public sector.

The following reports are prepared as part of the Public Cloud Computing Strategy:

  • Public Cloud Computing Strategy and Action Steps
  • Country Reviews
  • Current State Analysis
  • Certification Criteria ( For Cloud Service Providers)
  • Migration Guideline