The “DIGITAL SENEGAL 2025” strategy
October 2016
Regulations and Policies
The Emerging Senegal Strategic Plan (PSE) aims to make Senegal an emerging country by 2035, characterised by a united society and the rule of law. The digital economy is identified as a pivotal sector in achieving these objectives, contributing significantly to GDP growth and playing an essential role in industrial, economic, and societal development. The government is committed to developing a national digital economy strategy in collaboration with public-private stakeholders and civil society. The document presents a vision for 2025, defining objectives for the next ten years, with expected impacts on the macroeconomic level, employment, access, uses, the business environment and sustainable development. A diagnosis of the digital sector precedes the strategy, and the 2025 vision is broken down into three fundamental prerequisites, four priority areas of intervention, a portfolio of reforms, and associated projects. The document also includes a roadmap, an estimated consolidated budget, and a system for steering and monitoring the implementation of the strategy.