State Programme Digital Development of Belarus (2021-2025)

February 0202

Strategies and Action Plans

The Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 2 February 2021 No. 66 approved the State Program ‘Digital Development of Belarus’ for 2021 – 2025 – the main practical tool for introducing advanced information technologies in the national economy and the sphere of society in the coming period.

The state program provides for the implementation of measures for the creation (development) of a modern information and communication infrastructure, the introduction of digital innovations in the sectors of the economy and technologies of ‘smart cities’, as well as ensuring the information security of such solutions (currently there are 82 events).

This comprehensive program is designed to foster digital transformation across various sectors, improve public services, and enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Belarus.

Goals and Objectives

The primary goal of the programme is to introduce and optimise ICT and advanced production technologies across different sectors of the national economy and social activities. The programme seeks to create a conducive environment for digital development, improve national information and communication infrastructure, and ensure the security and accessibility of digital services.

Key Tasks

The programme is structured around several key tasks, including:

  • Creating an Enabling Environment for Digital Development: This involves setting up the necessary infrastructure and regulatory frameworks to support digital initiatives.
  • Improving National Information and Communication Infrastructure: This includes enhancing broadband internet access and the development of a unified telecommunications network.
  • Enhancing Public Services: This task focuses on developing e-government services to improve the efficiency and accessibility of public administration.
  • Improving Quality and Accessibility of Medical and Educational Services: By leveraging modern technologies, the programme aims to enhance the delivery of healthcare and education.
  • Developing Digital Economy Instruments: This involves the creation of platforms and systems to support various economic activities, including e-commerce and digital logistics.
  • Building “Smart Cities”: This task aims to improve the comfort and safety of urban living through the introduction of smart technologies.
  • Enhancing Information Security: This includes building a robust system to ensure digital trust and protect against cyber threats.


The programme consists of six subprogrammes, each targeting specific areas of digital development:

  1. Information, Analysis, and Technology Support for Digital Development: This subprogramme focuses on developing digital literacy, creating a showcase of digital projects, and providing scientific support for digital initiatives.
  2. Digital Development Infrastructure: Activities under this subprogramme include the creation of a fiber-optic infrastructure, reducing the digital divide, and improving border control information systems.
  3. Digital Development of Public Administration: This involves creating interoperability platforms, digital rule-making platforms, and developing automated information systems for tax and customs services.
  4. Digital Development of Economic Sectors: This includes projects like e-education, e-health, and the development of a national e-logistics system.
  5. Regional Digital Development: This subprogramme aims to create smart city infrastructure, traffic control centers, and unified management systems for urban areas.
  6. Information Security and Digital Trust: Activities include establishing a national platform for security incident monitoring, creating mobile identification infrastructure, and implementing a system for managing digital signatures.

Expected Results

The implementation of the State Programme is expected to yield several benefits, including:

  • Increased Productivity and Quality: By integrating advanced technologies, the programme aims to enhance productivity and the quality of products and services.
  • Improved Security: Strengthening information security measures will help protect citizens and institutions from cyber threats.
  • Better Healthcare and Education: Modernising these sectors will improve access to high-quality healthcare and education services.
  • Enhanced Living Conditions: The development of smart cities and improved urban infrastructure will contribute to a better living environment.
  • Environmental Improvements: Digital solutions will also help monitor and improve the environmental situation.