Tanzanian National ICT Policy of 2016

Strategies and Action Plans

Author: The Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication

The National ICT Policy of 2016 was developed to align Tanzania with rapid technological advancements and enhance its socioeconomic transformation through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Building upon the National ICT Policy of 2003, it aims to address challenges, capitalise on emerging opportunities, and strengthen the country’s position in the information age.

Vision, mission, and objectives

The vision of the policy is to establish Tanzania as a knowledge-based society enriched economically, socially, and culturally through the application of ICT. The mission emphasises developing and sustainably exploiting ICT to benefit every citizen and business.


  • Strengthen human capital for ICT leadership.
  • Promote universal broadband access and reliable ICT infrastructure.
  • Enhance e-service delivery and local content development.
  • Address legal, regulatory, and ICT security concerns.
  • Advance international collaboration and investment.

The overarching objective is to accelerate socioeconomic growth and transform Tanzania into an ICT-driven middle-income economy.

Focus areas

Strategic leadership is pivotal for institutional and national transformation. The policy underscores leadership development at all administrative levels, including political, senior administrative, and technical domains, to guide ICT integration in all sectors.

Broadband access and infrastructure development are essential for universal connectivity. The policy seeks to expand the National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) and enhance rural broadband penetration to bridge the digital divide.

Legal and regulatory frameworks are necessary for fostering innovation and safeguarding ICT use. The policy includes measures to address privacy, cybercrime, intellectual property, and e-transactions.

E-services and local content development are prioritised to enhance service delivery and promote the creation of locally relevant content and solutions. This involves fostering partnerships with the private sector and incentivising innovation.

ICT security, safety, and standardisation are crucial to building trust and ensuring interoperability. Mechanisms for cybersecurity, e-waste management, and quality control are included in the policy.

Cross-cutting initiatives such as gender inclusion, environmental conservation, and the use of ICT for disaster management emphasise the comprehensive scope of the policy.

Cooperation and collaboration at regional and international levels aim to enhance knowledge transfer, attract investments, and support technological capacity-building.

Challenges addressed

The policy identifies and addresses several key challenges that hinder ICT development in Tanzania. These include limited ICT infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, and inadequate ICT literacy and skilled professionals. There is also a reliance on imported ICT products, insufficient cybersecurity measures, and a lack of frameworks for local content development and e-waste management.

Implementation mechanisms

The policy adopts a collaborative approach to implementation, involving various stakeholders. The government leads by creating an enabling environment for investment and innovation, while the private sector contributes to infrastructure development and service provision. Academia and non-governmental organisations play a vital role in research, training, and public awareness campaigns.