The role of regional organizations in strengthening cybersecurity and stability

Policy Reports


The fifth United Nations Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on cybersecurity concluded without consensus in 2017, leading to increased activity by regional organizations. These organizations help members implement recommendations from previous GGE reports through guidance, capacity building, and regional-specific approaches. At the 73rd UN General Assembly, a new GGE and an Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on cybersecurity were established, beginning work in late 2019. The UNIDIR and CSIS held a workshop in 2019 to discuss the role of regional organizations in strengthening cybersecurity.

Key challenges include awareness and capacity building, and the need for confidence and cooperation building. Regional organizations play a critical role in raising awareness of cybersecurity’s importance, building technical and policy capacity, fostering trust through confidence-building measures, and facilitating cooperation within legal jurisdictions. The workshop highlighted the unique strengths and capacities of different regional organizations, such as the OAS’s “cyber lab” and OSCE’s confidence-building measures, and the importance of peer-to-peer exchanges. Effective regional approaches are crucial for enhancing trust, sharing information, and developing common responses to improve the global cybersecurity environment.