Slovenian Strategy of Digital Transformation of the Economy

Strategies and Action Plans

The Strategy of Digital Transformation of the Economy, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, provides a comprehensive framework for transforming Slovenia into a leading hub for advanced digital technologies by 2030. This ambitious strategy is designed to enhance the efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of Slovenian companies, leveraging the latest digital advancements to ensure sustainable economic growth.


Slovenia has been on a transformative journey toward becoming a modern digital society. Recognized for its innovative capabilities, Slovenia is positioning itself at the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution. This transformation is crucial for maintaining and enhancing the efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of the Slovenian economy, particularly in light of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The strategy outlines a vision for Slovenia to become the leading European hub for advanced digital technologies by 2030. This vision is underpinned by Slovenia’s existing strengths in digital technologies, top-tier companies, and robust development knowledge. The country aims to rank among the top five European nations in digital technology use, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology.

Purpose and Objectives:

The strategy aims to set clear guidelines to support the continued development and transformation of Slovenia’s economy, with a particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which make up 99.8% of the Slovenian economy. The fundamental objective is to position Slovenia as a leading hub for advanced digital technologies, facilitating a comprehensive economic transformation to enhance efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness.

Current Situation in Digitalization:

According to various indices, Slovenia shows significant progress in digitalization, but there are areas needing improvement. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2021 ranks Slovenia 13th among EU member states, with notable strengths in connectivity and digital technology integration in companies. However, human capital remains below the EU average, indicating a need for enhanced digital education and skills development.

Key Areas of Digital Transformation:

  1. Technology as an Enabling Tool: Slovenia emphasizes the crucial role of advanced digital technologies such as AI, IoT, big data, blockchain, and quantum computing in optimizing business processes and enhancing competitiveness. The strategy focuses on increasing the utilization of these technologies, promoting their convergence, and implementing digital transitions.
  2. Efficient Ecosystem for Competitive Economy: The strategy addresses the need for a supportive environment encompassing business factors, market access, financing, digital public services, and infrastructure. It highlights the importance of both micro and macro ecosystems, including international cooperation in cross-border projects.
  3. Open and Sustainable Society: A key focus is creating a trust-based environment that fosters knowledge development and digital competencies. The strategy aims to empower employees, partners, and stakeholders in value chains through advanced digital technologies, contributing to an inclusive and sustainable society.

Implementation and Resources:

The strategy outlines an action plan with specific objectives, resources, and measurable indicators to monitor progress. This includes fostering a supportive environment for digital transformation, promoting investments in digital technologies, enhancing digital competencies, and ensuring the regulatory framework adapts to technological advancements.