The National Cybersecurity Strategy and Action Plan (2020-2023) for Turkey
December 2020
Strategies and Action Plans
Author: Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
The National Cybersecurity Strategy and Action Plan (2020-2023) for Türkiye aims to mitigate the risks of cyber threats, strengthen the national capabilities, establish a safer national cyber environment and position our country at the top of the international cybersecurity rankings. The strategy is rooted in collaborative efforts among government, private sector, civil society organisations, and universities, reflecting the growing significance of technology in all areas of life and the corresponding security risks.
Key components of the strategy:
- Vision and mission:
- Vision: To create a secure cyber environment in Turkey, making the country a leader in cybersecurity on an international level.
- Mission: To protect the nation’s critical infrastructures and all assets in cyberspace from threats, reducing potential impacts through coordinated efforts among all stakeholders.
- Strategic goals:
- Protecting and increasing the resilience of critical infrastructures.
- Enhancing national capacity in cybersecurity.
- Establishing an organic cybersecurity network.
- Ensuring the security of next-generation technologies.
- Combating cybercrimes.
- Developing and supporting domestic and national technologies.
- Integrating cybersecurity into national security measures.
- Enhancing international cooperation.
- Principles:
- Recognises cybersecurity as an integral part of national security.
- Advocates for continuity, institutionalism, and sustainability in cybersecurity efforts.
- Stresses the importance of aligning with international security standards and practices.
The strategy outlines specific actions and steps to be taken by institutions and organisations, emphasising stakeholder communication and cooperation.
Monitoring and evaluation
Regular assessments and updates to ensure the strategy remains effective and relevant to emerging threats and technologies.
This strategy aims to leverage technological advances and address the rapid evolution of cyber threats, ensuring Türkiye’s economic growth and social welfare are not compromised by cybersecurity risks. It emphasises a proactive approach to managing and mitigating risks through comprehensive national and international collaboration, education, and policy-making.