The right to privacy in the digital age (A/RES/73/179)

Resolutions and Declarations


The General Assembly reaffirms the right to privacy in the digital age, emphasizing protections against arbitrary interference as outlined in international human rights frameworks. It recognizes the rapid advancement of technology enabling global access to information while also acknowledging the risks posed by surveillance and data collection, which can infringe on privacy rights. The resolution calls on states to uphold privacy rights online, review surveillance practices regularly, and establish transparent oversight mechanisms. It urges legislative measures to protect against unlawful data collection and stresses the importance of remedies for privacy violations.

Business enterprises are urged to respect human rights, particularly privacy, by transparently informing users about data practices and implementing safeguards in data processing. The resolution highlights concerns over profiling and automated decision-making technologies, emphasizing the need for human rights considerations in their design and regulation. It encourages stakeholders to engage in dialogues on privacy rights and requests ongoing scrutiny and discussion by international bodies like the Human Rights Council and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The resolution underscores the importance of balancing technological advancement with human rights protections, aiming to ensure that digital environments remain secure, accessible, and conducive to the enjoyment of privacy rights worldwide.