Roadmap for AI policy in the United States Senate

May 2024

Driving U.S. Innovation in Artificial Intelligence

Roadmap for AI policy in the United States Senate


Early in the 118th Congress, we were brought together by a shared recognition of the profound  changes artificial intelligence (AI) could bring to our world: AI’s capacity to revolutionize the  realms of science, medicine, agriculture, and beyond; the exceptional benefits that a  flourishing AI ecosystem could offer our economy and our productivity; and AI’s ability to  radically alter human capacity and knowledge. At the same time, we each recognized the potential risks AI could present, including altering our workforce in the short-term and long term, raising questions about the application of existing laws in an AI-enabled world, changing  the dynamics of our national security, and raising the threat of potential doomsday scenarios.  This led to the formation of our Bipartisan Senate AI Working Group (“AI Working Group”). 

From the outset, the AI Working Group’s objective has been to complement the traditional  congressional committee-driven policy process, considering that this broad technology does  not neatly fall into the jurisdiction of any single committee. We resolved to bring leading  experts into a unique dialogue with the Senate on some of the most profound policy questions  AI presents. In doing so, we aimed to help lay the foundation for a better understanding in the  Senate of the policy choices and implications around AI.  

Our efforts began with three educational briefings on AI for senators in the summer of 2023, culminating in the first ever all-senators classified briefing focused solely on AI. These sessions made clear there is broad bipartisan interest in AI and emphasized the need for further policy  discussions, acknowledging the complexity of the subject and the importance of well-informed deliberations. To address more specific policy domains, the AI Working Group then hosted  nine bipartisan AI Insight Forums in the fall of 2023.  

The topics for these nine forums included: 

1. Inaugural Forum 

2. Supporting U.S. Innovation in AI 

3. AI and the Workforce 

4. High Impact Uses of AI 

5. Elections and Democracy 

6. Privacy and Liability 

7. Transparency, Explainability, Intellectual Property, and Copyright 

8. Safeguarding Against AI Risks  

9. National Security

The Insight Forums were designed to complement previous and ongoing committee hearings  and promote an unvarnished discussion between AI stakeholders that are too often siloed from  one another. As senators, we acted as moderators, aiming to foster an environment where  experts could challenge each other’s perspectives in a candid and productive manner. We  invited all of our Senate colleagues as well as relevant Senate staff to attend. 

To ensure these forums could effectively identify consensus areas, we recognized from the  start that we would need a diverse range of experts capable of representing different  perspectives on, and uses of, AI. In each forum, our aim was to include representation from: 

  • Across the AI ecosystem, encompassing developers, deployers, and users of AI from  startups to established companies; 
  • Providers of key components of the AI supply chain, both in hardware and software; and 
  • Academia and civil society, from AI researchers and think tanks to labor unions and civil  rights leaders. 

In total, more than 150 experts participated in the forums. We extend our gratitude to each of  them for their valuable time, insights, and continued engagement. A comprehensive list of  attendees and links to their written statements are available in the appendix. 

The AI Insight Forums propelled the AI Working Group to better understand the policy  landscape of AI and helped inform a policy roadmap—pinpointing emerging areas of consensus  within respective policy domains, as well as areas of disagreement, while also revealing where  further work and research is needed.  

The Road Ahead  

To build on the many AI initiatives already undertaken and ongoing at the federal level, the  following AI policy roadmap identifies areas of consensus that we believe merit bipartisan  consideration in the Senate in the 118th Congress and beyond. To be certain, this is not an  exhaustive menu of policy proposals. 

As members of the AI Working Group, we are steadfast in our dedication to harnessing the full  potential of AI while minimizing the risks of AI in the near and long term. We hope this  roadmap will stimulate momentum for new and ongoing consideration of bipartisan AI  legislation, ensure the United States remains at the forefront of innovation in this technology,  and help all Americans benefit from the many opportunities created by AI. 

A few final overarching thoughts from the AI Working Group:  

  • Given the cross-jurisdictional nature of AI policy issues, we encourage committees to continue  to collaborate closely and frequently on AI legislation as well as agree on shared clear  definitions for all key terms.  
  • Committees should reflect on the synergies between AI and other emerging technologies to  avoid creating tech silos where the impact of legislation and funding could otherwise be  collectively amplified.  
  • We hope committees will continue to seek outside input from a variety of stakeholders and  experts to inform the best path forward for this quickly advancing technology.  
  • Finally, we encourage the executive branch to share with Congress, in a timely fashion and on  an ongoing basis, updates on administration activities related to AI, including any AI-related  Memorandums of Understanding with other countries and the results from any AI-related  studies in order to better inform the legislative process.  

Supporting U.S. Innovation in AI  

The AI Working Group encourages the executive branch and the Senate Appropriations  Committee to continue assessing how to handle ongoing needs for federal investments in AI  during the regular order budget and appropriations process, with the goal of reaching as soon  as possible the spending level proposed by the National Security Commission on Artificial  Intelligence (NSCAI) in their final report: at least $32 billion per year for (non-defense) AI  innovation. 

The AI Working Group also encourages the Senate Appropriations Committee to work with the  relevant committees of jurisdiction to develop emergency appropriations language to fill the  gap between current spending levels and the NSCAI-recommended level, including the  following priorities: 

Funding for a cross-government AI research and development (R&D) effort, including  relevant infrastructure that spans the Department of Energy (DOE), Department of  Commerce (DOC), National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute for Standards  and Technology (NIST), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Aeronautics and  Space Administration (NASA), and all other relevant agencies and departments. This  should include an all-of-government “AI-ready data” initiative, and direction for research  priorities in responsible innovation, including but not limited to:  

  • Fundamental and applied science, such as biotechnology, advanced computing, robotics, and materials science  
  • Foundational trustworthy AI topics, such as transparency, explainability, privacy, interoperability, and security 

Funding the outstanding CHIPS and Science Act (P.L. 117-167) accounts not yet fully  funded, particularly those related to AI, including but not limited to: 

  • NSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships 
  • DOC Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs (Tech Hubs) 
  • DOE National Labs through the Advanced Scientific Computing Research Program  in the DOE Office of Science  
  • DOE Microelectronics Programs 
  • NSF Education and Workforce Programs, including the Advanced Technical  Education (ATE) Program 

Funding, as needed, for the DOC, DOE, NSF, and Department of Defense (DOD) to  support semiconductor R&D specific to the design and manufacturing of future  generations of high-end AI chips, with the goals of ensuring increased American leadership in cutting-edge AI through the co-design of AI software and hardware, and  developing new techniques for semiconductor fabrication that can be implemented  domestically. 

Authorizing the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) by passing the CREATE AI Act (S.  2714) and funding it as part of the cross-government AI initiative, as well as expanding  programs such as the NAIRR and the National AI Research Institutes to ensure all 50  states are able to participate in the AI research ecosystem. 

Funding a series of “AI Grand Challenge” programs, such as those described in Section  202 of the Future of AI Innovation Act (S. 4178) and the AI Grand Challenges Act (S. 4236),  drawing inspiration from and leveraging the success of similar programs run by the  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), DOE, NSF, NIH, and others like  the private sector XPRIZE, with a focus on technical innovation challenges in applications  of AI that would fundamentally transform the process of science, engineering, or  medicine, and in foundational topics in secure and efficient software and hardware  design. 

Funding for AI efforts at NIST, including AI testing and evaluation infrastructure and the  U.S. AI Safety Institute, and funding for NIST’s construction account to address years of  backlog in maintaining NIST’s physical infrastructure. 

Funding for the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to update its information  technology (IT) infrastructure and procure modern data analytics software; ensure it has  the necessary personnel and capabilities for prompt, effective action; and enhance interagency support for BIS’s monitoring efforts to ensure compliance with export control  regulations. 

Funding R&D activities, and developing appropriate policies, at the intersection of AI and  robotics to advance national security, workplace safety, industrial efficiency, economic  productivity, and competitiveness, through a coordinated interagency initiative. 

Supporting a NIST and DOE testbed to identify, test, and synthesize new materials to  support advanced manufacturing through the use of AI, autonomous laboratories, and AI  integration with other emerging technologies, such as quantum computing and robotics. 

Providing local election assistance funding to support AI readiness and cybersecurity through the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Election Security grants. 

Providing funding and strategic direction to modernize the federal government and  improve delivery of government services, including through activities such as updating IT  infrastructure to utilize modern data science and AI technologies and deploying new technologies to find inefficiencies in the U.S. code, federal rules, and procurement  programs. 

Supporting R&D and interagency coordination around the intersection of AI and critical  infrastructure, including for smart cities and intelligent transportation system  technologies. 

The AI Working Group supports funding, commensurate with the requirements needed to  address national security threats, risks, and opportunities, for AI activities related to defense in  any emergency appropriations for AI. Priorities in this space include, but are not limited to: 

National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) testbeds and model evaluation tools. 

Assessment and mitigation of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) AI enhanced threats by DOD, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), DOE, and other  relevant agencies. 

Support for further advancements in AI-augmented chemical and biological synthesis, as  well as safeguards to reduce the risk of dangerous synthetic materials and pathogens. 

Increased funding for DARPA’s AI-related work. 

Development of secure and trustworthy algorithms for autonomy in DOD platforms. 

Ensuring the development and deployment of Combined Joint All-Domain Command and  Control (CJADC2) and similar capabilities by DOD. 

Development of AI tools for service members and commanders to learn from and  improve the operation of weapons platforms. 

Creation of pathways for data derived from sensors and other sources to be stored,  transported, and used across programs, including Special Access Programs (SAPs), to  reduce silos between existing data sets and make DOD data more adaptable to machine  learning and other AI projects. 

Building up in-house supercomputing and AI capacity within DOD, including resources for  both new computational infrastructure and staff with relevant expertise in  supercomputing and AI, along with appropriate training materials for preparing the next  generation of talent in these areas. 

As appropriate, utilization of the unique authorities in AUKUS Pillar 2 to work  collaboratively with our allies for co-development of integrated AI capabilities.

Development of AI-integrated tools to more efficiently implement Federal Acquisition  Regulations. 

Use of AI to optimize logistics across the DOD, such as improving workflows across the  defense industrial base and applying predictive maintenance to extend the lifetime of  weapons platforms. 

Furthermore, the AI Working Group:  

Encourages the relevant committees to develop legislation to leverage public-private  partnerships across the federal government to support AI advancements and minimize  potential risks from AI.  

Recognizes the rapidly evolving state of AI development and supports further federal  study of AI, including through work with Federally Funded Research and Development  Centers (FFRDCs). 

Encourages the relevant committees to address the unique challenges faced by startups  to compete in the AI marketplace, including by considering whether legislation is needed  to support the dissemination of best practices to incentivize states and localities to invest  in similar opportunities as those provided by the NAIRR. 

Supports a report from the Comptroller General of the United States to identify any  significant federal statutes and regulations that affect the innovation of artificial  intelligence systems, including the ability of companies of all sizes to compete in artificial  intelligence. 

The AI Working Group also encourages committees to:  Work with the DOC and other relevant agencies to increase access to tools, such as mock  data sets, for AI companies to utilize for testing.  

Encourage DOC and other relevant agencies such as the Small Business Administration  (SBA) to conduct outreach to small businesses to ensure the tools related to AI that the  agencies provide meet their needs.  

Identify ways the SBA and its partners, including the Small Business Development  Centers, Small Business Investment Companies, and microlenders, can support all  entrepreneurs and small businesses in utilizing AI as well as innovating and providing  services and products related to the growth of AI.

Clarify that business software and cloud computing services are allowable expenses under  the SBA’s 7(a) loan program to help small businesses more affordably incorporate  technological solutions including AI (Small Business Technological Advancement Act (S.  2330)). 

AI and the Workforce  

During the Insight Forums there was wide agreement that workers across the spectrum,  ranging from blue collar positions to C-suite executives, are concerned about the potential for  AI to impact their jobs. The AI Working Group recognizes the apprehension surrounding the  inherent uncertainties of this technology, and encourages a conscientious consideration of the  impact AI will have on the workforce – including the potential for displacement of workers – to  make certain that American workers are not left behind. Additionally, there are opportunities  to collaborate with and prepare the American workforce to work alongside this new  technology and mitigate potential negative impacts. 

Therefore, the AI Working Group encourages: 

Efforts to ensure that stakeholders – from innovators and employers to civil society,  unions, and other workforce perspectives – are consulted as AI is developed and then  deployed by end users.  

The committees of jurisdiction to explore ways to ensure that relevant internal and  external stakeholder voices, including federal employees, impacted members of the  public, and experts, are considered in the development and deployment of AI systems  procured or used by federal agencies. 

Development of legislation related to training, retraining, and upskilling the private sector  workforce to successfully participate in an AI-enabled economy. Such legislation might  include incentives for businesses to develop strategies that integrate new technologies  

and reskilled employees into the workplace, and incentives for both blue- and white-collar  employees to obtain retraining from community colleges and universities. 

Exploration of the implications and possible solutions (including private sector best  practices) to the impact of AI on long-term future of work as increasingly capable general purpose AI systems are developed that have the potential to displace human workers,  and to develop an appropriate policy framework in response, including ways to combat  disruptive workforce displacement.

The relevant committees to consider legislation to improve the U.S. immigration system  for high-skilled STEM workers in support of national security and to foster advances in AI  across the whole of society.  

The AI Working Group also recognizes: 

The promise of the federal government’s adoption of AI to improve government service  delivery and modernize internal governance as well as upskilling of existing federal  employees to maximize the beneficial use of AI. 

Opportunities to recruit and retain talent in AI through programs like the U.S. Digital  Service, the Presidential Innovation Fellows, the Presidential Management Fellows, and  others authorized in the Intergovernmental Personnel Act and other relevant legislation,  and encourages the relevant committees to consider ways to leverage these programs.  

The AI Working Group is encouraged by the Workforce Data for Analyzing and Tracking  Automation Act (S. 2138) to authorize the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), with the assistance  of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, to record the effect of  automation on the workforce and measure those trends over time, including job displacement,  the number of new jobs created, and the shifting in-demand skills. The bill would also establish  a workforce development advisory board composed of key stakeholders to advise the U.S.  Department of Labor on which types of public and private sector initiatives can promote  consistent workforce development improvements. 

High Impact Uses of AI  

The AI Working Group believes that existing laws, including related to consumer protection  and civil rights, need to consistently and effectively apply to AI systems and their developers,  deployers, and users. Some AI systems have been referred to as “black boxes” which may raise  questions about whether companies with such systems are appropriately abiding by existing  laws. 

Thus, in cases where U.S. law requires a clear understanding of how an automated  system operates, the opaque nature of some AI systems may be unacceptable. We encourage  the relevant committees to consider identifying any gaps in the application of existing law to  AI systems that fall under their committees’ jurisdiction and, as needed, develop legislative  language to address such gaps. This language should ensure that regulators are able to access  information directly relevant to enforcing existing law and, if necessary, place appropriate,  case-by-case requirements on high-risk uses of AI, such as requirements around transparency,  explainability, and testing and evaluation. 

AI use cases should not directly or inadvertently infringe on constitutional rights, imperil public  safety, or violate existing antidiscrimination laws. The AI Working Group acknowledges that  some have concerns about the potential for disparate impact, including the potential for  unintended harmful bias. Therefore, when any Senate committee is evaluating the impact of  AI or considering legislation in the AI space, the AI Working Group encourages committees to  explore how AI may affect some parts of our population differently, both positively and  negatively. 

The AI Working Group: 

Encourages committees to review forthcoming guidance from relevant agencies that  relates to high impact AI use cases and to explore if and when an explainability  requirement may be necessary.  

Supports the development of standards for use of AI in our critical infrastructure and  encourages the relevant committees to develop legislation to advance this effort. 

Encourages the Energy Information Administration to include data center and  supercomputing cluster energy use in their regular voluntary surveys.  

Supports Section 3 of S. 3050, directing a regulatory gap analysis in the financial sector,  and encourages the relevant committees to develop legislation that ensures financial  service providers are using accurate and representative data in their AI models, and that  financial regulators have the tools to enforce applicable law and/or regulation related to  these issues.

Encourages the relevant committees to investigate the opportunities and risks of the use  of AI systems in the housing sector, focusing on transparency and accountability while  recognizing the utility of existing laws and regulations.  

Believes the federal government must ensure appropriate testing and evaluation of AI  systems in the federal procurement process that meets the relevant standards, and  supports streamlining the federal procurement process for AI systems and other software  that have met those standards.  

Recognizes the AI-related concerns of professional content creators and publishers,  particularly given the importance of local news and that consolidation in the journalism  industry has resulted in fewer local news options in small towns and rural areas. The  relevant Senate committees may wish to examine the impacts of AI in this area and  develop legislation to address areas of concern. 

Furthermore, the AI Working Group encourages the relevant  committees to: 

Develop legislation to address online child sexual abuse material (CSAM), including  ensuring existing protections specifically cover AI-generated CSAM. The AI Working  Group also supports consideration of legislation to address similar issues with non consensual distribution of intimate images and other harmful deepfakes.  

Consider legislation to protect children from potential AI-powered harms online by  ensuring companies take reasonable steps to consider such risks in product design and  operation. Furthermore, the AI Working Group is concerned by data demonstrating the  mental health impact of social media and expresses support for further study and action  by the relevant agencies to understand and combat this issue. 

Explore mechanisms, including through the use of public-private partnerships, to deter  the use of AI to perpetrate fraud and deception, particularly for vulnerable populations  such as the elderly and veterans.  

Continue their work on developing a federal framework for testing and deployment of  autonomous vehicles across all modes of transportation to remain at the forefront of this  critical space. This effort is particularly critical as our strategic competitors, like the  Chinese Communist Party (CCP), continue to race ahead and attempt to shape the vision  of this technology.  

Consider legislation to ban the use of AI for social scoring, protecting our fundamental  freedom in contrast with the widespread use of such a system by the CCP. 

Review whether other potential uses for AI should be either extremely limited or banned.  

AI is being deployed across the full spectrum of health care services, including for the  development of new medicines, for the improvement of disease detection and diagnosis, and  as assistance for providers to better serve their patients. 

The AI Working Group encourages the  relevant committees to: 

Consider legislation that both supports further deployment of AI in health care and  implements appropriate guardrails and safety measures to protect patients, as patients  must be front and center in any legislative efforts on health care and AI. This includes  consumer protection, preventing fraud and abuse, and promoting the usage of accurate  and representative data. 

Support the NIH in the development and improvement of AI technologies. In particular,  data governance should be a key area of focus across the NIH and other relevant  agencies, with an emphasis on making health care and biomedical data available for  machine learning and data science research, while carefully addressing the privacy issues  raised by the use of AI in this area. 

Ensure that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Food and  Drug Administration (FDA) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health  Information Technology, has the proper tools to weigh the benefits and risks of AI enabled products so that it can provide a predictable regulatory structure for product  developers.  

Consider legislation that would provide transparency for providers and the public about  the use of AI in medical products and clinical support services, including the data used to  train the AI models. 

Consider policies to promote innovation of AI systems that meaningfully improve health  outcomes and efficiencies in health care delivery. This should include examining the  Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ reimbursement mechanisms as well as  guardrails to ensure accountability, appropriate use, and broad application of AI across all  populations.

Elections and Democracy  

The AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees and AI developers and deployers to  advance effective watermarking and digital content provenance as it relates to AI-generated or  AI-augmented election content. The AI Working Group encourages AI deployers and content  providers to implement robust protections in advance of the upcoming election to mitigate AI generated content that is objectively false, while still protecting First Amendment rights.  

The AI Working Group acknowledges the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) for its work  on the AI Toolkit for Election Officials, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency  (CISA) for its work on the Cybersecurity Toolkit and Resources to Protect Elections, and  encourages states to consider utilizing the tools EAC and CISA have developed.  

Privacy and Liability  

The AI Working Group acknowledges that the rapid evolution of technology and the varying  degrees of autonomy in AI products present difficulties in assigning legal liability to AI companies  and their users. Therefore, the AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees to consider  whether there is a need for additional standards, or clarity around existing standards, to hold AI  developers and deployers accountable if their products or actions cause harm to consumers, or to  hold end users accountable if their actions cause harm, as well as how to enforce any such liability  standards.  

The AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees to explore policy mechanisms to  reduce the prevalence of non-public personal information being stored in, or used by, AI systems,  including providing appropriate incentives for research and development of privacy-enhancing  technologies. 

The AI Working Group supports a strong comprehensive federal data privacy law to protect  personal information. The legislation should address issues related to data minimization, data  security, consumer data rights, consent and disclosure, and data brokers.

Transparency, Explainability,  Intellectual Property, and Copyright  

The AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees  to: 

Consider developing legislation to establish a coherent approach to public-facing  transparency requirements for AI systems, while allowing use case specific requirements  where necessary and beneficial, including best practices for when AI deployers should  disclose that their products use AI, building on the ongoing federal effort in this space. If  developed, the AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees to ensure these  requirements align with any potential risk regime and do not inhibit innovation. 

Evaluate whether there is a need for best practices for the level of automation that is  appropriate for a given type of task, considering the need to have a human in the loop at  certain stages for some high impact tasks. 

Review to what degree federal agencies are required to provide transparency to their  employees about the development and deployment of new technology like AI in the  workplace. 

Consider federal policy issues related to the data sets used by AI developers to train their  models, including data sets that might contain sensitive personal data or are protected by  copyright, and evaluate whether there is a need for transparency requirements. 

Review forthcoming reports from the executive branch related to establishing provenance of  digital content, for both synthetic and non-synthetic content. 

Consider developing legislation that incentivizes providers of software products using  generative AI and hardware products such as cameras and microphones to provide content  provenance information and to consider the need for legislation that requires or incentivizes  online platforms to maintain access to that content provenance information. The AI Working  Group also encourages online platforms to voluntarily display content provenance  information, when available, and to determine how to best display this provenance  information by default to end users.  

Consider whether there is a need for legislation that protects against the unauthorized use of  one’s name, image, likeness, and voice, consistent with First Amendment principles, as it  relates to AI. Legislation in this area should consider the impacts of novel synthetic content on professional content creators of digital media, victims of non-consensual distribution of  intimate images, victims of fraud, and other individuals or entities that are negatively  affected by the widespread availability of synthetic content.  

Review the results of existing and forthcoming reports from the U.S. Copyright Office and  the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on how AI impacts copyright and intellectual property  law, and take action as deemed appropriate to ensure the U.S. continues to lead the world  on this front.  

Consider legislation aimed at establishing a public awareness and education campaign to  provide information regarding the benefits of, risks relating to, and prevalence of AI in the  daily lives of individuals in the United States. The campaign, similar to digital literacy  campaigns, should include guidance on how Americans can learn to use and recognize AI.  

Safeguarding Against AI Risks  

In light of the insights provided by experts at the forums on a variety of risks that different AI  systems may present, the AI Working Group encourages companies to perform detailed testing  and evaluation to understand the landscape of potential harms and not to release AI systems that  cannot meet industry standards. Multiple potential risk regimes were proposed – from focusing  on technical specifications such as the amount of computation or number of model parameters to  classification by use case – and the AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees to  consider a resilient risk regime that focuses on the capabilities of AI systems, protects proprietary  information, and allows for continued AI innovation in the U.S. The risk regime should tie  governance efforts to the latest available research on AI capabilities and allow for regular updates  in response to changes in the AI landscape.  

The AI Working Group also encourages the relevant  committees to: 

Support efforts related to the development of a capabilities-focused risk-based approach,  particularly the development and standardization of risk testing and evaluation  methodologies and mechanisms, including red-teaming, sandboxes and testbeds,  commercial AI auditing standards, bug bounty programs, as well as physical and cyber  security standards. The AI Working Group encourages committees to consider ways to  support these types of efforts, including through the federal procurement system.  

Investigate the policy implications of different product release choices for AI systems,  particularly to understand the differences between closed versus fully open-source models (including the full spectrum of product release choices between those two ends of the  spectrum).  

Develop an analytical framework that specifies what circumstances would warrant a  requirement of pre-deployment evaluation of AI models. 

Explore whether there is a need for an AI-focused Information Sharing and Analysis Center  (ISAC) to serve as an interface between commercial AI entities and the federal government  to support monitoring of AI risks. 

Consider a capabilities-based AI risk regime that takes into consideration short-,  medium-, and long-term risks, with the recognition that model capabilities and testing and  evaluation capabilities will change and grow over time. As our understanding of AI risks  further develops, we may discover better risk-management regimes or mechanisms. Where  testing and evaluation are insufficient to directly measure capabilities, the AI Working Group  encourages the relevant committees to explore proxy metrics that may be used in the  interim. 

Develop legislation aimed at advancing R&D efforts that address the risks posed by various  AI system capabilities, including by equipping AI developers, deployers, and users with the  knowledge and tools necessary to identify, assess, and effectively manage those risks. 

National Security  

The AI Working Group will collaborate with committees and relevant executive branch agencies  to stay informed about the research areas and capabilities of U.S. adversaries. 

The AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees to develop legislation bolstering the  use of AI in U.S. cyber capabilities. 

Managing talent in the realm of advanced technologies presents significant challenges for the  DOD and the Intelligence Community (IC). In collaboration with the relevant committees, the AI  Working Group: 

Encourages the DOD and IC to further develop career pathways and training programs for  digital engineering, specifically in AI, as outlined in Section 230 of the FY2020 National  Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  

Supports the allocation of suitable resources and oversight to maintain a strong digital  workforce within the armed services.  

Urges the relevant committees to maintain their efforts in overseeing the executive branch’s  efficient handling of security clearance applications, particularly emphasizing swift  processing for AI talent, to prevent any backlogs or procedural delays.  

Encourages the relevant committees to develop legislation to improve lateral and senior  placement opportunities and other mechanisms to improve and expand the AI talent  pathway into the military. 

The AI Working Group recognizes the DOD’s transparency regarding its policy on fully  autonomous lethal weapon systems. The AI Working Group encourages relevant committees to  assess whether aspects of the DOD’s policy should be codified or if other measures, such as  notifications concerning the development and deployment of such weapon systems, are  necessary. 

The AI Working Group encourages the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, DOD, and  DOE to work with commercial AI developers to prevent large language models, and other frontier  AI models, from inadvertently leaking or reconstructing sensitive or classified information.  

The AI Working Group acknowledges the ongoing work of the IC to monitor emerging technology  and AI developed by adversaries, including artificial general intelligence (AGI), and encourages  the relevant committees to consider legislation to bolster this effort and make sure this long-term  monitoring continues.

The AI Working Group: 

Recognizes the significant level of uncertainty and unknowns associated with general  purpose AI systems achieving AGI. At the same time, the AI Working Group recognizes that  there is not widespread agreement on the definition of AGI or threshold by which it will  officially be achieved. Therefore, we encourage the relevant committees to better define  AGI in consultation with experts, characterize both the likelihood of AGI development and  the magnitude of the risks that AGI development would pose, and develop an appropriate  policy framework based on that analysis. 

Encourages the relevant committees to explore potential opportunities for leveraging  advanced AI models to improve the management and risk mitigation of space  debris. Acknowledging the substantial efforts by NASA and other interagency partners in  addressing space debris, the AI Working Group recognizes the increasing threat space debris  poses to space systems. Consequently, the AI Working Group encourages the committees to  work with agencies involved in space affairs to discover new capabilities that can enhance  these critical mitigation efforts.  

Encourages the relevant committees, in collaboration with the private sector, to continue to  address, and mitigate where possible, the rising energy demand of AI systems to ensure the  U.S. can remain competitive with the CCP and keep energy costs down.  

The AI Working Group recognizes the importance of advancements in AI to other fields of  scientific discovery such as biotechnology. AI has the potential to increase the risk posed by  bioweapons and is directly relevant to federal efforts to defend against CBRN threats. Therefore,  the AI Working Group encourages the relevant committees to consider the recommendations of  the National Security Commission on Emerging Biotechnology and the NSCAI in this domain,  including as they relate to preventing adversaries from procuring necessary capabilities in  furtherance of an AI-enhanced bioweapon program. 

The Secretary of Commerce, through BIS, holds broad and exclusive authority over export  controls for critical technologies such as semiconductors, biotechnology, quantum computing,  and more, covering both hardware and software. The AI Working Group encourages the relevant  committees to ensure BIS proactively manages these technologies and to investigate whether  there is a need for new authorities to address the unique and quickly burgeoning capabilities of AI,  including the feasibility of options to implement on-chip security mechanisms for high-end AI  chips.

Additionally, the AI Working Group encourages the relevant  committees to: 

Develop a framework for determining when, or if, export controls should be placed on  powerful AI systems.  

Develop a framework for determining when an AI system, if acquired by an adversary, would  be powerful enough that it would pose such a grave risk to national security that it should be  considered classified, using approaches such as how DOE treats Restricted Data.  

Furthermore, AI Working Group encourages the relevant  committees to: 

Ensure the relevant federal agencies have the appropriate authorities to work with our allies  and international partners to advance bilateral and multilateral agreements on AI.  

Develop legislation to set up or participate in international AI research institutes or other  partnerships with like-minded international allies and partners, giving due consideration to  the potential threats to research security and intellectual property. 

Develop legislation to expand the use of modern data analytics and supply chain platforms  by the Department of Justice, DHS, and other relevant law enforcement agencies to combat  the flow of illicit drugs, including fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. 

Work with the executive branch to support the free flow of information across borders,  protect against the forced transfer of American technology, and promote open markets for  digital goods exported by American creators and businesses through agreements that also  allow countries to address concerns regarding security, privacy, surveillance, and  competition. As Russia and China push their cyber agenda of censorship, repression, and  surveillance, the AI Working Group encourages the executive branch to avoid creating a  policy vacuum that China and Russia will fill, to ensure the digital economy remains open,  fair, and competitive for all, including for the three million American workers whose jobs  depend on digital trade.


Insight Forum Participants 

September 13, 2023  


1. Alex Karp – Co-Founder & CEO, Palantir 

2. Arvind Krishna – CEO, IBM  

3. Aza Raskin – Co-Founder, Center for Humane Technology 

4. Bill Gates – Former CEO, Microsoft  

5. Brad Smith – President, Microsoft 

6. Charles Rivkin – Chairman & CEO, Motion Picture Association  7. Clément Delangue – CEO & Co-Founder, Hugging Face 

8. Deborah Raji – Researcher, U.C. Berkeley, and Fellow, Mozilla 9. Elizabeth Shuler – President, AFL-CIO  

10. Elon Musk – CEO, X, Tesla 

11. Eric Fanning – President & CEO, Aerospace Industries Association  12. Eric Schmidt – Chair, Special Competitive Studies Project 

13. Jack Clark – Co-Founder, Anthropic AI 

14. Janet Murguía – President & CEO, UnidosUS  

15. Jensen Huang – CEO and Founder, NVIDIA  

16. Karyn Temple – Senior Executive Vice President, Motion Picture Association 17. Kent Walker – President of Global Affairs, Alphabet Inc., Google 18. Laura MacCleery – Senior Director of Public Policy, UnidosUS 19. Mark Zuckerberg – Co-Founder & CEO, Meta 

20. Maya Wiley – President & CEO, Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights  21. Meredith Stiehm – President, Writers Guild  

22. Nick Clegg – Vice President of Global Affairs, Meta 

23. Patrik Gayer – Global AI Policy Advisor, Tesla 

24. Randi Weingarten – President, American Federation of Teachers  25. Rumman Chowdhury – CEO, Humane Intelligence  

26. Sam Altman – CEO, OpenAI 

27. Satya Nadella – CEO & Chairman, Microsoft 

28. Shyam Sankar – Executive Vice President & CTO, Palantir 

29. Sundar Pichai – CEO, Alphabet Inc., Google 

30. Tristan Harris – Co-Founder & Executive Director, Center for Humane Technology 

31. Ylli Bajraktari – CEO, Special Competitive Studies Project

October 24, 2023  


1. Aidan Gomez – CEO, Cohere 

2. Alexandra Reeve Givens – President & CEO, Center for Democracy and Technology 3. Alondra Nelson – Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study and Center for American Progress 4. Amanda Ballantyne – Director, AFL-CIO Technology Institute 

5. Austin Carson – Founder & President, SeedAI 

6. Derrick Johnson – President & CEO, NAACP 

7. Evan Smith – Co-Founder & CEO, Altana Technologies 

8. Jodi Forlizzi – Herbert A. Simon Professor in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University 9. John Doerr – Engineer & Venture Capitalist, Kleiner Perkins 

10. Kofi Nyarko – Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Morgan State  University 

11. Manish Bhatia – Executive Vice President of Global Operations, Micron 

12. Marc Andreessen – Co-Founder & General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz 

13. Max Tegmark – President, Future of Life Institute 

14. Patrick Collison – Co-Founder & CEO, Stripe 

15. Rafael Reif – Former President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  

16. Sean McClain – Founder & Former CEO, AbSci 

17. Stella Biderman –Executive Director, EleutherAI 

18. Steve Case – Chairman & CEO, Revolution 

19. Suresh Venkatasubramanian – Professor of Computer Science and Data Science, Brown University 20. Tyler Cowen – Holbert L. Harris Chair of Economics, George Mason University 

21. Ylli Bajraktari – CEO, Special Competitive Studies Project

November 1, 2023  


1. Allyson Knox – Director of Education Policy and Programs, Microsoft  

2. Anton Korinek – Professor of Economics, University of Virginia 

3. Arnab Chakraborty – Senior Managing Director, Accenture 

4. Austin Keyser – International President for Government Affairs, International Brotherhood of  Electrical Workers 

5. Bonnie Castillo – Executive Director, National Nurses United 

6. Chris Hyams – CEO, Indeed 

7. Claude Cummings – President, Communications Workers of America 

8. Daron Acemoglu – Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 9. José-Marie Griffiths – President, Dakota State University 

10. Michael Fraccaro – CPO, Mastercard 

11. Michael R. Strain – Director of Economic Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute 12. Patrick Gaspard – President and CEO, Center for American Progress 

13. Paul Schwalb – Executive Secretary-Treasurer, UNITE HERE 

14. Rachel Lyons – Legislative Director, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union 15. Robert D. Atkinson – President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation 


1. Alvin Velazquez – Associate General Counsel, Service Employees International Union 

2. Arvind Narayanan – Associate Professor of Computer Science, Princeton University 

3. Cathy O’Neil – CEO, ORCAA 

4. Dave Girouard – Founder & CEO, Upstart 

5. Dominique Harrison – Senior Fellow, Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution 6. Hoan Ton-That – Co-Founder & CEO, Clearview AI 

7. Jason Oxman – President & CEO, Information Technology Industry Council 8. Julia Stoyanovich – Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, New  York University 

9. Lisa Rice – President & CEO, National Fair Housing Alliance 

10. Margaret Mitchell – Chief Ethics Scientist, Hugging Face 

11. Prem Natarajan – Chief Scientist, Capital One 

12. Reggie Townsend – Vice President of Data Ethics, SAS 

13. Seth Hain – Vice President of R&D, Epic 

14. Surya Mattu – Co-Founder & Lead, Digital Witness Lab at Princeton University 15. Tulsee Doshi – Head of Product, Responsible AI, Google 

16. Yvette Badu-Nimako – Vice President of Policy, Urban League

November 8, 2023  


1. Alex Stamos – Former Director, Stanford Internet Observatory  

2. Amy Cohen – Executive Director, National Association of State Election Directors 3. Andy Parsons – Senior Director of the Content Authenticity Initiative, Adobe Inc.  4. Ari Cohn – Free Speech Counsel, TechFreedom 

5. Ben Ginsberg – Volker Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution 6. Damon Hewitt – President and Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law 7. Dave Vorhaus – Director for Global Election Integrity, Google 

8. Deidre Henderson – Lieutenant Governor, State of Utah  

9. Jennifer Huddleston – Technology Policy Research Fellow, Cato Institute 

10. Jessica Brandt – Former Policy Director for AI and Emerging Technology, Brookings Institution 11. Jocelyn Benson – Secretary of State, State of Michigan  

12. Kara Frederick – Director of Tech Policy Center, The Heritage Foundation 13. Lawrence Norden – Senior Director of Elections & Government, Brennan Center for Justice at New  York University  

14. Matt Masterson – Director of Information Integrity, Microsoft 

15. Melanie Campbell – President and CEO, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation 16. Michael Chertoff – Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Chertoff Group 

17. Neil Potts – Public Policy Director, Facebook 

18. Yael Eisenstat – Former Vice-President, Anti-Defamation League 


1. Arthur Evans Jr. – CEO and Executive Vice President, American Psychological Association 2. Bernard Kim – CEO, Match Group 

3. Chris Lewis – President and CEO, Public Knowledge 

4. Daniel Castro – Director and Vice President, Center for Data Innovation 

5. Ganesh Sitaraman – Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt Law School 

6. Gary Shapiro – CEO, Consumer Technology Association 

7. Mackenzie Arnold – Head of Strategy, Legal Priorities Project 

8. Mark Surman – Executive Director, Mozilla 

9. Mutale Nkonde – CEO, AI For the People 

10. Rashad Robinson – President, Color of Change  

11. Samir Jain – Vice President of Policy, Center for Democracy and Technology 12. Sean Domnick – President, American Association for Justice 

13. Stuart Appelbaum – President, Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union 14. Stuart Ingis – Chairman, Venable 

15. Tracy Pizzo Frey – President, Common Sense Media 

16. Zachary Lipton – Chief Scientific Officer, Abridge 

November 29, 2023  


1. Ali Farhadi – CEO, Allen Institute for AI 

2. Andrew Trask – Leader, OpenMined 

3. Ben Brooks – Head of Public Policy, Stability AI 

4. Ben Sheffner – Senior Vice President & Associate General Counsel, Motion Picture Association 5. Curtis LeGeyt – President & CEO, National Association of Broadcasters 

6. Cynthia Rudin – Earl D. McLean, Jr. Professor of Computer Science, Duke University 7. Danielle Coffey – President & CEO, News Media Alliance 

8. Dennis Kooker – President of Global Digital Business & US Sales, Sony Music Entertainment 9. Duncan Crabtree-Ireland – National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator, SAG-AFTRA 10. Jon Schleuss – President, NewsGuild 

11. Mike Capps – Founder & Board Chair, Howso 

12. Mounir Ibrahim – Vice President of Public Affairs and Impact, Truepic 

13. Navrina Singh – Founder & CEO, Credo AI 

14. Nicol Turner Lee – Senior Fellow for Governance Studies & Director of the Center for Technology  Innovation, Brookings 

15. Rick Beato – Producer & Owner, Black Dog Sound Studios 

16. Riley McCormack – President, CEO & Director, DigiMarc 

17. Vanessa Holtgrewe – Assistant Department Director of Motion Picture and Television Production,  IATSE 

18. Zach Graves – Executive Director, Foundation for American Innovation 

19. Ziad Sultan – Vice President of Personalization, Spotify 

December 6, 2023  


1. Aleksander Madry – Head of Preparedness, OpenAI 

2. Alexander Titus – Principal Scientist, USC Information Science Institute  

3. Amanda Ballantyne – Director, AFL-CIO Technology Institute 

4. Andrew Ng – Managing General Partner, AI Fund 

5. Hodan Omaar – Senior Policy Analyst, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation 6. Huey-Meei Chang – Senior China Science & Technology Specialist, Georgetown’s Center for Security  and Emerging Technology  

7. Janet Haven – Executive Director, Data & Society 

8. Jared Kaplan – Co-Founder, Anthropic 

9. Malo Bourgon – CEO, Machine Intelligence Research Institute 

10. Martin Casado – General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz 

11. Okezue Bell – President, Fidutam 

12. Renée Cummings – Assistant Professor of the Practice in Data Science, University of Virginia 

13. Robert Playter – CEO, Boston Dynamics  

14. Rocco Casagrande – Executive Chairman, Gryphon Scientific 

15. Stuart Russell – Professor, U.C. Berkeley 

16. Vijay Balasubramaniyan – CEO & Co-Founder, Pindrop 

17. Yoshua Bengio – Professor, University of Montreal 


1. Alex Karp – CEO, Palantir 

2. Alex Wang – CEO & Founder, Scale AI 

3. Anna Puglisi – Senior Fellow, Georgetown University Center for Security and Emerging Technology 

4. Bill Chappell – Vice President and CTO, Strategic Missions and Technologies, Microsoft 

5. Brandon Tseng – President & Co-Founder, Shield AI 

6. Brian Schimpf – CEO, Anduril 

7. Charlie McMillan – Former Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory 

8. Devaki Raj – Co-Founder, CrowdAI 

9. Eric Fanning – President & CEO, Aerospace Industries Association 

10. Eric Schmidt – Chair, Special Competitive Studies Project 

11. Faiza Patel – Senior Director of the Liberty and National Security Program, Brennan Center for Justice 12. Greg Allen – Director of Wadhwani Center for AI and Advanced Technologies, Center for Strategic and  International Studies 

13. Horacio Rozanski – CEO, Booz Allen Hamilton 

14. Jack Shanahan – Lieutenant General (USAF, Ret.), CNAS Technology & National Security Program

15. John Antal – Author, Colonel (ret.) 

16. Matthew Biggs – President, International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers 17. Michele Flournoy – CEO & Co-Founder, Center for a New American Security 

18. Patrick Toomey – Deputy Director of the National Security Project, American Civil Liberties Union 19. Rob Portman – Former Senator & Co-Founder of AI Caucus 

20. Scott Philips – CTO, Vannevar Labs 

21. Teresa Carlson – President and CCO, Flexport

Summaries of the AI Insight Forums  

Inaugural Forum (1st Forum) 

The first forum gathered leading voices across multiple sectors, including AI industry executives,  researchers, and civil rights and labor leaders, to discuss the significant implications of AI on the  United States and the world. We discussed the many ways AI will impact critical areas such as the  workforce, national security, elections, and healthcare, setting the stage for the detailed  conversations that followed in the subsequent forums. All of the attendees agreed that there was an  important role for government to play in fostering AI innovation while establishing appropriate  guardrails. 

Supporting U.S. Innovation in AI (2nd Forum) 

The second forum focused on the need to strengthen AI innovation. Participants noted the need for  robust, sustained federal investment in AI research and development funding. All of the attendees  agreed that the federal government should invest in AI research and development at least at the  levels recommended by the National Security Commission on AI ($8 billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024,  $16 billion in FY 2025, and $32 billion in FY 2026 and subsequent fiscal years). In addition to federal  investment, participants highlighted the need to ensure the benefits of AI innovation reach  underserved communities and communities not traditionally associated with the tech industry.  Suggestions included boosting digital infrastructure; encouraging immigration of high-skilled science,  technology, engineering, and math (STEM) talent; engaging workers in the research, development,  and design processes; continuing to collect additional data; and avoiding regulatory roadblocks that  could inadvertently compromise market competition. 

AI and the Workforce (3rd Forum) 

The third forum considered both the applications of, and risks from, AI to the workforce. Participants  recognized that while AI has the potential to affect every sector of the workforce – including both blue  collar and white-collar jobs – there is uncertainty in predicting the speed and scale of adoption of AI  across different industries and the extent of AI’s impact on the workforce. Despite that uncertainty,  many participants emphasized the need for employers to start training their employees to use this  technology. Some participants noted that, to maximize the benefits of AI in the workforce, workers  should be consulted when deploying this technology in the workplace. Some participants noted that  AI can help workers become more efficient, requiring industries to prepare and train employees with  skills to use the technology.

High Impact Uses of AI (4th Forum) 

The fourth forum examined specific high impact areas where AI might be used, including financial  services, health care, housing, immigration, education, and criminal justice, among others. A number  of participants testified that the effects of AI in these areas are not hypothetical, but are happening  now, emphasizing the need to ensure AI developers and deployers are following existing laws and to  consider where there might be gaps. Some participants noted that training AI systems on biased input  data could lead to harmful biased outputs and suggested that high impact AI systems should be  tested before they are deployed to detect potential civil rights and public safety impacts of those  systems. Participants agreed that the use of AI in high impact areas presents both opportunities and  challenges and that policymakers should protect and support U.S. innovation. They also emphasized  that transparency and engagement from diverse stakeholders must be prioritized when deploying AI  in these high impact areas. 

Elections and Democracy (5th Forum) 

The fifth forum analyzed the impact of AI on elections and democracy. Participants agreed that AI  could have a significant impact on our democratic institutions. Participants shared examples  demonstrating how AI can be used to influence the electorate, including through deepfakes and  chatbots, by amplifying disinformation and eroding trust. Participants also noted how AI could  improve trust in government if used to improve government services, responsiveness, and  accessibility. Participants proposed a number of solutions that could be employed to mitigate harms  and maximize benefits, including watermarking AI-generated or AI-augmented content, voter  education about content provenance, and the use of other AI applications to bolster the election  administration process. Some participants indicated state and local elections with less media  attention might be the biggest potential targets of AI disinformation campaigns, as well as the  biggest benefactors from proper safeguards.  

Privacy and Liability (6th Forum) 

The sixth forum explored how to maximize the benefits of AI while protecting Americans’ privacy and  the issue of liability as it related to the deployment and use of AI systems. Participants shared  examples of how AI and data are inextricably linked, from relying on vast amounts of data to train AI  algorithms to the use of AI in social media and advertising. Some participants noted that a national  standard for data privacy protections would provide legal certainty for AI developers and protection  for consumers. Participants observed that the “black box” nature of some AI algorithms, and the  layered developer-deployer structure of many AI products, along with the lack of legal clarity, might  make it difficult to assign liability for any harms. There was also agreement that the intersection of AI,  privacy, and our social world is an area that deserves more study.

Transparency, Explainability, Intellectual Property, and  Copyright (7th Forum) 

The seventh forum focused on four critical components in the development and deployment of AI:  transparency, explainability, intellectual property (IP), and copyright. Many participants noted that  transparency during the development, training, and deployment, and regulation of AI systems would  enable effective oversight and helps to mitigate potential harms. The use of watermarking and  content provenance technologies to distinguish content with and without AI manipulation were  discussed at length. Participants also discussed the importance of explainability in AI systems and  their view that users should be able to understand the outputs of why AI systems and how those  outputs are reached in order to use those outputs reliably. Some participants noted that there is a role  for the federal government to play in protecting American companies’ and individuals’ IP while  supporting innovation. Participants shared stories about creators struggling to maintain their  identities and brands in the age of AI as unauthorized digital replicas become more prevalent.  Participants agreed that the United States will play a key role in charting an appropriate course on the  application of copyright law to AI. 

Safeguarding Against AI Risks (8th Forum) 

The eighth forum examined the potential long-term risks of AI and how best to encourage  development of AI systems that align with democratic values and prevent doomsday scenarios.  Participants varied substantially in their level of concern about catastrophic and existential risks of AI  systems, with some participants very optimistic about the future of AI and other participants quite  concerned about the possibilities for AI systems to cause severe harm. Participants also agreed there  is a need for additional research, including standard baselines for risk assessment, to better  contextualize the potential risks of highly capable AI systems. Several participants raised the need to  continue focusing on the existing and short-term harms of AI and highlighted how focusing on short term issues will provide better standing and infrastructure to address long-term issues. Overall, the  participants mostly agreed that more research and collaboration are necessary to manage risk and  maximize opportunities. 

National Security (9th Forum) 

The ninth forum focused on the crucial area of national security. Participants agreed that it is critical  for the U.S. to remain ahead of adversaries when it comes to AI. To maintain a competitive edge,  participants agreed that it would require robust investments from the U.S. in AI research,  development, and deployment. From gaining intelligence insights to supercharging cyber capabilities  and maximizing the efficiency of drones and fighter jets, participants highlighted how the U.S. can  foster innovation in AI within our defense industrial base. Participants raised awareness about  countries like China that are heavily investing in commercial AI and aggressively pursuing advances in  AI capacity and resources. In order to ensure that our adversaries don’t write the rules of the road for  AI, participants reinforced the need to ensure the DOD has sufficient access to AI capabilities and  takes full advantage of its potential.