Science, technology and innovation for development (A/RES/72/228)
December 2017
Resolutions and Declarations
The resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2017 recalls the among many, the 2005 World Summit Outcome, outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, and the Sustainable Development Goals resolution from 2015. It recognizes the importance of science, technology and innovation, and the importance of many additional tasks, such as: – ‘Supporting the policies and activities of developing countries in the fields of science and technology’ through cooperation – ‘the need to mobilize and scale up financing for innovation’ – ‘the need to enhance the science, technology and innovation programmes of the relevant entities of the United Nations system’ The resolution commits to focusing efforts where the challenges are the greatest, and reaffirms commitments based on reports of the Secretary-General. These commitments are broadly based on adopting science, technology and innovation in sustainable development strategies, and further developing these.