Timor-Leste’s National Policy for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)

Strategies and Action Plans

The National Policy for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for the period 2017 to 2019 was approved by the Council of Ministers of Timor-Leste on 7 February 2017. This policy serves as a cross-sectional framework for the ICT sector, aiming to coordinate the functions of various entities responsible for ICT development. Its primary objectives include promoting the use of ICT through the provision of government services (Electronic Government), stimulating and diversifying the domestic economy, and integrating Timor-Leste more competitively into regional and global economies.

The policy also envisions the creation of a consistent and integrated legal regime to ensure a safe environment for ICT usage. This includes the development of laws on cybercrime, electronic transactions, and data protection, as well as the establishment of related regulations and institutions.